Goths and Emos


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e.e Goths do not try to talk to the dead. You mean psychics on that bit.

Goths dress in dark colors that appear depressing or sinister to some people. -shrug- I don't know why people acuse them of being sinister or evil or freaks. Its a style of dress.
It's because people associate a certain types of people with certain types of behavoir.

I'm generalizing here on my own account but the emo/scene kids at my school are usually not my kind of people. I've seen how their group asks and I'm not just being "stereotypical" when I say for the most part I don't want to be around them. Many do drugs, curse like there's no tomorrow, talk about sex, etc. and that's not what I want around me.

Again, don't call me steretypical but that seems to me how our emo/goth/scene kids group is which is a perfect example of this type of association.

People who act the same generally dress the same. Have you ever noticed that many best friends or groups of friends dress and have a similar style? People are naturaly drawn to similarity so when you see the few out of the group that act one way it's only natural to assume the rest of the crowd acts the same. And sometimes that assumption is correct. Of course there are the individuals in the group but certain peoples you don't want to associate yourself with for whatever reason.

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tamaw/pants @ March 12, 2008 08:21 pm:

It's because people associate a certain types of people with certain types of behavoir.
I'm generalizing here on my own account but the emo/scene kids at my school are usually not my kind of people. I've seen how their group asks and I'm not just being "stereotypical" when I say for the most part I don't want to be around them. Many do drugs, curse like there's no tomorrow, talk about sex, etc. and that's not what I want around me.

Again, don't call me steretypical but that seems to me how our emo/goth/scene kids group is which is a perfect example of this type of association.

People who act the same generally dress the same. Have you ever noticed that many best friends or groups of friends dress and have a similar style? People are naturaly drawn to similarity so when you see the few out of the group that act one way it's only natural to assume the rest of the crowd acts the same. And sometimes that assumption is correct. Of course there are the individuals in the group but certain peoples you don't want to associate yourself with for whatever reason.


Sometimes (although definitely not ALWAYS) clothes DO make the person.


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I think they are a style of dress. People shouldn't put stereotypes because someone dresses as goth. The emo posers irritate me because they run around like, "OMG, MY LIFE SUCKKKSS." And they think they have the right to do that because they dress in what they think is emo.-exeunt-
i agree...

i like the emo style.

but...i dont like the ppl who are ACTUALLY emo...

come on....

life doesnt suck...ignore the bad things and think of good things. ;)

thats what i do. and no one picks on me like before, when i used to think life sucked.

but emo boys are cute :p :(

Sometimes (although definitely not ALWAYS) clothes DO make the person.

Well, not exactly.

My point is we can generally use the transitive property [a=b, b=c therefore a=c]

It's like this:

A person [a] is attached to a group who dress similar. The group acts in this way [c]. Therefore, the person [a] acts this way [c].



Fur all those geometry peepz. :(

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"but emo boys are cute "


Anyways, like I said before, I could care less if they wore a kick me sign on their backs, just as long as they don't complain about life and all that. It's sort of annoying to hear these kids complain and overdose on drugs to "ease the pain", because how do expect to get through life if every obstacle you run into ends up with you hurting yourself in a unkindly manner? That's obviously not right, and to want to join that fad is even worse.

And for the posers - get your own style. Like emo/goth is everywhere, make yourself original. You may think wearing different patterns and fishnet leggings is original, but believe me, it's been done - your blending in like EVERYONE else. Yawn.

For the depressed folks, get happy. Go see the doctor instead of hurting yourself.

For the "fakes", get your own style. It's already been done.

Well, not exactly.
My point is we can generally use the transitive property [a=b, b=c therefore a=c]

It's like this:

A person [a] is attached to a group who dress similar. The group acts in this way [c]. Therefore, the person [a] acts this way [c].



Fur all those geometry peepz. 

;) I was in Mathcounts lol


I kinda see what you're saying, gotta think it over tho. :S *wears thinking cap*


Soo...what you're kinda saying is let's say a "goth" (a) group dresses the same as the "emo" ( B) group and the "emo" group acts like group ©...but what if (a) didn't act like ©??? Sorry, kinda thinking out loud... :p


But I get your point *nods*



Chatterbox :(

I hate how people call themselves emo/goth for no reason.

