Gotchi Guy's Tamagotchi log


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Sunday, December, 12th

Alison married a Tosakatchi yesterday at 12:30PM and they had a baby girl. I wanted a boy but at least I can aim for Chantotchi now. :D Alison's baby is named Betty.


I haven't done the competition yet. I will do it when Alison wakes up. I have tried a few items on her and it's so funny when Tosakatchi comes in. He looks like a rock star when he wears the hat. :(


Awesome news! Gal Powa won the Rock N' Roll trophy last night. I am very proud of them. Alison's skill points are Tone:855 Rythm:776

Original:780. I am going to see New Moon today. :)


Betty evolved into an Itchigotchi in her sleep late last night. She was visited by the teacher who gave her an acordian. She started a band called Illusion with a Chamametchi and a Ringotchi that I forgot the name of again. ;)


Her skill points are all in the 400 section and I have completed the school mini-game three succesful times in a row. I have had so much fun playing with my PlayStation 2 because my mum set it up. I am currently playing Ratchet and Clank 3.


I can't wait to see who Betty evolve's into. I have had two care misses with her. I decided I do not want Betty to become a Chantotchi, I want her to become an Onputchi. :p


I am so looking forward to Christmas! This monday my mum is taking me to Toy's R Us to see if there is something I like. :mimitchi:


[SIZE=8pt]So sorry I havn't been posting! I think I am going to burst with happiness! I will try to calm down and tell you my story. Here you go. :blink: [/SIZE]


I was thinking of a Christmas present because my mum said I could choose something but not to expensive. I looked on ebay and typed "Tamagotchi iD" I knew it wouldn't be out yet but I wanted to see it.


There was like 10 of them all from the same seller. I looked at a green one and the colour screen was so amazing, then I remembered the rumours Bandai wasn't releasing them anywhere else but Japan. Then I said "Who cares if I can't read Japanese! I have got to have one!" I showed my mum and she was happy to pay $82 and the postage and handling was free. :lol:


My Auntie actualy did the PayPal thing for my mum because my Auntie is professional ebay-ist. :D So I am getting a Tamagotchi iD when I am on my annual holiday. :lol:


It won't be to hard to manage with the language thing. Plenty of non-Japanese people have had plenty of fun knowing the language. I did a bit of research and found out that Chamametchi and Kikitchi are adult characters!


I am taking out the batteries of my Music Star. It was fun but when you think about all the generations I raised of Music Star's I just think the music theme kind of got in the way of raising you're tamagotchi. It mainly focused on it's career as a musician. The iD focuses on nuthing but care! I am dying to have it. See y'all tomorrow. :lol:


[SIZE=8pt]Merry Christmas! I have had a great Christmas and I hope you have had a great Christmas like me. :) I took some photos of some of my gifts and I hope you enjoy them. :) [/SIZE]


Halo 3 ODST

Smackdown vs Raw 2010

My personal favourite(Yummy!)


I am going to go on holidays soon and we are leaving on the 31st of December. I should get the iD while I am on holidays. I was looking at some logs and found out that Mattaritchi is a toddler on the iD. :)


I will post once more before I go on holidays. I can't wait to get the Tama iD. :)

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Happy New Year guys! I know I said I would post one more time before I go on holidays but silly me forgot. :lol: If you are wondering, yes I do have the Tamagotchi iD. :( I got it on New Years Day and it is totally awesome! I will tell you all about my first generation.

As soon as I got the batteries in it came to life, I was excited to see a colour screen for the first time (besides the images on the internet) and I set the time and date and my birthday. The strange thing is it asks you to name the Tama even though you don't know its gender. I just chose random buttons and put in any letters. I call it Rose even though the japanese letters do not spell it.

I hatched a Pichikutchi (Yes, I even know the character names ;) ) which is the female baby character. It was fun taking care of her. She was not very needy and I tried my hand at the two games. GOGO Slot Machine is the first game and I found that pretty hard because I thought you had to simply press the button on the character you want it to stop on, but when you press a button it rolls a few times before it stops. The Article Catching game was very simple, collect the items shown by the character. I beat that a few times.

When Rose became a Hoshitchi I was surprised because I had not had one of them for a long time. I visited Donut Park and met some characters. I do knot know what it does though, surely it must have an effect when your Tamagotchi meets another character? I guess not, it is fun though seeing who your Tamagotchi meets.

