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' date='December 31, 2008 06:01 pm'] You mean sort of like here and now?Look around you. Honestly.

Hahaha! Thats good!
Thank you. Thank you very much.
I'm sorry but that was very rude. and actually you are the that should be looking around beacuse there are LOTS of gods men out here still alot more than you think! I'm sorry if I offended you but it just really bothers me when people are so..........ignorant! uh...........wow if felt good to finally take out my feelings

There are two main reasons I don't believe in god(s). The first is that I've never seen any eveidence that god(s) exist. I mean, the most popular reason for believing in god(s) is the argument from design. But we are taught early on to look for design, so we see design in places where it just doesn't exist. I mean, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
The second reason reason I don't believe in god(s) is the problem of evil. How can evil exist in a universe created by a benevolent (all-good) and omnipotent (all-powerful) god? Monotheists try to use the fall of Adam and Eve to justify this one, but why would god create a flawed creature he knew would sin and he knew he would have to punish? I mean, if he's omniscient (knows everything), he would have known that Adam and Eve would have sinned. And knowing his nature of not being able to stand sin, he would have known he would have to punish them to eternal "death".

I got a million reasons for not beleiving in Christianity, but this is about beleiving in god, not about believing in Jesus, the bible, etc. So I will save those objectionsfor another thread. :D

Btw, I have no problem with religion as long as people don't try to convert me (that is one of my biggest pet peeves). I do not mind discussing it with people, as long as the primary intention of both sides (me included) is to inform of our postion, not to push it on others. I hate the ideology that those who don't believe in a certain religion will go to hell or be eternally punished. When I finally die, I will be ready for the eternal rest.
I really don't want to explain EVERYTHING right now but if you PM me I'd be happy to explain to you what I know

If you guys want evidence I have some personal evidence. you can also go to youtube.com and look up "miracles" there's lots of evidence. now back to explaining my personal evidence. There was this preacher that went to our church. His name is Dario Salas. He said that there was going to be lots of miracles from God that day. And there was. One of the miracles was that he said that when we started praying angels would come and put GOLD DUST and/or HOLY OIL on our hands. So he said that before we started praying to clean our hands the best we could until we were sure there was no moist or dirt on our hands. We did what he told us. We prayed. When we were all done praying he told us "now open your eyes and look at your hands." I looked believing I would see a miracle. And there it was I didn't get any HOLY OIL but my hand were full of GOLD DUST!!!!!! Can you believe it??? Some people got Holy Oil sprouting from thier hands some got both. Another miracle was that this older lady from our church had to use a cane to walk. Dario Salas said "You won't need use that cane to walk anymore. God will help you so let go of that cane and walk! She did she let go and........walked!! without the cane!!!!!! Also he said that who ever had those ugly black fillings the dentists use to fill cavities could go up to the altar and that God would turn the black stuff into SILVER OR GOLD fillings instead of the black stuff and that then he would check thier mouth with a flashlight. Alot of people went up. There was a BIG line. My mom was one of them. When she got to the front Dario Salas checked her mouth andthe ugly black stuff was SILVER!!!!!! I know because I had seen the black stuff and after Dario checked her mouth I asked my mom if i could see. she said yes. And they were silver of course only were the black fillings had been.Well if those aren't enough for you or not good enough i don't know what is. :D :D

No. I don't believe in the Christian god. I believe in Selena, Wiccan Godess. And please don't flame my religion. I believe in the Godess, and re incarnation, and spell do work if you believe. Here are 2 examples supporting my religion

Example 1: My cousin was able to describe what was round every corner of a building in Cornwall, even though she'd never been there before in this life. How else would she know? Past life is the only reasonable explanation. (She was 4 at the time, and had never even heard of Cornwall before)

Example 2: All of the spells I have cast have worked. And no, it's not coinsidence. Unless they were many coinsidences, and they were all connected to the spells I cast. Like one time I found my phone 3 months after I'd lost it. And we'd searched the house many times. No one could have taken it. And it still had battery.

