Yeah I know but what kind of denomination??I am a strong christian. It may have come across as differently but I am.
Not to challenge you or anything, TM, I hope I don't come across as such, but personally I do not inclued Mormonism with Christianity.Mormons are Christians.
A Christian is a person who worships Jesus Christ.
If you'd like to learn a little more about your own religion, here's a useful link to the official site:
I'm sorry, but I just had to quote this. I have to say, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I'm serious! You haven't done much research on God and the Christian/Jewish/Catholic religions, have you? God isn't some old guy who sits on a cloud and waves at people on planes as they pass by, looking for him.Nope, don't believe.
And if any of you want evidence that God doesn't exist, just board a plane and when it gets above the clouds, try to look for him somewhere in the clouds. That's my personal proof, cause when I was going to China on a plane and checked out the window, I absolutely didn't see any God.
I don't see it as a challenge at allNot to challenge you or anything, TM, I hope I don't come across as such, but personally I do not inclued Mormonism with Christianity...
This is the evidence that I put forward to support my statement that Mormons are Christians and Christians are people who worship Jesus Christ.God is your Father in Heaven. He knows you personally. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and your Savior. His life and teachings are the way to peace and happiness.
-Laughs very loudly-I'm sorry, but I just had to quote this. I have to say, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I'm serious! You haven't done much research on God and the Christian/Jewish/Catholic religions, have you? God isn't some old guy who sits on a cloud and waves at people on planes as they pass by, looking for him.
He is the Creator of The Universe, King of all beings. I am 100% Christian and definitely believe in God. He is the source of all good things in this life! And I have some real evidence that he exists. No, I didn't see him sitting on a cloud whilst I was on my way to China, but he has spoken to me, and influenced my life in many good and wonderful ways. I thank him just for my existence!
And now for my interesting view on how the world was made. Yes, I believe that God made the world - of course I do, I am a Christian! But I do also believe in the Big Bang. Because God doesn't work against Science. Science is good; it can explain all about how things work, just not why. I believe God used Science to create the world, which is where the Big Bang comes in. If you read Genesis 1, you see how well the way God just has to say "Let There Be Light" and there is, corresponds to the way the Big Bang just suddenly appears, like an explosion of light.
It's not belittling God's power in the slightest to say that he used Science to create the world. It's extraordinary and fascinating - beyond human comprehension, even! And that's why we all have these non-believers. Because it's so hard for the human mind to think of someone so much more powerful and amazing than us.
So yes, chemicals and Science formed the world - and God made them, and controlled what they did. Ultimately, God is the creator of the Universe, and the creator of the chemicals that formed it!
I try to be as much of a good Christian as I can, and thank God in all aspects of my life. I am far from perfect, but I really do want to honour him with the things that I do, and work more towards that each and every day. I read my Bible every night, and pray afterwards. I'm in a difficult situation right now; I've just moved from the UK to America, and am trying to develop good friendships with the people at my new school. I cannot tell you how much God has answered my prayers and helped me through this time; giving me confidence and great opportunities to become closer to my friends.
You made your point and she made hers. There's no difference.... You all say things like "There is no proof that God doesn't exist. I have proof that he exists. He has spoken to me.". You are just making that up, or your faith in the belief of Christianity is so strong that you just imagine it. I'd like to see you give us some real proof that he exists.
I am sure that someone who is Christian is going to quote this and flame me. Please do not. I'm just trying to make a point. This is my opinion. That's all there is to it.
That reminds me of my ex's mom >.<Today on the bus this girl asked me what religion I was and I told her Athiest, and this kid popped up behind me and screamed, "SATAN WORSHIPER!" It was really funny. He got all mad at me. He wasn't even joking. My friend and I were just laughing as he mumbled on about me being the spawn of Satan. It was so funny. I'm just curious, does anyone else think i worship the devil?
Well then...what if i said "Hahaha, those stupid people who dont believe in god. Im sure there strong "believers" in there "religons". There so silly! I mean they get so annoying. They make up everything and they always shove it down your throat! I like to see them give us some proof that God doesnt exist" Yes, that was pretty rude and offensive huh? Im not going to flame you or anything...but i am also trying to make a point and thats all there is to it-Laughs very loudly-Wow, you really are a strong Christian aren't you?
Gosh, the way to talk like you are totally and utterly sure that he exists and you have all the evidence in the world that he exist just drives me insane! Yes, I do think Crickeys's post was very silly too, but ugh. You all say things like "There is no proof that God doesn't exist. I have proof that he exists. He has spoken to me.". You are just making that up, or your faith in the belief of Christianity is so strong that you just imagine it. I'd like to see you give us some real proof that he exists.
I am sure that someone who is Christian is going to quote this and flame me. Please do not. I'm just trying to make a point. This is my opinion. That's all there is to it.
You definitely didn't type the words "people are stupid and gullible" but you did begin a reply with "Laughs very loudly" and went on to tell someone that they were just making it up or imagining it...Please, i'm not trying to make you people offended, i'm just trying to express my opinion. That's all..-Sigh- Obviously someone is going to quote this, and protest against my opinion, again. Maybe I shouldn't reply to this anymore.
If you don't want to "flame" anyone, please don't express your opinion in a rude way.Im not going to flame you or anything...but i am also trying to make a point and thats all there is to it![]()
It's tempting to laugh at people when they express extreme views at you, but the best retort to that kind of accusation is a sweet smile and a short, polite sentence like...Today on the bus this girl asked me what religion I was and I told her Athiest, and this kid popped up behind me and screamed, "SATAN WORSHIPER!" It was really funny. He got all mad at me. He wasn't even joking. My friend and I were just laughing as he mumbled on about me being the spawn of Satan. It was so funny. I'm just curious, does anyone else think i worship the devil?
An Atheist is a person who believes in no religion. It's ok, no one it going to think you're a loser.[SIZE=7pt]Uh...[/SIZE]
wait, I'm gonna sound like a loser, but let me try to ask something that makes sense...
Can someone please explain to me what Atheist is, if it is not worshiping the devil?
Im soo confusseeeddddd.
EDIT: And Im sure its been said somewhere already, but I don't want to look through 35 pages.