The day after New Years Day Rose became a Shelltchi, another V5 character. I loved this stage vecause I got the hang of both games and started getting a good amount of Gotchi Points. I changed my rooms interior to this blue background, it looked girly so it fit rose perfectly. :angry: There is also another food option available for teens. Toddlers also got a new option, though.

The next day Rose turned 2 and when she evolved I was shocked to see a new character I had never seen in my life, a Lavulitchi. I explored some of the adult features and took a photo of her which is an awesome feature on the iD. I got her "To" which is part of TaMaToMo for making her wear these glasses. When she became 4 I discovered she was able to marry. I had a few good choices but decided to marry a Kikitchi. :angry:

Rose kissed the Kikitchi and she they had a baby boy, a Pachikutchi. She played with him for a while then left him. Well I am raising Roses' baby now but he is now a toddler, he is a Mattaritchi. This version is so much fun!

Okay I will admit, I did not learn the character names on my own, I got them off a character and growth chart for the iD. I did not use the growth chart to get Lavulitchi, I only discovered it today.And I have some plans for my Mattaritchi, you will have to just wait and see what he becomes. :angry:

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[SIZE=8pt]I missed the teen evolution again! When I missed Rose evolve into Shelutchi I was on the computer and now I missed Mattaritchi's evolution while I was outside eating ice-cream. ;) Anyway, Mattaritchi became a Kiraratchi which is the good care teen. You can get him if you have 0-3 care misses while in the toddler stage.[/SIZE]


Binary has made a growth chart for the Tamagotchi iD and you can check it out by going to the Tips and Tricks section.


It is a very well-done chart. :wub: As you can see, my Kiraratchi can either evolve into Mametchi, KuroMametchi or Gozarutchi. I already know what character I want. Want a hint? The character's connection gift is a Soccer Ball. I have been having alot of fun with my iD. I have written down the Ta Ma To Mo letters for three characters, I can only tell you two because one of them is the character I am aiming for. The two are Gozarutchi and Makiko.


I renovated my living room into a golden theme. Thanks to Binary, I found out that each section is a room for each house, living room, bathroom, bedroom, etc. I can not wait till Kiraratchi becomes an adult because then I can start my Ta Ma To Mo collecting.


I am only at my Grandparents house for one more week so when I come back I will be posting more, I will try to post when Kiraratchi becomes an adult.



[SIZE=8pt]Before I get started I have something to say. It is not often that I mention the views of my log, but just now I have noticed that I have over 4000+ views. I just want to thank you guys for reading this because I try to make this log the best I can, so do me a favour and keep reading, it only gets better. [/SIZE] :pochitchi:


Okay, Kiraratchi grew innto the character I expected him to become, you may of guessed...he became a KuroMametchi. You can get him by having Kiraratchi get 1-3 care misses, if you get higher than 3 then you will get a Gozarutchi. I completely reovated all my rooms into the golden style which looks excellent but when I go out into the courtyard my house looks normal, but like binary said your complete house only changes if all the rooms are the sweet style. 4500 Gotchi-Points is a very high price for one room. :pochitchi:


I got KuroMametchi's Ta by feeding him Yakisoba from the Convenience Store, I got his Ma by feeding him Popcorn from TamaCage, and after spending quite a bit of time getting 3500 Gotchi-Points I was able to by the Headphones when KuroMametchi wore them he got his To.


Now to get the last letter Mo I have to keep him for 72 hours which started when he became an adult. That means he should be 5 when he gets his final letter. I guess KuroMametchi will be my first friend stamp. :pochitchi:

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[SIZE=8pt]Hello! Yesterday I saw Avatar with my Grandfather and I loved it, it was in 3D. I managed to get KuroMametchi's Mo and now I have gotten the KuroMametchi friend stamp. KuroMametchi married an Uwasatchi and they had a boy whom is now a Monpatchi.[/SIZE]


He was a Hanepatchi as a toddler and had recieved 4 care misses, I did this on purpose to get Monpatchi. If I get 0-3 care misses, Monpatchi will become a Kutchipatchi, if I get 4+ he will become a Kikitchi. I want him to become a Kutchipatchi. :D I took a picture of KuroMametchi in an animal suit and his expression was hilarious, he was angry. :eek:


This is my last day at my grandparents house, we leave tomorrow. I can finaly get back to playing my Xbox games. :p The Tamagotchi iD is very fun, there is so much to do...that reminds me! I have changed my living (main) room into the blue style as with the dining and toilet room. Monpatchi is a funny little character, but I can't decide who I like more...Kiraratchi or Monpatchi.


