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I could too when I was 7 but when I turned 12 hormones kicked in I got hips and chubbier and huge ****s. XD
exactly im 10 and ppl at school call me butt ****y I HATE THEm trust me stay skinny and wear a bra! it helps but sometimes it makes your ****s look WAY too big and if your short and wear a bra IT LOOKS REALLY! WEIRD!!!!! and keep your butt small

Well, not EVERY girl. More than most have periods. Sometimes, (at least what I've heard but it is soooooooo rare I don't know if its totally true! lol) a girl doesn't have periods. Something wrong in her system. I don't know why though. And for those afraid of getting a period, getting your period means everything is working correctly! Nothing to fear. Maybe, if you end up a heavy bleeder, a bit of embarisment and pain of cramps but nothing HORRIBLE.

Well, not EVERY girl. More than most have periods. Sometimes, (at least what I've heard but it is soooooooo rare I don't know if its totally true! lol) a girl doesn't have periods. Something wrong in her system. I don't know why though. And for those afraid of getting a period, getting your period means everything is working correctly! Nothing to fear. Maybe, if you end up a heavy bleeder, a bit of embarisment and pain of cramps but nothing HORRIBLE.

I am fat...and I have my mom won't believe me...and my life is a mess. BELL SPROUT PLZ HELP!!!
I'm sorry I didn't get to this one a little earlier. I've been flat out at work these past couple of days.

Sexy_Chick... put it this way... there is going to be a point where liners and toilet paper is not going to be enough to stem the blood flow. In which case you will bleed completely through whatever you are wearing. I question why you would wash out your underwear (being the only evidence you have) when you know that your mother is likely to question how genuine your claims are... Regardless, in a months time you will be start to bleed again and if necessary you are just going to have to show her ok?

Your only other option here is go and buy your own sanitary pads from your local supermarket or chemist. Does your mother need to know? Maybe not. But clearly there are some serious issues that exist in your relationship already. I suggest that you don't do further damage and attempt to hide something like this. Afterall... whatever she might be, she is a female and will be able to help you.

Sorry Tooky, that's not quite true.

Please review this post:

There are some genetic disorders where the reproductive organs fail to develop properly which results in the person being unable to menstruate. These are very, very, very rare.
Take for example Turner Syndrom (aka XO syndrome) where instead of a female having two X chromosomes, they only have the one causing some seriously developmental defects including infertility.

Even the avergae female without a major genetic abnormality is open to developmental issues which may render unable to menstruate because of their physiology.

So no, not EVERY girl goes through it... the vast majority do.

My mums friend has a period once every 3 months and my mums friend says it never hurts my mums friend was so scraded she went to the doctors and found out she was just lucky

You can join..anyone can join..i geuss..

Ps I love your avvie!

Strange topic, but...

I haven't gotten mine yet, but I think I'll get it soon.... Ugh! You usually get it when your mom got hers. That's usually what happens. The average is around 11-13 years of age. I had sex ed and it talked about that. But from what everyone says, it's only the cramps that hurt and not the actual bleeding. The bleeding I don't even think you feel. One of the sex ed teachers said it feels like wetting ur pants almost x.x" and I'm sure that feels horrible. Anyways, it's rare that it happens after highschool, but I know someone who's mom got it at 16 x.x" ask your mom when she got hers, it'll probably help you get an idea of when you'll get yours, too.

I only get stomach pressure! Yay! Im lucky! Wait, who only gets that like me? just awondering

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same kinda.... not huge cramps... just little ones.... blah blech i dont like that time o the month...

I have a question...
I've been getting discharge for about 1 1/2 years now, and still haven't had my period...

Is there sonething wrong with me?
No not at all... It can take one year or it can take two. You shouldn't really measure menarche on when discharge has started. It is only one indicator. I wouldn't really be concerned about not starting your periods until you reach about 18 years of age. Until then relax! This is not something that you will really want to have to deal with every month anyway :)

Ask your Mum and/or sisters when they started (what age).. it might give you an indicator as to when you are due..

[SIZE=14pt]Wait...discharge is an indicator of a period?Weird.I didn't do that till after my first period.As for cramps I don't have them anymore and when I did I had to stay home........[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Wait...discharge is an indicator of a period?Weird.I didn't do that till after my first period.As for cramps I don't have them anymore and when I did I had to stay home........[/SIZE]
Each person is different. For many girls they will get discharge in the months and years leading up to their first period. You were probably like me in that you didn't get anything until after your periods started.... in fact I don't think I had serious discharge for a few years after! :)

Well this is not about Periods, but it sorta has to do with growing up. I really whant to shave my legs, but my mom said if I do then I will have lots and lots of hair all the time that is very long, she showed me her hair!!! And she said she go long hair from shaving!! I really have long hair and it is very noticable, any advice on how I can persuade my mom, or any products that I can use so I won't get bigger hair when I start shaving, ( if my mom says okay), ??? Please help me!! Thanks!! :furawatchi: :D :angry: :)


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