It's like people go around being all "Oh, well I don't see the brighter side of life.. Guess I'm emo, better go get something to cut myself with and rant on about hating life to people who don't care.."

Get my point?

*Not sure what the point is. But you might get what I mean.

Blah, labels are stupid x-x

I just dont get it, honstely there just people that dress abit diffrent, thats all.

Do you know how much times a day I get called 'Emo', 'Scene kid', 'Punk', ect.

Its very annoying and I highly dislike it :/

To me goths are people who wear red,black and white that talk to the dead. Thats where the real meaning comes from they all sit and Humm and talk to the dead.
actually, goths come from the Gothic century. Google it if you want to find out more about it because I don't want to go off topic.

And it was your opinion on goths. again, goths come the Gothic century.

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Meh, There okay. They just want to express thereselves. My friends are all girly so I have no idea how its like to have a emo/goth friend.

There pretty much like regular people except they cut there selves and are crying out to the world. Eww....

I don't mind them actually some of my friends are gothic but I still hang out with them even though I'm not gothic or emo. There people too so yeah I don't mind them I think of them as people too. I mean my friend who's a goth walks with her arms close together like she's cold but I still like her as a friend. =)

Like I said in my other post I hate labels x_x where I live, if you call your self 'emo', 'goth',ect. you like the #1 poser.

I personally think there just normal people, accpect when they complain that annoying me, but other than that they dont bother me.

I had a friend named K who was my "summer BFF" because we always went to summerschool together during the schoolyear. Okay during summerschool she loved cats, pink, being hyper and sweet, listening to hip-hop stations, and being funny (like me). This year she's just all suddenly like okay I'm gonna be "emo" and now she wears black, a pound of eyeliner, cuts herself, listens to TDG, and is always stone faced. Yes, she has had family problems, but she will never listen to me that cutting herself won't help. Then I told her that if she didn't know it existed and was associated with "emo" people, she wouldn't be doing it!

And before she would actually talk about real stuff, now ALL she talks about is being EMO.

Even in one of our classes we were s'posed to make bumper car arena designs, and her's was "Emo's Bumpers". And then she comes up to me and is like "N, guess wat next week is?" and I'm like "WHAT, K?" and she's like "Emo week! Are you going to do it?" And I wanted to smash her head with a brick, (but didn't).

And all her and her new friend D talk about is Emo as well. One day D comes up to her and is like "K, I totally emotized my locker" and i wanted to laugh at how dumb that sounded but was to annoyed to.

> :rolleyes:


I dont realy like labels,I just dont like it when people call themselves "emo" it just screams POSER!
That exactly how I feel.

Labels are stupid and its even more stupid when they label them self.

I had a friend named K who was my "summer BFF" because we always went to summerschool together during the schoolyear. Okay during summerschool she loved cats, pink, being hyper and sweet, listening to hip-hop stations, and being funny (like me). This year she's just all suddenly like okay I'm gonna be "emo" and now she wears black, a pound of eyeliner, cuts herself, listens to TDG, and is always stone faced. Yes, she has had family problems, but she will never listen to me that cutting herself won't help. Then I told her that if she didn't know it existed and was associated with "emo" people, she wouldn't be doing it! And before she would actually talk about real stuff, now ALL she talks about is being EMO.

Even in one of our classes we were s'posed to make bumper car arena designs, and her's was "Emo's Bumpers". And then she comes up to me and is like "N, guess wat next week is?" and I'm like "WHAT, K?" and she's like "Emo week! Are you going to do it?" And I wanted to smash her head with a brick, (but didn't).

And all her and her new friend D talk about is Emo as well. One day D comes up to her and is like "K, I totally emotized my locker" and i wanted to laugh at how dumb that sounded but was to annoyed to.

> :huh:

Wow that must be sooo annoying. It would even be annoying if she WAS a real Emo which I'm guessing she's not.

People who actually are depressed in life, and have a hard time in life aren't gothic, or emo or however you call it or just flawn it all over the internet or in plublic... It's just a style, that's all.

If you're really depressed and sad in life most people don't go around, and purposely show it. >.>

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