Enjoy your day. :(



[SIZE=8pt]Monpatchi evolved into Kutchipatchi and I have gotten his [/SIZE]Ta, Ma, and To. The weather is stormy and did I mention I am home now? :D


I bought Kutchipatchi the Cook's Hat and it looks great on him and also got him him To. He is 3 years of age and I am going to print out some Tamagotchi iD stuff like the growth chart.





Sorry for not posting in a while! Kutchipatchi got his Mo when he woke up 6 years old. He also woke up dirty so I gave him a bath, can't have him dirty on his wedding day. :ichigotchi:


I had the choice of a Memetchi, Chamametchi and Lovelitchi. I married Memetchi and I was happy to see that Kutchipatchi had a Pitchikutchi. She is now a Hoshitchi and has had 3 care misses (I am trying to get Chuuchutchi.)


Right now she has 3 empty rice bowls and her happyness level is quite low. This morning I recieved the Kutchipatchi friend stamp and I checked too see if I could go to the Friend area, I could. Kutchipatchi met up with KuroMametchi his father and they had a chat then left.


Right now I am renovating my house into the McDonald's style, 1000 Gotchi-Points is quite cheap. Au revoir. :rolleyes:

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[SIZE=8pt]Hello! Yesterday when Hoshitchi woke up she evolved into a Chuuchutchi (yay!) which is the bad care teen. She was also 2 years old because I had been pausing her alot because I have been seeing some friends lately.[/SIZE]


Today a few minutes after she evolved, she became a Furawatchi. In her lifetime she has had a total of 5 care misses...but it is all worth it for a Furawatchi. I got her Ta by feeding her a Sandwich from the Convenience Store, I got her Ma by feeding her Macaron from TamaCafe and finaly, her To because I let her play with the Hula Hoop.


She is currently not wearing any accessories as she did not need to wear one when I got her To. See you soon!



[SIZE=8pt]Hey guys! Sorry for not posting but something awesome happened on Halo 3! I got a strange glitch and I got Security Helmet and Katana (which is a body piece) and thats not all, I also got the Rogue Helmet which can not be achieved until you achieve the Sparten Officer Insignia, and I have not got it. I also started a new game in Explorers of Sky I am a Totodile and my partner is a Treecko. I am up to Chapter 8 Groudon's heart, now to talk about Tamagotchi. [/SIZE] -_-


I was shocked to see that today was Furawatchi's birthday, I also found out that Furawatchi (Violetchi) is what they call Violetchi in Japan, and the english name for Lavulitchi is Lovelitchi. -_- She is 4 and can marry but I want to get the final letter, I took her to the matchmaker for fun and she was offered a KuroMametchi, Kutchipatchi and Gozarutchi.


I love this Tamagotchi so much I even concidered purchasing a second Tamagotchi-iD but since I am only on the 4th generation with this one, I think I should wait. I will try to post more often...i promise. :(


[SIZE=8pt]Good evening people. :D Violetchi got her Mo yesterday and I was happy because she could marry as well, before she got married she saw her father Kutchipatchi and grandfather KuroMametchi in the Tama Friends place.[/SIZE]


She was offered a Mametchi, KuroMametchi and a Gozarutchi. I thought Mametchi was the perfect match, they watched seeds grow, ate at the TamaCafe when Violetchi shocked Mametchi by giving her a gift, then they watched fireworks I *think*. They had a baby girl, whom is now a Hoshitchi (Why can't I ever get Belltchi!?) kidding, Hoshitchi is cute. :D


Late last night I played enough games to earn me 4500GP and what do you think I did? If your guess was "Buy the Sweets interior" then you are correct! It looks fabulous, I am guessing it will take more than one generation to accumalate enough money to purchase the sweet rooms. She has had no care misses and she is 1 year old...I want to get a Shelltchi.


I will post tomorrow guys, right now I have to go because we are going to see Tooth Fairy, it has Dwayne Johnson in it. :p


[SIZE=8pt]Good morning guys. This morning I awoke to the evolution sound and Hoshitchi had become a Shelltchi. She has 3050G and soon after she evolved, she had a care misses. A few minutes after that, her batteries ran out.[/SIZE]


I quickly replaced them and all was fine. I will give her another care miss because the other one might of not counted.


