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I remember earlier in this topic people were talking about American Girl's The Keeping and Caring of You book, and how the periods section was real creepy. My friends bought it, and I saw it. I was creepy, especially the how to insert a tampon page. *Shudders* The ****s page was even creepier, they showed the ****s development stages in cartoon pictures, and the girl in the pictures was doing regular stuff in the bathroom and acting like she didn't even notice she didn't have a shirt on. ._.
I have that book. XD

Since my periods keep getting earlier and earlier, when they used to be fairly regular, my mom said we'd wait a few months into the early winter, and if it keeps getting earlier, we'll see a doctor.

I've had my period for a year now, and the first... I wanna say like eight months, it was regular. I could predict down to a three day time span when I was going to get it, every time. 28-30 days. Then, in May, it came earlier, and it's been coming earlier each month ever since. This time there were only SEVENTEEN days in between, and it's not a "mini" period or whatever, it's the whole thing. >_>

^ I hate that. It seems normal and then it screws up.

Like in June--it came for two days. And so light.

And usually it's comes at night, heavy for two days, then gets much lighter till the point it doesn't even show up at night.

But it got all screwed up last month. It was awful. Like it just disappeared for a day and came back the next. I was like "D:"

Frickin' got mine right when I can't find a pad.


I raided my mum's bathroom cupboard and found some. Yaaay.


It's frickin' heavy. Stupid periods. >:[

Why can't we just get pregnant when we want to, and not have the whole, "I gotz an egg fer youuuu. Ohurnotmakinbabyz? FLUSH IT OUT. D:<"

Periods suck.

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One of the worst things is the fact that guys try to make it seem like they understand what's happening, when they honestly are clueless.

Or they like to comment about girls moaning about periods.

Because of sex ed, we're all told the figures etc.

So they say, "Geez, it can't be that bad, I mean, it's only like a teaspoonful every day, right?"

If only.. We were talking about this on German Exchange on an outing to a swimming pool-- I was sitting out with all the girls who couldn't swim because they were on their periods (I wasn't, I'd joined them after almost breaking my nose)-- and we all said we don't know anyone who has a teaspoonful a day.. Most gitls have it much, much heavier than that.. :S

Guys are clueless about periods, it's official xP

^ I knoww. D;

I think I'm getting closer to mine. o_o Cause I'm getting a few aches that I usually do beforehand.

Dangit, they need to stop coming earlier. Because I'm going to Florida on the first week of November and the path my period is on now, means an awful vacation. Dx

I don't think it's one spoon of the period discharge.

It's like, one spoon of blood but is more because the rest is like, regular discharge.

I think thats what my teacher said.

I think I'm getting close to mine. I got it on the 16th of last month so I should be safe for another week or so. Also, I've been developing a really bad attitude and I keep getting crankier and crankier. The slightest thing makes me mad and this is the first time it has happened to me. I hate it.

I think I might be getting my VERY FIRST period reallll soon:

I've had 3 cramps in 5 days. Not pleasing when you're out of "tums"

I got REALLY pissy at my friend, and was ranting on about how her mum sucks.

I think I've got discharge right now. It's discusting. >.<

It's a week late. -_- I woke up with terrible cramps this morning, but no period D:<

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Well, mine picked up. It's not light anymore. Yay, and darn.

Yay: Now I know there's nothing wrong with me. xD

Darn: Now I have to deal with an annoying heavy period. -_x

But it's still early. Man. This just isn't easy, is it?

I got it Yesterday.

My cramps were terrible. I got no sleep.

I don't get it. I only got cramps on my last two periods, no other ones ;I

Haha. No period yet. I don't expect to have it anytime soon. I'm small and everything. -.-

I'm scared for when it does come. ._.

Yeahh I was always afraid to get mine..

Then I got it. I'm actually on it right now ;P

I usually only get light cramps the day of/before I start, then I only get cramps if Im on a terribly heavy flow.

Yesterday I had terrible cramps and today I had so-so cramps. Last night I felt like crying for no reason. My mom told me she thinks I'm going to get my first period in September. Today I felt like making a bracelet with red beads to wear whenever I would get my period. I'm so weird. X3

I'm on it now and it sucks >.< I had to leave my guy friends house earlier today just to bike home and change and then I went back to his house. I brought a book back, so it wouldn't look weird. he didnt ask why I left, he just looked at me and said "your all sweaty ;o" and I'm like "yup thats what happens when you bike long distances"

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