Gotchi Guy's Tamagotchi log


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[SIZE=8pt]Uwasatchi had been doing great. She is 5 years old and she has 850G. She weighs 17g and is healthy. I have some good news for you guys that will hopefully make this log more interesting.[/SIZE]


I was reading a log last night with a certain Tamagotchi that I have not raised for a while because of the iD. This owner had two active Tamagotchi's and I have not done that in a long time. Thats why I have decided to raise another Tamagotchi. I am not going to tell you which one it is but I am certain that I am not going to raise the second Tamagotchi until Uwasatchi's baby is 2 years old and an adult (Just to keep some space between the two.)


I am realy looking forward to it. When I picked up the Tamagotchi I have chosen to raise yesterday it felt so strange in my hand! It felt too thin. It is because I gotten used to the iD. I can not wait for this!



[SIZE=8pt]I am so happy today! When I woke up this morning I read in my room until 8.00am. I went to check on Uwasatchi and a few seconds after I picked my Tamagotchi up Uwasatchi got her [/SIZE]Mo


I took her to the Friends Plaza where she met Violetchi, Kutchipatchi and KuroMametchi. I then took her to the matchmaker and she was offered a Kikitchi, Gozarutchi and Kutchipatchi. I married her to Gozarutchi.


They had a boy! Thats why I am so happy! He is now a healthy Hanepatchi. :D Hanepatchi weighs 16g and now I have 5 friend stamps. I cannot wait until he turns 2. :D



[SIZE=8pt]You have probably guessed what version I am going to hatch this saturday if you saw my topic in Group Hatchlings. The Music Star! I did not get much time to play with my orange Music Star so that will be the one I am going to raise. [/SIZE]


Please feel free to join! I would love to have more members. Recently, tamatamatamagotchiyay joined the hatch so I will be looking forward to seeing them in the hatch. It is a Music Star hatch so read the rules of the Hatch if you wish to participate.


Adorable Hanepatchi evolved into a Kiraratchi. He is 1 year old and I forgot to mention this but ever since I got my Uwasatchi friend stamp a red baloon has appeared in the courtyard. I like it just floating there. I wonder if it goes away?


I also renovated Kiraratchi's bedroom into the Sweets style so now my whole interior is Sweets style. When I go into the courtyard my whole house is Sweet style, so far this is the only style that shows the whole house as the style.


I have to go now...I am going to watch a DVD so see you soon from me and Kiraratchi (PS...go check out the hatch! :D )

Kiraratchi evolved into Mametchi on Tuesday. This is going to be my final post until saturday. Mametchi is 3 I had a feeling this would happen but it will not have a big effect. If their growth stages are to close I can easily pause one for a few days.


I am very pleased to say that another member has joined the hatch, meowzoey1234. I almost forgot! I am not entirely sure this is true but it seems a member of TamaTalk figured out the Music Star growth!


The credit goes to them for finding it out. :unsure: I say thank you because I have tried to figure it out for so long. It is so care miss drops you into the next care category. The categories are Perfect, above average, average, below averange and bad care.


Here, this might help you:


0 care misses= Perfect care character

1 care miss=above average care character

2 care misses=average care character

3 care misses=below average care character

4 care misses=bad care character


I have two reasons to back up this theory. First is I always took bad care of my Chamametchi and always ended up with Mimitchi. I think I got Memetchi once (Sometimes if the care is realy bad or just luck you can get another character) It was because I never gave her a care miss.


2. My Chamametchi recieved 4 care misses and became a Masktchi (bad care character) Thats all for now. See you on saturday!



[SIZE=8pt]Hello guys! Since I am only logging my Music Star on my group hatch, I will talk continue to log my wonderful iD until the hatch ends. Just some info about my Music Star, it is male and he is a Kikitchi. [/SIZE] :angry:


Mametchi has just been an awesome character so far, what makes it even more fun is that he has company. :blink: I just like coming to check on them both instead of one. I got his TaMaTo letters. I got his Ta by feeding him the steak, his Ma by feeding him the Mamedaifuku and his To by making him wear the Baseball cap. (Which looks excellent on him. :D )


He is 4 years old and last night he saw a Gorripatchi at Dougnut Park. I took him to that place quite a bit yesterday, I was surprised to see him playing Frisbee with a YoungMametchi. :D


[SIZE=8pt]I took the batteries out of my Tamagotchi iD and put it in my shoebox of Tamagotchi's. I am just going to raise another Tama with my Music Star for a break, so I can look forward to raising my Mametchi on my iD. :eek: [/SIZE]


I reset my Music Star, Aaron had became a Dreamitchi (Thank you so much JampesChaplin1!) but I felt I did not spend alot of time with him and I was just so happy to have a Boy's Destiny Star I used it straight away when I should of let him be a Mametchi because I rarely get them.


Anyway! I have a new Tamagotchi entering the scene! It is my Tamagotchi V5.5 and it is on generation 12! I plan to marry Marge, my Music Star that I reset. I can't wait to mate them! I am going to keep my V5.5 on Travel Show until Marge becomes a Toddler so they can catch up.


I am going to look at the V5.5 growth chart, so see ya!

There has been a change of plan, I am so sorry. :blink: I am going to raise my two Music Stars! My Rock City Music Star is male and his name is Homer. My orange Music Star is female and she is named Marge, I plan to mate them (perfect match, :huh: ).


They are paused as I type this but when I finish this entry I am going to take Homer to Music City. I am only going to use the hacks for points, leveling and CD exp along with item codes (not instruments or toys.)


I will post again when Marge and Homer become toddlers. I will have some fun "pimping" my room in Music City. Au revoir!

19th of February, Friday

I am so sorry. There has been another change of plans. I simply could not just put my iD away. I want to raise my Mametchi! I am so happy to have it back. Right now Mametchi (iD) is 5 years old and he should get his Mo letter today or tomorrow.

As with my orange Music Star, I am going to reset it because I will not be raising my Rock City Music Star. Raising two Music Star's would probably be a chore, worrying about TWO skill points, TWO Pro Debut's and TWO Tamagotchi's being able to aford stuff (No wait...JamesChaplin1 can fix that, mehehe...) so I am just going to raise my orange one, I promise this will be the final change of plans.

I am setting the date and time. I just set my username so the egg should hatch soon...A sweet baby girl. Her toy is a dress and her instrument is a piano, I named her Lauren after's James' sister from the Cherub series.

Now I must go and raise little Lauren into a healthy Toddler. :lol:

*EDIT*- 3:09pm Lauren became a Hitodetchi.

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20th of February, Saturday


8:12am Mametchi married a Lavilutchi and had a baby Pitchikutchi.


5:25pm Pitchikutchi evolved into Hoshitchi


Yeah so I did pause my Tama's for a long time. I got another Hoshitchi. Hope I get a Belutchi soon. You probably noticed my new logging style. :eek: I type the time of the important events that happen, I will try it for a while and see if I like it. Oh and you know Tamagotchi's with English and Japanese names like Lovelitchi, Belltchi, Shelltchi, etc. I am going to call them Lavilutchi, Belutchi and Shelutchi because since the iD is Japanese I guess I should name them that.


Lauren is 0 years old and her skill points are Tone:119 Rythm:118 Original:222. I got some rare and expensive items for hear yesterday, I got her the Boy's Destiny Star, the Girl's Destiny Star, the Wild Guitar (Yes!) and the Dream Mic! I will save that for when I get a Dreamitchi because its a good match. :)


I am off to read some logs on Tama-Zone, then I should just raise Lauren's skill points. Audios! :)

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21st of February, Sunday

9:30am The teacher knocked on Lauren's door and gave her a Turn Table.


Lauren is in a band named "Love" the members are all female. Lydia is an Itchigotchi and she has a Turn Table and Lisa is a Ringotchi who also has a Turn Table.


Lauren is a Chamametchi, she evolved last night but I did not hear her. Her skill points are Tone:157 Rythm:259 Original:248. She has 43 stress and two empty hunger hearts and three empty happy hearts.


My Hoshitchi is 1 year old and weighs 21 grams. She has a good amount of cash, 2590G. I renovated her room into the McDonald's theme, it looks realy good. :furawatchi:


I have beat the school minigame with Love three times and Lauren has changed from liking Classical to Jazz.

22nd of Febuary, Monday

Yesterday Hoshitchi evolved into Shelutchi and she has had 1 care miss. For some reason, the wallpaper has changed to the 'Happy Birthday' theme. I thought only adult characters had birthdays. :unsure:


My darling little Lauren is 2 years old. I love it when teenage Tama's are 2 because you are just so eager to see what their evolution is! I hope it is Memetchi or Violetchi, that would just be superb.


I realy want Shelutchi to become Makiko. I only need 5 more friends stamps, which are Gozarutchi, Kikitchi, Lavilutchi, Makiko and Memetchi. Once I get all the friend stamps I will remove the battery for a while. I realy wish I could get a Tamagotchi plus color but I am focused on the V2 and V4.5 right now. :p

24th of February, Wednesday

Shelutchi evolved into a Makiko. Makiko is such a great character! I love having her on my iD. I took a photo of her and here are how you get her TaMaToMo letters.


Ta-Feed Makiko French Toast from the restaurant.


Ma-Feed Makiko the Cupcake from TamaCafe.


To-Have Makiko play with the Tennis Racket


I don't write the time that events happen all the time, sometimes I just note it. Anyway, Lauren's band Love failed their first addition but after practising at the Studio and raising Lauren's skill points they succeeded the second time, now Love is ranked 9th with 35, 722, 140 Tama Fans.


