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what did u tell ut mom when u got ur period
Tell her exactly that! Tell her you've got your first period! Your Mum is one of the best people you can talk to about it because she has been through it all before and it is a phase of development that is considered special to many parents. :D She will also be able to guide you as to how heavy your periods are likely to be, how long they last and if you are likely to get cramps etc. Mums are also good for buying sanitary pads and tampons. :p

i was wondering, since my mom "started late", how can that happen? (she didnt "bud breasts" until she was 14)
Each person is different but the rate and onset of puberty is largely determined by genetics. Some environmental factors such as diet will also contribute though.

Well, I had cramps...down there...then I threw up repeatedly...had a fever...and I still haven't had my period!!! :D
I hate to tell you this but it sounds like what you head was an illness! Menstrual cramps are different from any other type of cramps that you might get. They tend to be a lot lower (closer to pubic hair line) rather than in your "belly" as such. You should not get a fever from menstruation. Fever is a protective mechanism used by your body to kill bacteria. Cramps and vomiting with a fever are more indicative of a stomach cold. The cramps are from you stomach and intestines complaining about what is in them and trying to get rid of what's inside.

I have not had my period, but both (and most) of my friends have. I feel left out, but at the same time I don't want to start mine. I mean, all I really want to do is be a kid for as long as possible. Even if some people say that when you get it "You have become a woman", you can still do kid stuff. This my sound weird to you but I have a question, would you please answer me BellSprout?
My friend's mom won't let her wear Tampons because she said that there is a slight chance that (now it gets complicated) the skin* that the tampon "goes into" will break. She says that if that happens then you will not be a virgin anbymore. I wanted to know if that was true because my friend is totally making me bored because she can't go swimming with me when she has her period. I don't mean that in a bad way, just as a friendly reminder that I don't like swimming alone and if she can't come, well guess what? I'm alone.

*The skin is reffering to what I think is called the Hymen.

Please help me, so my friend's mom will not have to worry about that!

-.- :D Kimmy :p -.-
Hi Kimmy,

The hymen is not like a plate of glass. It doesn't break as such. The majority of the time it stretches instead of tearing. The hymen comes in all different shapes as you can see here: Most girls have the two middle ones which means that a tampon will only cause the hymen to stretch around the tampon. The other types of hymen can cause tearing.

The concept of virginity is supposed to be a marker of sexual activity. That means that if you friend has used a tampon but not had sex then she will still be a virgin. Some people tend to tie the breaking of the hymen in with virginity. The idea is that the hymen is first ruptured by penetration of the penis into the vagina. I dare say your friend's mother also believes that she should not be having sex before marriage. It is a heck of a lot of value placed on one piece of skin don't you think? Anyway, each person has different values and if one person feels that they would like to preserve the hymen for the first sexual encounter then so be it.

You friend won't have much choice in the matter until she gets older or unless she buys tampons and uses them regardless of what her mother says (not something I recommend - mothers have this way of finding out). This is not something that her mother is likely to change her mind on either as it is an idea that she will have been brought up on.

The short of the long? A tampon can cause the hymen to tear. Whether that destroys virginity depends on whether you define virginity as the being related to having sex or being related to the hymen. It sounds to me like your friend's mother likes to tie the hymen in with sexual intercourse....

P.S. As a side note, as Rachelgotchi said, they hymen can become stretched and torn just from physical exercise or activities such as horse or bike riding. The idea that the hymen would still be perfectly intact in all girls is somewhat redundant given that most girls are not stuck in long dresses down to their ankles and forced to stay inside and knit. B)

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Ultrasounds aren't always about pregnancy. They are used to see inside your body from the outside. They use it a lot with pregnancy because they can see the baby without damaging the placenta and without exposing the baby to chemicals or radiation. Ultrasounds can be used to view joints and other parts of your body too. Seeing you are young they won't want to be introducing you to radiation and other things like that either. :D that's what happens. Thanx!

I hate to tell you this but it sounds like what you head was an illness! Menstrual cramps are different from any other type of cramps that you might get. They tend to be a lot lower (closer to pubic hair line) rather than in your "belly" as such. You should not get a fever from menstruation. Fever is a protective mechanism used by your body to kill bacteria. Cramps and vomiting with a fever are more indicative of a stomach cold. The cramps are from you stomach and intestines complaining about what is in them and trying to get rid of what's inside.
Well, I did have cramps...down there...that resorted me to throwing up.

Regards, iloveandrotchi :huh:

Man that was a late post >.< and we had to learn about puberty during 5th grade (last year). The teachers shared their experiences at the end. My teacher's mom didn't know what a period was, so when she started it, she thought she was bleeding to death! :huh:
My sister says that Health class won't take place until 8th grade! o_O Before some kinda "big move" that the district had, we would have Health class in 6th grade which was last year 4 me.

I can't beleive my friend doesn't know what a period is well I'll tell her about it tonight.Maybe she'll freak out. :huh:

yay my mum got me a padded bra! now even if i get cold and my nipples do that expandy thingy they dont show! lolz im strange but oh well...

i sometimes get cramps just sort of in the middle of the pubic hair line and my stomach lolz but dont have my period.

none of my friends have it yet! unless they lie lolz

i don't have mine..................yet. .......................................................

Yasmin, You will understand in years all girls have periods, Its were u change into a young women from a mear child

she tolded mey!
yukey ew!!!!!!!!

i nono wanntey to gow up!
Er Yasmin ALL girls have it, U will have many, I know its yucky but still its life, Boys go thru *different* changes X.x I am not saying to a young girl!

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