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Hmm... If you have an older sister, steal one of hers! :mellow: Or maybe not.
I'M the older sister lolz

good idea i would do that. hm... idea, maybe i just say '"cousins name here" gave it too me because she found it and it was too small'

hehehe im evil

Man that was a late post >.< and we had to learn about puberty during 5th grade (last year). The teachers shared their experiences at the end. My teacher's mom didn't know what a period was, so when she started it, she thought she was bleeding to death! :mellow:

If I was you, I would have run out the door, screaming "Mom! I just had my period!!!" and my mom would probably pass out or something...or cry...and say "my little girl's growing up so fast!"

Lol ^^ I read that in a book, Written by a kid.

When I had my first period and for several periods after zat I didnt tell meh mom

WHen I told her which was last month Ive had near 4 periods without her knowledge

Lol ^^ I read that in a book, Written by a kid.
When I had my first period and for several periods after zat I didnt tell meh mom

WHen I told her which was last month Ive had near 4 periods without her knowledge
Whoa, really?¿

I use this as an educational tool, bell sprout has been quite a help ^-^ Thanks bell sprout :)

h99 ^-^

Heh, Alotta people think cause of my avatar and the way I act Im a boy, But if they read this the find out Im just a Inuyasha Crazed girl! Heh but when they read this they will have a nasty shock

Topic- Yeah its true it started in the bathroom, I saw blood on the Toilet paper, Told meh mom she gave me and pad I didnt tell her about the rest of meh periods until last month

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Heh, Alotta people think cause of my avatar and the way I act Im a boy, But if they read this the find out Im just a Inuyasha Crazed girl! Heh but when they read this they will have a nasty shock
Topic- Yeah its true it started in the bathroom, I saw blood on the Toilet paper, Told meh mom she gave me and pad I didnt tell her about the rest of meh periods until last month
Oh, I had my two first periods without my mom knowing at all that I had had a period. Luckily those two periods were light, so I just used toilet paper.

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I have not had my period, but both (and most) of my friends have. I feel left out, but at the same time I don't want to start mine. I mean, all I really want to do is be a kid for as long as possible. Even if some people say that when you get it "You have become a woman", you can still do kid stuff. This my sound weird to you but I have a question, would you please answer me BellSprout?

My friend's mom won't let her wear Tampons because she said that there is a slight chance that (now it gets complicated) the skin* that the tampon "goes into" will break. She says that if that happens then you will not be a virgin anbymore. I wanted to know if that was true because my friend is totally making me bored because she can't go swimming with me when she has her period. I don't mean that in a bad way, just as a friendly reminder that I don't like swimming alone and if she can't come, well guess what? I'm alone.

*The skin is reffering to what I think is called the Hymen.

Please help me, so my friend's mom will not have to worry about that!

-.- :mellow: Kimmy :wacko: -.-

Kimberly, despite popular belief, your own is probably broken if you've ever done a cartwheel!

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I have to have an ultrasound next week >.<' I'm scared 'coz I'm only ten. My mum told me she had an ultrasound when she was pregnant.......
Ultrasounds aren't always about pregnancy. They are used to see inside your body from the outside. They use it a lot with pregnancy because they can see the baby without damaging the placenta and without exposing the baby to chemicals or radiation. Ultrasounds can be used to view joints and other parts of your body too. Seeing you are young they won't want to be introducing you to radiation and other things like that either. :D

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