That's correct! :furawatchi: Well partially.. it depends on the shape of the holes in the hymen..Well... I think so. The hymen is stretched, and possibly teared (don't worry if you relax that won't hapen) but I think your vagina widens a bit too.
As you can say you can have one holes or many holes and those holes can come in different shapes. The majority of the time they will come like the ones on the bottom left and right hand corners of the image. These shapes tend to stretch rather than tear. If you have one of the other shapes then the hymen will probably tear.
If your hymen is the type that is likely to stretch the only why it will tear if you are not relaxed is if you get frustrated and try to force it in... in which case you will cause yourself pain by the contrations of the muscles around the vaginal opening.
The key is top be relaxed as possible and not to go too fast. Initially you may feel a bit of resistance and that is the time you are likely to tense up! Give it a little more of a push and it should slide through. If you find it getting painful because you are tense or can't get it to work, stop take a few breaths and try again. If it still doesn't work then leave it be and try again another day.
Have a look at: A Guide To Using Your First Tampon
Now as for the vagina, the vagina is designs to stetch around both tampons and penises alike. It is also capable of stretching wide enought to give birth to a baby. Think of a the vagina as a tubular rubber band... you can stretch it a bit and it will always snap back into shape. :furawatchi: After you have a baby that doesn't quite work the same... think of some old elastic in a pair of underwear... you can stretch the elastic but it won't come back to it's original shape and gets a little floppy. These are the same group of muscles that allow you to voluntarily stop the flow or urine which is why many women have continence problems after childbirth. To conteract that the do something called Kegel excecises which turns that floppy underwear elastic back into a stretchy rubber band.
Here is a little bit about Kegels:
Anyway, that's a long way off for you! The important thing to know is that the vagina will stretch to accomodate the tampon and that when inserted correctly you won't even feel that it is there! :furawatchi: