Gotchi Guy's Tamagotchi log


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Sunday, January. 25th

Hello guys,I know I said I woulden't type the date in anymore but I will do it because I need to find out how to change the actual time for your account.


Alirght,about the Draco's,I married Mary to a Magictchi because I figured I will get Tonotchi next generation I can have a pure Sociable family,so I have another Maharajatchi.


OK,here are there names:







Hope you like there names :mametchi: .I treated them realy well as babies,I think this is the best I have treated babies in this version,oh,and Benny,Tyler and Jordyn have 10% bonds, i'm getting it to 30% and leaving it at that.


OK,i'm gonna check on the Draco's.......yup,there good!


I hope you enjoy reading this entry,and I can't believe how much views this log has! thank you SO MUCH you guys! :mimitchi:

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Mary and Lala are enjoying a nice cup of tea together XD,I guess Jordyn and Tyler are feeling a little left out now haha :D .


I find it a little hard to concentrate typing because my brother is watching a zombie movie and it's so gory and it's got so much screaming :( .I went on TC(Tamachat) earlier and it seems pretty fun,so I might go on a bit more often.

Monday, January. 26th

Hello again guys :D .


Today my dad took me and my brother to see Hotel for dogs,which was a great movie :D .The Draco's had some milk this morning and then they were unhappy,so I played a game of tennis and lost,but I still got that happy heart up!


I also played a game of Safe box with Lala and won,they have been enjoying playing with the planetarium :) .I have been reading some Music Star logs and I am DYING to get one! there so cool,but I don't think there are any new characters because I have read alot of logs with just classic characters,I hope to get a Mametchi because he is one of my favourite characters.It is hard to choose a favourite Tama character though,so I guess you could just say all of them are my favourite :D .When I made my account,Mametchi360 I was REALY into Mametchi.


With the Draco's,I am pretty sure they are due to evolve tomorrow,i'm guessing i'll get Mamekatchi,Chamametchi and Shelltchi.I forgot to mention that they are now the Sociable family.I saw Lala doing the stamp animation with Mary.

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Tuesday, January. 26th

The Draco's haven't morphed yet,I played a game of Pool Play earlier and lost >_<.


I also won a game of Cue Ball,my tama's have had a good day so far.I doubt they will morph today,i'm guessing tomorrow as soon as they wake up :mimitchi: .

Instead of me talking and why don't I let the Tama's speak for them selves?



Benny:You childen are so well behaved!

Tyler:We are? WOW!

Lala:Today was such a greta day,don't you agree mummy?

Mary:Yes,you have been very good,almost all of you *eyes Tyler*


Well,I hope you enjoyed there little talk.I have Lala doing the stamp animation with Mary,I discovered she also does it with Benny,I thought they only do it with the mother,silly me :) .

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Hey guys,I was wrong...


My Tama's are teenagers! Lala is a Chamametchi,Tyler is a Mamekatchi and Mary is a Shelltchi.

Thursday, January. 27th

Hey guys :D .Sorry I didn't reply yesterday.


The Draco's have not morphed into adults yet but they are having a great time.Yesterday,I bought them a Gold bag and Lala realy likes playing with it :p .


I have school tomorrow so I might not be able to post as much with homework and stuff,but I will try my BEST.


The Draco's are hungry,i'll give them a croissant,yum!


They haven't been very need today,I can't wait until there adults,hopefully i'll get the adults i'm expecting.So,the Music Star comes out in just a couple more days for me,how exciting but not so much for the Draco's,I only like to have one active Tama so i'll take there batteries out when I get my MS :p .I just don't think I could do bonding AND skill points at the same time,I mean come on :furawatchi: .


Later people!

Friday, January. 28th

Hey guys! My Tamagotchi's evolved!


Lala is a Rosetchi

Tyler is a Pharoatchi

Mary is now a Chandelitchi


I just love these adults,escpecialy Chandelitchi,they are realy cool,probably my best adults yet,They evolved late last night when I was absolutely sure they weren't going to morph that day.Tyler looks realy happy bouncing around his little house hehe :p .


Yesterday,I let them play with the satellite,it is realy cool.Next generation I am gonna try to get a Euuytchi(if thats how you pronounce it) because I have the golden bean for Mametchi.My brother realy wanted a rosetchi so I bet he's jealous :) .


Thats all for now folks, :D

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Saturday, January, 9th

Earlier this morning,I went on Tamatown and was playing that pool game where you have to give the Tamagotchi's what they want,after that I tried to play another game but yet AGAIN the Tama Expo was experiencing traffic jam <_< .


I'm realy going to miss these guys when I marry Lala :( .Especialy Mary,I just love Chandelitchi's :D .If I haven't mentioned it,I am going to marry Lala to Tamastatchi or Pharoatchi.So I will have two parents I have never gotten before,Tonyotchi and Tonotchi and a bonus for me-another pure Sociable family.


I was reading some Music Star logs and found out you can get Shimasimatchi in the Music Star! how cool is that! he was my first V4 character,Bill.


I'll post again soon! :D

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Monday, February. 2nd

I'm so SORRY I didn't post guys :( .I just just busy,so I married Lala to a Tamastatchi(whom I found on the first try) and she was sad to leave Mary and Tyler,but happy to became a Tonyotchi! and Tamastatchi,who I will call Tom,became a Tonotchi.


Now I have three toddlers with 0% bonding :) .First is Sakuramotchi,I will name her Jade,second is a Mousetchi named Ben and last bot not least is little tororotchi who I will call Mary after the Chandelitchi Mary becaus she was such a great character :D .


I treated them excellent as babies again,I let them play with a few items,I aslo got some mail from Roxygirl,she was complementing my log,so thankyou very much. :D

Tuesday, February. 3rd

bernie08,thanks for the comment :mimitchi: ,but please don't post in my log.If you want to contact me,please send me a PM.


Moving on to the tamas.They have 30% bonds and I can't wait to get an Euuytchi.I plan to marry ben to a Hotteatchi,Chandelitchi or Gypsytchi so I can get a Crystaltchi(Hotteatchi is the only low bonding adult that dosen't change into of the previous parents from the V5).


I also played two games of cue ball this morning with the Draco's but unfortunately lost both :angry: .


Because there hasen't been much interesting info in this entrie I will tell you what I thought about some of the previous Tamagotchi versions.


V1:Never had one...

V2:One of my favourite versions,it was realy simple and had EXCELLENT characters,such as Whaletchi and Kiwitchi,I always used to get those characters :D .


V3:The version that started the craze at my school,probably my second favourite B) .


V4:This version was Awesome at the start,I loved it! but as me and my brother achieved more and more characters we found it boring by Generation 12.


V5:This version,like the V4,was good until I achieved just about every character I think except for the special families.But ever since I saw my neighbours Gozarutchi family I wanted to get one and never got the chance...maybe a future idea ;) . not much to say except...AWESOME! NOTHING BUT PURE AWESOMNES!My favourite Version so far(I reckon the Music Star will change that)cool characters,mad parents and cool items,the only thing that could make it better is if they put more adults in,but other than that,I loved it!


Ciao people! :lol:

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Tom and Lala were sharing a lovely meal together and they realy enjoyed sharing time together.


The Draco's loved there dinner,steak fillet.They called for bonding mometns ago but I will not train them as I don't want them getting 40% bonds :lol: .


Until tomorrows post,later!


Wednesday, February. 4th

Hello guys,I think the Draco's are due to evolve today.I just ignored another training call.I think the Tama's would like to talk to you!


Jade:Dad,i'm hungry! can I have some cake?

Mary:Don't be rude! you have to ask "nicely"

Ben:I never up the junk food!

Lala:How rude are you children!

Ben:*sighs*can you "please" give up the candy?


Ben is so cheeky :D .Today's post was just very short :D .

