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:( Breast growth is all part of the development process. Just know that you are growing! ;) Are there any concerns that you have?
Yes! It happened all of a sudden!

I'm worried that ill get teased cause im already TOO tall 4 my age (5'8") and now im gunna b teased cause my breasts 2! Why did it happen all of a sudden?


Yes! It happened all of a sudden!I'm worried that ill get teased cause im already TOO tall 4 my age (5'8") and now im gunna b teased cause my breasts 2! Why did it happen all of a sudden?

Hi BabyGirl5436,

I can understand your concern. Unfortunately, kids can be quite cruel and do like to pick on things like that. If some teases you for having big breasts they are either:

1. A boy who really doesn't get it and you can dismiss it as complete immaturity (girls develop earlier than boys so they often have their head stuck in the clouds for a long time!)

2. A girl who is actually really jealous that you have breasts when she doesn't! You will find that it is exceedingly rare for a girl who has bigger breasts herself to tease another girl with bigger breasts because it would be same as poking fun at herself! :chohimetchi:

It can be really hard to ignore nasty little jealous comments but just know that in a year or two they will be experiencing the same thing and while you will be comfortable, they will be feeling all awkward. There the kind of people you smile nicely at and say "Come talk to me when you mature a bit! :hitodetchi: " and just walk away.

Why did it happen all of a sudden? Well the chances are that they were already there but may not have been entirely aware of them. It is quite easy to go from day to day without standing in front of a mirror naked to really look at how your body is developing and often we fall in to the routine of wearing the same thing until oneday we realise that what we are wearing is just not quite big enough anymore. You may have found the same thing with shoes in the past. One day the shoe fits and then the next you realise your toes are touching the top and it seems to have occured over night. Breasts are no different really. That and even if you were to stand in front of a mirror everyday you still wouldn't be able to tell because the proportion of growth per day is not detectable by eye. The difference would be clearer if you took a photo one month and then another the next. Does that kind of make sense?

When i woke up this morning, i put on a different bra, it felt 2 tight!

So, now i have 2 wear one of my mom's smaller bras. It feels better, but now it looks like i have bigger ****s! Plz HELP!!!!

Your'e Lucky...

I wish my breasts would grow, but they WONT! :hitodetchi:

My dad says they look like two Buttons that've been glued to my chest :pochitchi:

P.S: 2000th post! YIPEE! :chohimetchi:

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Your'e Lucky...I wish my breasts would grow, but they WONT! :hitodetchi:

My dad says they look like two Buttons that've been glued to my chest :pochitchi:

P.S: 2000th post! YIPEE! :chohimetchi:
Yeah! I wish mine would speed up! They look terrible. I know they are growing, though, cause last year I couldn't wear a bra with a cup and now I can actually wear one.

I cant, I just buy the cloth ones with no cups, And Yeah animals go thru periods, My (X) friends dog went thru it so abby has to wear old underwear and a tampon, marissa was nasty and shew me the nasty thing!

I cant, I just buy the cloth ones with no cups, And Yeah animals go thru periods, My (X) friends dog went thru it so abby has to wear old underwear and a tampon, marissa was nasty and shew me the nasty thing!
I can wear bras without cups - makes my brests look smaller - thats a good thing! But I have a padded bra too. I kinda wish I didn't buy it cause it makes my brests look bigger (no duh) Oh and my mum told me she took me to the docter once and the docter said I was (this was when I was a year older than a toddler - about 4 or 5 acually! ) having like early age puberty (no not REALLY that much puberty just a little) I got 2 out of three things. 1: Brest growth (lucky me. NOT!!!) 2: weight gain (again lucky me. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The third one was pubic hair but I didn't have that! I would have rather had pubic hair than weight gain!!! Ever scince my mum told me that, I feel like I'm "un-normal" or something. I feel like I'm suposed to fit in with other girls Especially with brests!

Guess what I may have started my period today!!!! :D :D :D :D :D I know it sounds weird you see I may have been spotting we don't know so my mom said if theres anymore blood during the week I have started !!!! YAY!!! please don't thik im weird Im 12 and haven't started all my friends have though so you why im happy I really hope I did start but if its just me spotting thats ok that means I will start in a year or within a year!!!! So heres my question:Today I've been moody tired crampy ect.... Does that mean any thing like if it was mt period or spotting if you know please tell me!!!! :) ;) :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :huh: :p :p :huh:

uuuuuuuuhhhhhh look good? wow

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Ooo yesterday I had this horrible cramp... I think it might be coming. =O

Wish me luck!!


Discharge means that your uterus is cleaning itself, and getting ready to receive a new egg. If you see discharge, it means you period might come in a few days to a few weeks.
i figured that was why

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