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fluffums and tama?????, it's very likely that you have mild IBS. I have had it all my life, so I know it very well. IBS is Irritable Bowel Syndrome, if you Google it, you will almost certainly find that you have many of the symptoms of it. It usually makes you have abdominal cramps in the morning and when you have to go to the also makes you "irregular" when it comes to bathroom frequency. It can make you feel queasy sometimes, give you indigestion, and certain foods will not settle with you. Lactose intolerance often comes along with it. It's a condition that is fairly common in women and girls(more so than men), VERY often shows up around puberty, and you can't cure it. But, it will often bother you less for awhile, and then you will notice your symptoms returning at other times. Sometimes, it just goes away entirely. Doctors don't know exactly what causes it, but they think it is due to your intestinal muscles contracting irregularly, which gives you cramps and makes you irregular. It's not a serious disease or anything, very few people have a severe case. I used to have a very severe case, I was really sick for a very long time, but I also had other stuff going on, too. Now, I can eat anything I want without bad effects.
It's really nothing to be scared about, it's not going to do anything bad to you. I recommend Googling it and seeing if it sounds like what you both experience. Obviously I'm not a doctor, but I figured I'd suggest it to you so you can find out what to do to make yourself feel better if it bothers you. :)
Thanks for the info on IBS. I had no clue what was goin' on. Thanks again.


Sorry, sorry, If I'm bumping up this topic I just really don't want it to become old!!! But if noone responds then I won't post like this again. Ok, see ya!


My Friend had IBS, and It was Really Bad :wacko: she sometimes crapped herself without noticing! 0_0
My discharge doesnt stain my undies at all! o_0

It just washes out ^_^
Ya mine doesn't stain, it washes right out. I hardley notice discharge, it just looks funny on my underwear. <_<

Again, I've never known of anyone who is unable to control when they have to go to the bathroom due to IBS. It usually causes irregular bathroom visits(some days going 2-3 times a day, sometimes skipping a day or two), abdominal cramps/pain and nausea. If people are unable to control their bowels altogether, it's likely they have something else.

Ok, but it seems a little off topic 'cause it dosen't really go with puberty I think.

A tip for some ppl:

I have noticed that about 2 weeks after a period (about the time when an egg is released from an ovum) you will see a small red to brown stain. If you see it and you got a period about 2 weeks ago, it is not another period.

[SIZE=14pt]Im 11 and I havnt had mine. Im gonna be embarresed to tell my mom and everything cause she'll tell the world and i will feel all weird around my parnts! Thats probably what bc thats what happened when i started wearing bras![/SIZE]
So she's proud of your growth and wants everyone to know she's that way

A tip for some ppl:
I have noticed that about 2 weeks after a period (about the time when an egg is released from an ovum) you will see a small red to brown stain. If you see it and you got a period about 2 weeks ago, it is not another period.

The first period is called Menarche (say it men- ark-key). The cycle of getting periods is called Menenstration (sp.?) (Comes from the Latin word mensis, meaning month). For the first year or so of menenestraion (sp.?), a girls periods are never regular. WHen ,most girls start to get reguar periods, It is around a month long beetween 2 periods, for some girls its longer or shorter. Once a girls periods become regular, she will be able to have a baby. The averge American girl gets her first period at 13, but although, depending on when the girl started puberty, she may get her first peiriod younger or older that 13.

The process of Menenstration (sp.?)

At the start of the menstral flow, the hormones estrogen and progestrone , produced by the ovaries, are at a very low level. This causes the brain to relase GnRH (gonadotropuin relasing hormone) , whih stumiulates the pituatary gland to relase FSH (follice-stmulating hormone) and LH (leutenlizing hormone) , which works on the ovary. FSH causes an egg to start maturing inside its follicle ands LH stumilates the maturing follice to release estrogen into the blood stream. Estrogen affects the uterus, causing an increase of the blood supply to increase and a thickening of the uterine lining.