There. I am not trying to prove anyone wrong. I'm just saying my beliefs. Please, do not disrespect my religion

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I beleive in God with all my heart and that he sent his one and only son to save us all from our sins

If you guys want evidence I have some personal evidence. you can also go to youtube.com and look up "miracles" there's lots of evidence. now back to explaining my personal evidence. There was this preacher that went to our church. His name is Dario Salas. He said that there was going to be lots of miracles from God that day. And there was. One of the miracles was that he said that when we started praying angels would come and put GOLD DUST and/or HOLY OIL on our hands. So he said that before we started praying to clean our hands the best we could until we were sure there was no moist or dirt on our hands. We did what he told us. We prayed. When we were all done praying he told us "now open your eyes and look at your hands." I looked believing I would see a miracle. And there it was I didn't get any HOLY OIL but my hand were full of GOLD DUST!!!!!! Can you believe it??? Some people got Holy Oil sprouting from thier hands some got both. Another miracle was that this older lady from our church had to use a cane to walk. Dario Salas said "You won't need use that cane to walk anymore. God will help you so let go of that cane and walk! She did she let go and........walked!! without the cane!!!!!! Also he said that who ever had those ugly black fillings the dentists use to fill cavities could go up to the altar and that God would turn the black stuff into SILVER OR GOLD fillings instead of the black stuff and that then he would check thier mouth with a flashlight. Alot of people went up. There was a BIG line. My mom was one of them. When she got to the front Dario Salas checked her mouth andthe ugly black stuff was SILVER!!!!!! I know because I had seen the black stuff and after Dario checked her mouth I asked my mom if i could see. she said yes. And they were silver of course only were the black fillings had been.Well if those aren't enough for you or not good enough i don't know what is. :angry: :(
[sarcasm]Yeah, It's not like Youtube won't post any thing fake.[/sarcasm]

I'm sorry but that was very rude. and actually you are the that should be looking around beacuse there are LOTS of gods men out here still alot more than you think! I'm sorry if I offended you but it just really bothers me when people are so..........ignorant! uh...........wow if felt good to finally take out my feelings
I'm the ignorant one?

There may be "God's men" out there but I can make a guarantee that for each one of "God's men" there's at least three people out there in addition who have committed a crime.

I don't have anything to back up this information, so don't ask me for "proof", but if you can honestly go out into a city, look around and tell me that you can see "God's men" around you, I won't believe you, because our current world consists of scum.

I'd appreciate it if you don't reply to my posts any more, I'm at my wits end with you. I especially don't want to have anything to do with you in this particular topic anymore.

Edit: I kept screwing the bloody quote up.

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' date='February 10, 2009 10:13 pm'] I'm the ignorant one?
There may be "God's men" out there but I can make a guarantee that for each one of "God's men" there's at least three people out there in addition who have committed a crime.

I don't have anything to back up this information, so don't ask me for "proof", but if you can honestly go out into a city, look around and tell me that you can see "God's men" around you, I won't believe you, because our current world consists of scum.

I'd appreciate it if you don't reply to my posts any more, I'm at my wits end with you. I especially don't want to have anything to do with you in this particular topic anymore.

Edit: I kept screwing the bloody quote up.
Becca, She means people like the God Warrior from Trading Spouses, and The Westboro Baptist Church.


Becca, She means people like the God Warrior from Trading Spouses, and The Westboro Baptist Church......

I've been fortunate enough not to happen across any of those in my time.

I just have one question.

If there was no such thing as god, where did earth come from? Where did the solar system come from? Where did everything come from?

It couldn't have just been there. Someone had to create it. Not even Science can explain that.

Edit: Accidently quoted someone's post. :p

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I just have one question.If there was no such thing as god, where did earth come from? Where did the solar system come from? Where did everything come from?

It couldn't have just been there. Someone had to create it. Not even Science can explain that.