Lauren went back to being a Jazz fan after liking Rock N' Roll for a while. She is also 3 years old. I am a bit dissapointed to see know one has posted their Music Star growths on my project topic. Please post them so we can figure this out!

27th of February, Saturday

12:30pm Lauren accepted Gozarutchi as a partner from Guitartchi and had a baby girl.

I am so happy Lauren is married! The little girls name is Sabrina. Lauren is 5 years old and she has so much money! 3508830P to be exact. I used JC1's codes to get the Wild Guitar. I can't wait to use it. :)

Makiko is 5 years old and weighs 24gs. She is less wealthier than Lauren and her family. She only has 640 Gotchi Points which I will fix soon. Lauren's skill points are Tone: 579 Rythm: 615 Original: 648. I think Gozarutchi is a good match for her. :D

I am looking at these two Tamagotchi's on ebay, a V2 and a V4.5. I will try to get the names of the designs after this.

Au revoir!

1st of March, Monday

Lauren and Gozarutchi left poor little Sabrina all alone this morning. She has 80 stress and 3 empty happy hearts. Her instrument is a Turn Table and her toy is a mirror. She just fell asleep. :rolleyes:


As for my Tamagotchi iD, I removed the batteries because I plan to activate my Tamagotchi V4. It is green and has maths questions on it like 4+6=10 but most of them are faded so I cannot see them. I cannot wait and I am going to start a hatch so all of you are welcome to join.


I had a bit of internet trouble yesterday and it can only be accessed by having one of our home phones on. This is quite annoying for my mum because she does not get incomming calls on that phone, but there is always the other one.


I hope Sabrina becomes Tamatchi. ;)

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3rd of March. Wednesday

Hi guys! I apologise for not logging for two days. Sometimes I may go longer but I just have been doing it a bit lately, our house lost all of its electricity and we had to get it repaired. During some of that time I had lil' Sabrina on pause.


She is a 0 year old Hitodetchi, don't know how I got her. She has had 2 care misses and has 65 stress. Ms. Frill gave her a train which is excellent because I only had girls toys. Sabrina's skill points are Tone: 308 Rythm: 209 and Original: 207. The cutie just went to bed, and she is a Hip-Hop fan. :furawatchi:


I forgot to mention that Sabrina's mother, Lauren and her band won a Jazz award so I am so proud of her. Thats my first trophy on this Music Star! Well I'd best be off now. I am so excited about my hatch. Go ahead and check it out. ;)

4th of March, Thursday

Somehow Sabrina became a Chamametchi. I am realy confused, I wish someone could figure out the growth. 2 Care misses and I get Chamametchi. :hitodetchi:


I am going to reset my Music Star because I have a feeling of I did wrong. I think I needed more care misses, and this time I will pay more attention to my Music Star. Here I go... Actualy, no. I do not want to have to reset it, I have a better idea.


I will just give her 3 care misses and see what she becomes. I will try care misses again, wish me luck. I will give you some more information on Sabrina later, oh and the teacher gave her a Saxophone.

5th of March, Friday

I am so happy! My little Sabrina became a Kunoitchi!!! <_< . So 2 care misses gets you Kunoitchi, now I know that the growth is not related to care misses. I am so happy!


Sabrina is fast asleep and yesterday she formed a band name Silver (After Pokemon Soul Silver) with a Kikitchi named Paul who plays the piano and a Hinotamatchi named Ryo who plays the Saxophone.


I will post later today when her Paul and Ryo evolve. I am looking forward to the hatch tomorrow!

Edit Paul evolved into a Shimashimatchi and Ryo evolved into a Mametchi. Silver has failed 2 of their auditions. :lol:

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6th of March, Saturday

Music Star

Since I am logging my v4 in my group hatching my music star will have 100% attention until Kim (my v4) gets married and leaves her baby. I am very pleased to say that Sabrina's band Silver passed their Pro Debut, it was only their third try.


Sabrina is ranked 4th with 103,927,471 fans, not to shabby concidering they only started their career today. Sabrina's skill points are Tone: 550 Rythm: 480 Original: 544. I can't believe they went from 999th from 4th! I haven't mentioned this in a while, Sabrina's favourite music genre is Hip-Hop music.


9th of March, Tuesday

Music Star

4:30pm Guitartchi offered Sabrina Togetchi as a mate and she accepted.

Yep, Sabrina is now married to a handsome Togetchi. They had a baby girl. :) Oh well, hopefully I will get a boy on generation 4. Sabrina's band Silver won the Hip Hop trophy, she is still dedicated to Hip Hop.


Her skill points are Tone: 900 Rythm: 884 Original: 852. I reckon they are excellent. :D Sabrina does practise alot. I have not thought of a name for the new baby girl but I will think of one when I am in school tomorrow.


Audios guys! Good night!

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