The effects of FSH, LH, and Estrogen build up for about 14 days, although it is highly variable. Just before day 14 of the cycle, the sudden increase of LH from the pituary gland

Causes a follicle to burst open and relaese the egg. This process is called ovulation. The rupered follice isn't done playing a role. It delops into a stucure called the Corpus luteum, which relases estrogen an progestone. These hormones stumulate extra bulidup of lining.

Meanwhile, the hypothamus detects high levels of Estrogen and progestrone and lowers the levels of GnRH accordingly. This causes the pituartary gland to relase the amount of FSH and LH it is realesing. Progestrone is now the hormone found in the highest concentration. If the egg is not fertilized by a sperm on its way traveling through the fallopian tube on its way to the utrus, the corpus luteum starts to disenigrate, and the levels of estrogen and progestrone decrease. The drop in hormone levels causes a decrease in the blood supply. The blood filled uterine lining tissues disintgrate and are discharged. This is called a menstaral period. This marks the begining of the next cycle. However, if the egg is fertilized by a spem, it goes on to the utrus and devolps inytop an embryo.

Do periods stop?

Yes they do. Reasons include

  • Pregancy, a woman doesn't get periods while pregant.

  • Illness.

  • Menopause (which I'll explain in the next paragraph)


Menopause marks the end of a womans reperductive years.

Menopause happens in a corse of years. Woman in this coruse are called premenopausal. It is common to skip periods and resume menestarating once more in this corse of years. Syptoms Include Hot flashes,Vaginal dryness, and and increased growth of facial hair.

What can go wrong?

Amenorria is the abensence of any Periods in premenopausal woman who are not preganant.

Primary Amenorria is diagoned when young girls have not begun memestaring by age 16. Menarche can be delayed in gvery thin or atletic girls.

Secondary Amenorria is Diagonesd when Periods are abesent for 6 months or longer in adlut women who are not pregant.

Dysmenorrea refers to painful periods. More than half of all women experence mild cramps during the first few days of a peruiod. Dyssmenorriea Occours in 10 % of all women, involves severe pain that cannot be tolerated without medcation.

Olligomennoria is diagonesed when a woman exerences less than the usual 11 - 13 periods per year. Some women never have reguar periods (Like Aubery Hepburn) JIf erraic cycles are accompained by acne and an increase in Facial and body hair, there may be an excess of male hormones called Androgens.

Menorrhagia refers to long periods that last more than 7 days and usually involvwe heavy bleeding. A one time heavy period that arrives late may be due to a misscarge. Menorhhagia may result in animaia, due to heavy blood loss, but is otherwise not a serious problem.

Warning: Do not leave a Tampon in place for more that eight hoyurs. You could get a serious contion called Toxic Shock Syndrome. (Or TSS for short)

Hope this helps! :angry:

:D Camelle :wacko:

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What age do you start to have your period at???
There is no set age to have your first period.

Girls start at different ages - in the same way that some girls develop breasts and need a bra sooner than other girls the same age..

It is usually around 12yrs old - but it can be earlier and it can be later.

You just have to wait and see .... :(

Can your period start at 10????
Menarche (the first menstrual period) appears in Stage 4 of puberty, but can sometimes occur in Stage 3. You can read this to see which stage you are in, and think of when your first period might come up. The age girls go through menarche varies widely, 9-16 years old. The average age Stage 3 to 4 occurs is 12-14 years old. There is no need to worry unless you are almost age 16 and have never had a period yet. Then you should consider seeing your doctor.

I want my period! I'm almost 11 and still haven't had it :)
Rest assured there is nothing wrong with you! Periods can begin between ages 9 to 16, as I said in my last post. You can click on the same link I gave Wazza to see where exactly you are, then when you could get your first period. Again, you should not worry about it unless you are nearing age 16 and have never had a period.


