I have not had my period, but both (and most) of my friends have. I feel left out, but at the same time I don't want to start mine. I mean, all I really want to do is be a kid for as long as possible. Even if some people say that when you get it "You have become a woman", you can still do kid stuff. This my sound weird to you but I have a question, would you please answer me BellSprout?
My friend's mom won't let her wear Tampons because she said that there is a slight chance that (now it gets complicated) the skin* that the tampon "goes into" will break. She says that if that happens then you will not be a virgin anbymore. I wanted to know if that was true because my friend is totally making me bored because she can't go swimming with me when she has her period. I don't mean that in a bad way, just as a friendly reminder that I don't like swimming alone and if she can't come, well guess what? I'm alone.
*The skin is reffering to what I think is called the Hymen.
Please help me, so my friend's mom will not have to worry about that!