[SIZE=8pt]Shelltchi evolved into Chamametchi and I am so happy to have her, she is so cute. <_< She is wearing a yellow bow which looks very cute on her, I fed her Omurice and got her Ta and after a while of setting the time to 6:59AM I managed to find the Ichigo Dougnut. I was confused when I fed Chamametchi the An Doughnut and she did not get her Ma because it looks very similar to the Itchigo Doughnut but I managed to spot the differences. When she found the Itchigo Dougnut I fed it to her resulting in her getting her To.[/SIZE]


I let her play with the Picture Book and she adored it, another character that does not get their To by wearing an item. Also when I was changing the time for the Doughnuts I found out a hint to change your Tamagotchi's colour. What you have to do is set the time to 6:59AM, if you washed your Tamagotchi that day it will wake up clean. Then, change the time to 6:59AM again, it should wake up a brown colour. Change the time to 6:59AM again and it will wake up black. If you bathe it your Tamagotchi will return to normal. Avoid the Photo Studio because they will clean your Tamagotchi before it poses for a photo.


I have 3 friend stamps, KuroMametchi, (first), Kutchipatchi, (second), and Violetchi (last). These are my past generations:


Generation 1:



Generation 2:



Generation 3



Generation 4



Generation 5




[SIZE=8pt]Hello again. Today is my final day of the holidays and I have enjoyed it so far. Chamametchi is adorable as ever, she is 4 and can marry but I don't want her to leave just yet, I want her to get her Mo.[/SIZE]


When I went outside the weather was stormy. I would have to say my favourite weather on the iD is when is is overcast and the sky is a shade of red. I hope Chamametchi has a boy so I can try and get a Mametchi. I am just dying to have my first Mametchi in colour.


Chamametchi had her photo taken, she is wearing a Mermaid costume and the background is in a meadow with a rainbow. I had currently taken a snapshot of her in a bride's gown but since Violetchi already had her picture taken in the same costume, I deleted it.


If Chamametchi does have another girl I guess I will try for a Uwasatchi because she looks like a fun character to have. That is what I have to say about my darling Chamametchi. I have something else on my mind now.


I was on TamaZone earlier and I came across a topic saying you could create your own Tamagotchi-iD backgrounds. It looked realy cool seeing all the differeny backgrounds but sadly alot of people miss out. You have to have one of the very few phones that can access the Tamagotchi-iD site. I find it dissapointing how most Non-Japanese Tamagotchi-iD owners miss out on the amazing features. Oh well, the Tamagotchi-iD is so amazing without the features and I think I will have a fun year with it, oh yes that reminds me...


I hate to dissapoint you people that are hoping a new english Tamagotchi will be released this year but it might not come until late 2010 or early 2011. A member of TamaZone recieved an e-mail from Bandai explaining that they are still continuing to sell MusicStar's. I suggest you guys buy a Tamagotchi-iD. Trust me you will not regret it.


[SIZE=8pt]Hi guys! My first day of school was pretty good. Chamametchi had another girl (thats three in a row :D ) and she is a Hoshitchi. Recently, I had been not paying much attention and after a few care misses she was lying on the floor with an icon above her head (not the usual black skull) it looked like a black ghoul. When I Cured her she was taken to the hospital where the icon followed her but when she was cured it dissapeared. I have got to watch out more![/SIZE]


I also renovated my toilet room to the Sweets style, which looks realy cool. I am trying to get Chuuchutchi so I can get Uwasatchi. I now have 4 friend stamps as I got Chamametchi's this morning.


She has 2220 Gotchi-Points and it is snowing outside. Hoshitchi weighs 10 grams. At some point she weighed 20+ grams because of the bad care you have to take in order to get Chuuchutchi.



[SIZE=8pt]Hey guys! My sweet Chuuchutchi evolved into an awesome Uwasatchi. I got her [/SIZE]Ta by feeding her Anpan, I got her Ma by feeding her Mamedaifuku and finaly, her To by having her wear the Star Antenaes.


She is 3 years old and she evolved as soon as she woke up. I also bought the Sweets interior for the bathroom which looks realy cool. I want to get a picture of her before she turns 5 so I should work on raising her Gotchi-Points today. :D


Fingers crossed that Uwasatchi will have a boy, then Mametchi here I come!


[SIZE=8pt]I just took a picture of Uwasatchi. She is dressed like a school student carrying a small bag and the background is the TMGC background. I had to delete one, I chose the one I took of my 1st generation character, Lovelitchi.[/SIZE]


Uwasatchi had a bath this afternoon because I forgot to give her one yesterday. This is all I have to say for now because there is not much to mention. More news tomorrow!
