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I kinda feel embarised about this but here goes.
I haven't had my period yet. I tried to use a tampon, just to see what it's like. But, I didn't know exactly where to put it so I never really got to know what it's like. I'm 10 so maybe I won't have to wait long...

Anyway, I was just wondering, did anyone buy the book 'The care and keeping of you: the body book for girls'?

One more thing: In 5th grade you see a movie on puberty, right? Well, do you really get a bag with a pad and deoderent in it?
i have that book. my mom just got it for me.

I kinda feel embarised about this but here goes.
I haven't had my period yet.  I tried to use a tampon, just to see what it's like.  But, I didn't know exactly where to put it so I never really got to know what it's like.  I'm 10 so maybe I won't have to wait long...

Anyway, I was just wondering, did anyone buy the book 'The care and keeping of you: the body book for girls'?

One more thing:  In 5th grade you see a movie on puberty, right?  Well, do you really get a bag with a pad and deoderent in it?
First of all... girls have three holes down there.... the first one is where pee comes from and the last one is where poo comes from. There is one in the middle and that is where blood and babies comes from. That is also the place where you want to put the tampon. If you can, get a mirror and have a look so you know what you are dealing with before you try.

Have a look at this diagram:

On the diagram the urethra is the one where urine exits, the anus is for faeces and the middles one, the vaginal opening, is where the tampon goes.

Also, check out the Guide to Using Your First Tampon:

The other two questions a can't answer.. I got a book called everything girl or something like that... I don't think I have it anymore.

Also, different schools do different things for the whole puberty talk. When I was in primary school we didn't have puberty talks until grade 7 and we never got any kits... I hear that has changed now which is a good thing!

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i have that book. my mom just got it for me.
Same. I got it about a little over a month ago. My mom had me read about pubic hair and periods. I don't think she was ready to talk to me about it. Still hasn't. The only gross thing about that book is they drew a picture on how to put a tampon in. *shudders*

Ok, nobody answered my question so I'm gonna ask again: What is discharge?

I know this sounds kinda stupid, my mom didn't tell me what it is. What is discharge?! I feel like I'm the ONLY one here who doesn't know what it is. :huh: :huh:
Leading up to your first period and basically in between periods after that you will get something called discharge. It is a clear to yellow sticky fluid which will turn up in your underwear. It can be a little smelly but if it smells really bad then you probably have an infection and should see a doctor.

Some information about discharges:

These discharges will become a lot greater after you start your period. The first sign of your period may show up as some streaking in the discharge so keep an eye out. :angry:

Does that help?

Leading up to your first period and basically in between periods after that you will get something called discharge. It is a clear to yellow sticky fluid which will turn up in your underwear. It can be a little smelly but if it smells really bad then you probably have an infection and should see a doctor.
Some information about discharges:

These discharges will become a lot greater after you start your period. The first sign of your period may show up as some streaking in the discharge so keep an eye out. :huh:

Does that help?
yes. Some ppl say it goes through your sheets @ night or something. I don't. But, I guess I do have some discharge cause a lot of the time I feel like I peed a little bit in my pants. Annoying. So, scince I'm 10, my period could happen when I'm 11 or 12? Oh and I think my mom had her period when she was 13 or 14 so am I gonna have my period @ 13 or 14? Kinda confused.

yes. Some ppl say it goes through your sheets @ night or something. I don't. But, I guess I do have some discharge cause a lot of the time I feel like I peed a little bit in my pants. Annoying. So, scince I'm 10, my period could happen when I'm 11 or 12? Oh and I think my mom had her period when she was 13 or 14 so am I gonna have my period @ 13 or 14? Kinda confused.
You shouldn't produce enough discharge for it to go through your underwear let alone your sheets!! Your period on the other hand may do so depends upon how heavily you bleed.

Technically, girls can get their period any time between 8 and 18 years of age. Generally, onet is usually about the 11-13 range so you probably have some time. However, you are more likely to come around a similar time to your mother and sisters (if you have any). So go with what your mother had... and if it comes earlier... well no big deal really.. :huh:

I don't have that book but my Mum gave me some book about how to deal sex abuse and all that. I was so embarassed when she brought it home. It still pains me when I see it on the book shelf!

I know this sounds kinda stupid, my mom didn't tell me what it is. What is discharge?! I feel like I'm the ONLY one here who doesn't know what it is. :( :mellow:
Don't worry I didn't know what a discharge was until I read this topic! It's kinda scaring me. Really scaring me. I mean is it okay that I bleed on and off. My mu won't let me go to the doctors on my own and I'm afraid of talking to her about it. I can't talk to my sister I mean who's heard of a 7 month genius? I can't talk to my friends either. I have no where to go about it!I'm soooooo scared!

Of course you can talk to your friends if you need to after all all of them will go through it there life sometimes, I haven't had mine yet and I feel weird Talking to my sister and mum about it.

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Having your period is really nothing to worry about and discharge is like a clear liquid type stuff you will find (if you get what i mean) months, weeks or days before starting your period. it doesnt hurt its just there lol.

when you start your period it might not be regular and it might be on and off for a few months, if you start to worry about it talk to your mum or go and see a doctor. All people are different when they start their period and people start at all different ages depending on weight and body maturity. Some people get bad pains when they start the period in the lower back and stomach (i should know lol) to get rid of it taking paracetamol or using a hot water bottle on your stomach helps, the pain eases off a day or so after you start your period each month. Some people get know pain at all and dont even know when they are going to start.

Another thing when you start your period is you will probably get mood swings and you will go from being happy to crying over a bag of crisps lol. But they dont usualy last to long and if you eat chocolate or even bananas it releases a happy hormone and makes you feel lots better.

Well thats about all i can think of to write about periods i hope i have answered a few peoples questions and just mem dont worry or feel embaresed to ask a member of your family about it all women go throught it and they will help you.

I THINK I just got it a few days ago. We arent sure... :mellow:

No one is answering me!!!! Please tell me is it natural to bleed on and off? please tell me. I need to know cozn if it isn't I'll have to tell my Mum ansd I really don't wan to

Its nothing really to be scared of I don't think, but then again its coming from someone who hasn't had it yet!

Bleeding on and off is common when u just start ur period it will sort itself out on its own but if your worried about it u can talk to someone.

If it starts to be irregular when uve been regular before thats when u need to talk to someone.

Hope this helps

it doesnt hurt except for the tampons.
Tampons only hurt if your hymen is still in tact or you put it in wrong. If you keep trying them, they wont hurt anymore. They might feel a bit uncomfortable at first but that's normal. Mine never hurt because my hymen was already torn/gone, but a lot of girls have told me that it hurts to put them in the first few times.

My friend used to be terrified of tampons until she stayed the night at my house and that's all my mom had. She started hers a year before me so we didn't have any pads at the time. She told me it hurt at first but she got used to it after a while. She's been using them ever since ^.^

Um I got a problem. Im 11 and I dunno what it will feel like when I get my period! Could someone tell me what it feels like?
It depends on the person. Some girls get cramps which can be horrible at times, and some don't. Some girls get a heavy period which to me felt like I had wet myself slowly but without peeing and then some get really light periods to where you don't know it's there until you use the bathroom and either find small blood stains on your underwear or see blood on the toilet paper after you wipe yourself. I'm pretty, nearly positive that the feeling differs from person to person.

Sorry if that's not too descriptive. It's a bit hard to describe how something like that feels.

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