Edit: Accidently quoted someone's post. :D
If I'm not incorrect, the Christian "Theory" is that "God" is timeless, with no beginning and no end, am I right?

So if God could have just been there, who says the universe couldn't have been?

It works both ways.

It makes my brain hurt too, that's because God is so amazing that we can't even get it! <3

If you guys want evidence I have some personal evidence. you can also go to youtube.com and look up "miracles" there's lots of evidence. now back to explaining my personal evidence. There was this preacher that went to our church. His name is Dario Salas. He said that there was going to be lots of miracles from God that day. And there was. One of the miracles was that he said that when we started praying angels would come and put GOLD DUST and/or HOLY OIL on our hands. So he said that before we started praying to clean our hands the best we could until we were sure there was no moist or dirt on our hands. We did what he told us. We prayed. When we were all done praying he told us "now open your eyes and look at your hands." I looked believing I would see a miracle. And there it was I didn't get any HOLY OIL but my hand were full of GOLD DUST!!!!!! Can you believe it??? Some people got Holy Oil sprouting from thier hands some got both. Another miracle was that this older lady from our church had to use a cane to walk. Dario Salas said "You won't need use that cane to walk anymore. God will help you so let go of that cane and walk! She did she let go and........walked!! without the cane!!!!!! Also he said that who ever had those ugly black fillings the dentists use to fill cavities could go up to the altar and that God would turn the black stuff into SILVER OR GOLD fillings instead of the black stuff and that then he would check thier mouth with a flashlight. Alot of people went up. There was a BIG line. My mom was one of them. When she got to the front Dario Salas checked her mouth andthe ugly black stuff was SILVER!!!!!! I know because I had seen the black stuff and after Dario checked her mouth I asked my mom if i could see. she said yes. And they were silver of course only were the black fillings had been.Well if those aren't enough for you or not good enough i don't know what is. :unsure:   :(
I believe in God dear - I'm Catholic. But God doesn't really work that way. He normally doesn't give out immediate gratification for praying and worshipping him.

Your preacher sounds a bit psychotic to me. Our Church preaches about bettering ourselves - and one way to do that is to greater or relationship with the Father.

And don't you think that God has better miracles to work than better people's dental fillings? Like helping people who don't even have access to dental care.

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I do... not believe in God. However, like everyone else that said no, I respect people's beliefs unless they're believing crap like "Life was created when Chuck Norris ejaculated into the ocean" or something ridiculous like that... =P However, if there is a god, "he" wouldn't be a human. God would just be some sort of form with no mass whatsoever...

I respect your beliefs, and I also respect you for expressing your opinion in a respectful way and not trying to start a flame war. However, I will respond to your beliefs and contradict them with mine. This is my opinion.
Firstly, you're right, extraordinary claims do require extraordinary evidence. But if you actually think about it - look around you. You're not seriously trying to tell me that we have no Creator? Yes, Science is our Creator, but who created Science? God. And who created God? God is outside of time, he has no Creator. He created creation, which sounds strange and impossible to us, because the idea is beyond human comprehension, but nevertheless it is true to the Christian faith.

As for your second one, I can tell you haven't really done the studying for this one. I have two words for you --> Free will. God's not going to make us all mindless little robots with no choice but to serve God. Serving Him only means something if we choose to live that way. But, as we are born, we are born into a sinful world full of temptations. That's why we need faith in God to help us through - he is our provision throughout life; he gives us all blessings. If you want to argue the problem of evilness, blame the human race, and the devil. Not God. And remember the verse - "Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall have eternal life." Heaven is a place where we can escape the worries and sins of Earth and live forever in comfort and peace.

These are my opinions. Please no flaming.

God bless.
Woah, you put that really well.

I have basically the same beliefs, but I think that the bible is a bit of chinese whispers. I especially dislike the whole 'You won't go to heaven if you're bisexual!' that people keep saying to me. It really upsets me, Love knows no gender and I'm sure god loves me for who I am. If god can love the devil himself, Then I'm sure he can love a bisexual.

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