The first period is called Menarche (say it men- ark-key). The cycle of getting periods is called Menenstration (sp.?) (Comes from the Latin word mensis, meaning month). For the first year or so of menenestraion (sp.?), a girls periods are never regular. WHen ,most girls start to get reguar periods, It is around a month long beetween 2 periods, for some girls its longer or shorter. Once a girls periods become regular, she will be able to have a baby. The averge American girl gets her first period at 13, but although, depending on when the girl started puberty, she may get her first peiriod younger or older that 13.

The process of Menenstration (sp.?)

At the start of the menstral flow, the hormones estrogen and progestrone , produced by the ovaries, are at a very low level. This causes the brain to relase GnRH (gonadotropuin relasing hormone) , whih stumiulates the pituatary gland to relase FSH (follice-stmulating hormone) and LH (leutenlizing hormone) , which works on the ovary. FSH causes an egg to start maturing inside its follicle ands LH stumilates the maturing follice to release estrogen into the blood stream. Estrogen affects the uterus, causing an increase of the blood supply to increase and a thickening of the uterine lining.

The effects of FSH, LH, and Estrogen build up for about 14 days, although it is highly variable. Just before day 14 of the cycle, the sudden increase of LH from the pituary gland

Causes a follicle to burst open and relaese the egg. This process is called ovulation. The rupered follice isn't done playing a role. It delops into a stucure called the Corpus luteum, which relases estrogen an progestone. These hormones stumulate extra bulidup of lining.

Meanwhile, the hypothamus detects high levels of Estrogen and progestrone and lowers the levels of GnRH accordingly. This causes the pituartary gland to relase the amount of FSH and LH it is realesing. Progestrone is now the hormone found in the highest concentration. If the egg is not fertilized by a sperm on its way traveling through the fallopian tube on its way to the utrus, the corpus luteum starts to disenigrate, and the levels of estrogen and progestrone decrease. The drop in hormone levels causes a decrease in the blood supply. The blood filled uterine lining tissues disintgrate and are discharged. This is called a menstaral period. This marks the begining of the next cycle. However, if the egg is fertilized by a spem, it goes on to the utrus and devolps inytop an embryo.

Do periods stop?

Yes they do. Reasons include

  • Pregancy, a woman doesn't get periods while pregant.

  • Illness.

  • Menopause (which I'll explain in the next paragraph)


Menopause marks the end of a womans reperductive years.

Menopause happens in a corse of years. Woman in this coruse are called premenopausal. It is common to skip periods and resume menestarating once more in this corse of years. Syptoms Include Hot flashes,Vaginal dryness, and and increased growth of facial hair.

What can go wrong?

Amenorria is the abensence of any Periods in premenopausal woman who are not preganant.

Primary Amenorria is diagoned when young girls have not begun memestaring by age 16. Menarche can be delayed in gvery thin or atletic girls.

Secondary Amenorria is Diagonesd when Periods are abesent for 6 months or longer in adlut women who are not pregant.

Dysmenorrea refers to painful periods. More than half of all women experence mild cramps during the first few days of a peruiod. Dyssmenorriea Occours ion 190 % of all women, involves severe pain that cannot be tolerated without medcation.

Olligomennoria is diagonesed when a woman exerences less than the usual 11 - 13 periods per year. Some women never have reguar periods (Like Aubery Hepburn) JIf erraic cycles are accompained by acne and an increase in Facial and body hair, there may be an excess of male hormones called Androgens.

Menorrhagia refers to long periods that last more than 7 days and usually involvwe heavy bleeding. A one time heavy period that arrives late may be due to a misscarge. Menorhhagia may result in animaia, due to heavy blood loss, but is otherwise not a serious problem.

Warning: Do not leave a Tampon in place for more that eight hoyurs. You could get a serious contion called Toxic Shock Syndrome. (Or TSS for short)

Hope this helps! :)

:) Camelle :angry:
Wow, that's incredible! Thanks *santagotchi*!

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