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I don't think there is any sorta product but anyways what grade are you in?

I started shaving in grade 6 at the age of 11.

Also take into concideration once you start shaving you really cant stop.

Also to your legs might be different, your legs mighten grow long hairs after shaving cause once they get a little bit hairy you just shave them again.

But don't worry if you are only young I wouldn't worry about shaving yet.

I don't think there is any sorta product but anyways what grade are you in?I started shaving in grade 6 at the age of 11.

Also take into concideration once you start shaving you really cant stop.

Also to your legs might be different, your legs mighten grow long hairs after shaving cause once they get a little bit hairy you just shave them again.

But don't worry if you are only young I wouldn't worry about shaving yet.
Well I am going into 7th and I am 12!! I think I should star soon, how did you talk to your mom about shaving, what did you say??


I just asked and she said yes.I suggest you just ask your mum nicey, say that you really think you should start shaving cause you think you have hairy legs.

See if that works.
Okay, thanks I'll try tommorow, Bye!! ;) :lol: :blink: :unsure:


Well this is not about Periods, but it sorta has to do with growing up. I really whant to shave my legs, but my mom said if I do then I will have lots and lots of hair all the time that is very long, she showed me her hair!!! And she said she go long hair from shaving!! I really have long hair and it is very noticable, any advice on how I can persuade my mom, or any products that I can use so I won't get bigger hair when I start shaving, ( if my mom says okay), ??? Please help me!! Thanks!! :D :lol: :blink: :unsure:
Hi Tama-Love,

Any question about puberty and growing is welcome here! ;)

Unfortunately, despite what they try to tell us in science, leg hairs have this nasty tendancy to grow bigger, thicker, blacker and scarier the more and the longer you shave.

What can you do to stop that? There are a few different things. One is to get laser hair removal. That is a quick fix but it costs lots of and lots of $$$. Another alternative is to try waxing. Waxing rips out the hair at the root and it takes much longer for the hair to grow back and in theory it is also supposed to grow back softer as well. Waxing can be done at home with a kit but it is nastily painful and you need to let the hair grow back quite long before you can do it again.

The other thing is the use of some depilatory creams (hair removal creams). There are some brands out there that claim to be able to make your hair grow back lighter and softer... That might be worth investigating. It is a time consuming process too. You cover your legs in the cream and sit around for 10 minutes before you get to wash it off. I might also add that the stuff is not cheap and you will only get a few uses out of the bottle.

Now as far as your Mum goes... why is it that you want to shave your legs? Remember that unlike periods... your leg hair doesn't go away at 50 years old and you will be doing the shaving bit for the REST OF YOUR LIFE! Unlike periods you will be shaving every week (some people get to the stage where they do it every day). It is not fun.. it is a pain to have to keep up with all for the sake of supposedly looking good.

You are at an age where noone will really be expecting you to shave so if I were you I'd be putting it off as long as possible! :D

Having said that.. if you feel that this is something that you really want to do and you want to do it right now then you have to talk to your Mum and explain why it is you want to start shaving. Don't expect her to be happy. My Mum did everything in her power to convince me otherwise and was less than pleasant when I said that I had decided to go ahead and do it.. (she'd given me razors and I had hesitated after she told me about hairy legs and did all the discouraging!). But you do need to talk to her - she's not psychic! :D

Well this is not about Periods, but it sorta has to do with growing up. I really whant to shave my legs, but my mom said if I do then I will have lots and lots of hair all the time that is very long, she showed me her hair!!! And she said she go long hair from shaving!! I really have long hair and it is very noticable, any advice on how I can persuade my mom, or any products that I can use  so I won't get bigger hair when I start shaving, ( if my mom says okay), ??? Please help me!! Thanks!! ;)   :lol:   :blink:   :unsure:
I'm agreeing with Bell Sprout on the depilatory creams. Nair is a good brand, but there are some problems with depilatory creams.

1) Just as Bell Sprout said, they cost a lot of money.

2) Again as Bell Sprout said, you have to wait around for a while before you can rinse it off.

3) Again as Bell Sprout said, there's limited use with just 1 can. Unlike normal shaving cream, it doesn't last for a very long time.

4) Depilatory creams are chemicals, so they can cause a nasty reaction. Patch-test a little bit just above your ankle in case there is a reaction.

For shaving:

1) Razors can tug at your skin, causing nicks, burns and ingrown hairs.

2) Razors can clog with hair if you don't rinse them every few strokes, causing them to stop shaving and making them just glide over.

3) You have to replace your razor every month or two.

With the laser hair removal:

1) It costs a lot of money, like Bell Sprout said. And I mean a lot.

2) I've heard it can be painful.

3) If you're broke, you don't stand a chance.


1) Very, very painful, unless you use Cold Wax, which I also think can be somewhat painful.

