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I have too big of ****s x.x' I hate 'em.
As for pubes, leg, and underarm hair, I just shave it. I'd rather look bare naked than look like I'm trying to smuggle a shrub in my underwear xP

no but really i wish i had bigger busts! :p

well i guess because most of the guys in my class

pay more attention to the girls with bigger busts... :eek:

aww well, ill just have to wait

Okay, my friend asked this question and I don't have the ansewr;

'Is it okay if I have a red Inside of that hole (vagina)?'

I really don't know.

lol!no but really i wish i had bigger busts! :p

well i guess because most of the guys in my class

pay more attention to the girls with bigger busts... :eek:

aww well, ill just have to wait
I'm hoping to get a reduction soon. Hopefully this summer or this winter. My sister got one a few years ago and she's happy with the results. Too much pain comes with big ****s.

Personally, I wouldn't want to go out with the guys who just pay attention to girls with big ****s. Wait until guys come to you. Chest size shouldn't matter to the nice ones. Most guys that look for girls with big ****s are just perverts trying to get into their pants. Not exactly the best picks of the litter if you know what I mean xP

I'm hoping to get a reduction soon. Hopefully this summer or this winter. My sister got one a few years ago and she's happy with the results. Too much pain comes with big ****s.
Personally, I wouldn't want to go out with the guys who just pay attention to girls with big ****s. Wait until guys come to you. Chest size shouldn't matter to the nice ones. Most guys that look for girls with big ****s are just perverts trying to get into their pants. Not exactly the best picks of the litter if you know what I mean xP
of coures ur right!

but still -.-

ya I wont go out with boys till I got to secondary school the ones at our school do it to look good infront of their mates and you have no idea how many girls are hurt by the boyz at our school are very ugly but what gets me is the girls go out with any half decent boy that says yes even if they hardly no em! :)

Okay, my friend asked this question and I don't have the ansewr; 'Is it okay if I have a red Inside of that hole (vagina)?'

I really don't know.
Tell your friend to go to a mirror and open their mouth... have a look at what colour their mouth is.. The inside of our bodies is many colours depending upon what we are looking at but like Sweet Kandi says, it should be either pinkish or if there is not much light it may appear red. Inside the vagina is no different to anywhere else in that it too will be red. Inside our body doesn't have skin as such so the blood vessels are closer to the surfaces which is why they have that red appearance. :gozarutchi:

plus the boyz at our school are very ugly but what gets me is the girls go out with any half decent boy that says yes even if they hardly no em! :gozarutchi:
Before teen years, dating (in general - that's not to mean this is always the case) tends to be more of a roleplaying activity where kids mimick old kids and adults. They haven't yet felt what attraction or love really is and therefore have no qualms about being "involved" with someone even if they don't know them that well. Clearly you are a little bit more mature than these girls and understand that a relationship generally needs to be built on some kind of foundation. You may notice that they don't tend to go out with these random strangers for very long because that foundation really isn't there. :gozarutchi:

my mom went over this resently with me in grate detail! *resites it* and that's why u bleed. *ppl puke* but really, my mom and sis get this on a normal occation (sp?) and it's normal I hope u know. when you DO go through it, stay calm, put these weird pads on yr underwere and just bare through it. yr mom/female gardien should know wat to do and if there's only yr dad/male gardien (I'm not spelling) around then I'd tell them. as imbarising as it is to not have a girl to talk to ^^' just do it so u can get medisin to help with cramps and that painful stuff... I've never had mine yet but it's a comein'!

...I didn't get much of that but it's just as imbarrasing talking to female then i would be talking to a male, you may not think it but when you acctually do, it is imbarrasing.

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