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Friday, February. 6th

Hey guys,terribly sorry I didn't reply yesterday,well the Draco's are teens! :huh: here is what they are:


Jade is a Chamametchi

Ben is a Mamekatchi

Mary is an Itchigotchi


I was sure Mary was going to evolve into a Shelltchi :p .Oh well,looks like two secret characters :D .I decided I don't realy want to get the techo sound for Music Star because black dosen't realy stand out,my bro likes the red one,I think i'll get Rock City.


My brother has both Euuyutchi and Memetchi but he dosen't have the chest to morph Memetchi,I looked in the shop for ages but I coulden't find it :p .Yellowmoodtama gave a nice comment on my log :D .Wow,thanks so much guys,without you my log woulden't be as good,thanks for being patient with the post delays and all that.


Later :D

Sunday, February. 8th

The Draco's are not adults yet :furawatchi: .I realy want to see what Mary morphs into,Hotteatchi or Memetchi? I can't wait to find out!


I have been letting them use some items and I feel bad because I haven't played much games with them this generation,poor Draco's :D .


At least theree going to be healthy young,adults soon.Thats something to look forward to.I guess they would like to speak to you now,I told them not to be rude but...oh you'll have to find out :D .


Ben:I'm gonna be *real* rude!

Jade:No your not!*slaps Ben*

Jane:You kids! your father is working in the shed so be quiet!

Ben:Wait...Wait..Wait...we have a shed?

Jane:Er,um well...

Mary:I wanna be rude! smelly bottom!

Ben:Big butt!


OK,there behaviour is getting out of hand,they realy need to get out of the "house" more :D .

Woot! Jade,Ben and Mary are now adults,and Ben and Mary are very special :D .


Jade is a Chantotchi

Ben was a Mametchi but is now an Eiyuutchi

Mary was a Memetchi but is now an Antoinetchi


Yay,I got both the secret characters,which is kinda dissapointing because I planned to get an Antoinetchi next generation with Kuro but oh well,at least I get a Kuromametchi next gen!


It is so cool having TWO secret characters,I just love Anoinetchi,she is so cool.I got there bonding to 70% and I am going to see a growth chart to see who looks better:Eiyuutchi parents or Antoinetchi parent because it's out of them which one I am going to marry.Poor Jade,no talk about her,but don't get me wrong,I love Chantotchi's,this is only my second one,well I will post in about 5 minutes who I will marry,Ben or Mary^_^.


*I have decided to marry Ben because if I get a Teitokutchi as a father,I can get Crystaltchi so then I have obtained all the new female parents.*

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Monday, February.9th

Hello there :D .Now,Ben Mary and Jade have 90% bonds and I have noticed something about Mary,when I press 'C' and she comes up close to the screen,her face and eyes look alot like Memetchi's,thats realy cool.


I probably could of achieved 100% bonds today but I missed a training call :( .This morning I played jewels with Ben and he loved it because he won,he is dying to become a Teitokutchi.Elizabetchi looks great also.


The music star comes out very soon,just a couple more days,words can't explain how excited I am :) .


I know todays post was quite short but thats all I got for now,Later!

Tuesday, February. 10th

See? I don't always forget to post :p .


OK,so the triplets have 100% bonding(which I achieved this morning) and they should be able to marry late tonight,or tomorrow morning.Hopefully tonight B) .


As you all know,I am going to marry Ben to Hotteatchi,Gypsytchi or Chandelitchi so I can get my first Crystaltchi.


My brother wants me to get him the chest item because after he saw Mary he realy wanted an Antoinetchi,so I will work on that later,something realy cute now.Tom and Lala are kissing each other,I bet the triplets are embarrased!


Peace out homies :p .

Wednesday, February. 11th

This morning,I found a sweet Hotteatchi for Ben,he became a handsome Teikokutchi.He loves his new wife,who is a Crystaltchi.


I have three children,a Tororotchi,a Mattaritchi and a Sakuramotchi with 20% bonds.I should name my family now.


Crystaltchi(Mother) *Star*

Tororotchi(First sibling)*Angela*

Mattaritchi(Second Sibling)*Bubba*

Sakuramotchi(last child)*Lady*


I like those names :( .Crystaltchi's are realy cool,and Teitokutchi looks like a lady lol,with his funny hair XD.