2) It can cause your legs to become red.

3) It can cause your flesh to become inflamed (sp?).

-TG (Some of the information above has not come straight from me)

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I only shave if completly necessary such as if I have a boyfriend or I'm planning on wearing a skirt. Otherwise you really can't see my legs hair that much. I do Shave my pits every day though that grows even faster. XD

I've heard of bad reactions from Nair. Burned my friends skin badly. I wouldn't suggest it if you have sensitive skin.

Waxing is painful but your legs look nice after.

I stick with just shaving. Try the Venus razors they are awesome razors. And get some shaving cream or use some body lotion. Sometimes I use just my Olay body wash, its creamy enough that it protects from razor burn.

Never shave without any cream or anything razor burn is PAINFUL and looks horrible.


Yes, If you DO shave always remember to put some kind of body lotion or cream. If you dont your legs feel itchy, burny (if thats a word) and they will sting. I shave only at the bottom of my legs because i never wear shorts, just capris. But about once a month I shave all of my leg. As XBlackIrisX said, I shave under my pits also. I swim quite alot so I need to. :blink: lol. But if you and your mom have agreed on letting you shave, dont be obsessed with it. Dont shave EVERY day. Just do it once a week or so. Trust me, you dont want to do it everyday. I wanted to do it everday when I first started but it got tiring to do it everyday so I stopped. I hope I helped you! -ZTF

I don't shave under my arms... :D I personally don't think it's particularly necessary for me, considering I usually have sleeves on my shirts.

For shaving my legs, I usually do it every few months because I'm always wearing pants. I'm like XBlackIrisX... I only shave my legs if it's completely necessary. I mean, wouldn't it be utterly embarassing if you bought the cutest skirt and you were to wear it the next day... and forget to shave? I'd want to crawl into a hole and die with my hairy beasts. XD

Shaving is a miracle. Without it, my skirts would be worthless. :D

-TG ^.^

Hi Tama-Love,
Any question about puberty and growing is welcome here! :hitodetchi:

Unfortunately, despite what they try to tell us in science, leg hairs have this nasty tendancy to grow bigger, thicker, blacker and scarier the more and the longer you shave.

What can you do to stop that? There are a few different things. One is to get laser hair removal. That is a quick fix but it costs lots of and lots of $$$. Another alternative is to try waxing. Waxing rips out the hair at the root and it takes much longer for the hair to grow back and in theory it is also supposed to grow back softer as well. Waxing can be done at home with a kit but it is nastily painful and you need to let the hair grow back quite long before you can do it again.

The other thing is the use of some depilatory creams (hair removal creams). There are some brands out there that claim to be able to make your hair grow back lighter and softer... That might be worth investigating. It is a time consuming process too. You cover your legs in the cream and sit around for 10 minutes before you get to wash it off. I might also add that the stuff is not cheap and you will only get a few uses out of the bottle.

Now as far as your Mum goes... why is it that you want to shave your legs? Remember that unlike periods... your leg hair doesn't go away at 50 years old and you will be doing the shaving bit for the REST OF YOUR LIFE! Unlike periods you will be shaving every week (some people get to the stage where they do it every day). It is not fun.. it is a pain to have to keep up with all for the sake of supposedly looking good.

You are at an age where noone will really be expecting you to shave so if I were you I'd be putting it off as long as possible! ;)

Having said that.. if you feel that this is something that you really want to do and you want to do it right now then you have to talk to your Mum and explain why it is you want to start shaving. Don't expect her to be happy. My Mum did everything in her power to convince me otherwise and was less than pleasant when I said that I had decided to go ahead and do it.. (she'd given me razors and I had hesitated after she told me about hairy legs and did all the discouraging!). But you do need to talk to her - she's not psychic! :blink:
Thanks for the advice Bell Sprout!! :( :D ;) I better stay away from the waxing though, lol!! :( :p I already have very long and black and noticable hair that I want to get rid of, I will talk to my my when the time is right and try to convence her!! Thanks again!


Thanks everyone, is there a good brand of rasers out there that shave good and stuff , when I do shave??


I haven't shaved in a while. It's because for an odd reason my leg hair never grows longer than a quarter inch and my legs appear shiny because of all the anti itch lotion I put on them. It's almost as if i wax every day.

I have a question. Would putting masking tape up to your legs, and then ripping it off have the same effect as waxing? I'm not going to do it, but if it does work, why wouldn't people just use that, instead of expensive waxing kits?

Because it is tape used to stick things together not to rip hairs out lol.

And no masking tape does not pull out hairs, plus the sticky stuff on the tape might cause a rash that would more than likely be sore or itchy.

Plus waxing is designed especially for taking away hairs.

If ya ask me, waxing would be more efficient than tape lol.

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