I feel as though my country is suffering the most.
Australia isn't always hot, dry and desert. We used to get a lot of rain, even in summer in fact we got even more rain in summer than in winter.
Global warming has affected that. Rain is Rare, so whatever you do, save water.
on new years eve and new years day there were some storms around coastal and inland Australia, including my town. That was the perfect chance for people to collect water in ice cream containers, bowls, drink bottles etc. my family did but I doubt anyone else did.
I love the rain and the water, so save it people, please.
I've heard that the hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger and now ithe hole is right over my head which means that the UV rays (rays from the sun, the stuff that make u get sunburnt) are high all year long, summer, Autumn (fall), winter and spring. Which means that skin cancer rates will go up and sunscreen sales will rise, Is this a good thing or a bad thing.
I live in a democracy so I am allowed to say this about my prime minister.
All John Howard cares about is him self.
Some political journalist that I saw on TV.
[SIZE=12pt]Save the earth; be smart, be safe, be careful.[/SIZE]