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I still have my period.

It's been 4 days.

I am ABSOLUTELY SICK OF IT. :) When will it go away!? I am sick of wearing pads, sick of having cramps, and sick of all of it.

I have a question.

On alot of sites I read that you go poo alot when you have your period.....I have to go, but I CAN'T!!! I'll sit on the toliet, and blood will start leaking when I....ermm....push..o.o.....and I just cant go!! Is this normal??

I haven't took a, er, poop for like a week and I'm worried!

But I just can't go since I got my period for the first time!


That actually bothers me when I have to... erm, poo when I'm having my period. Because then you wipe, and the toilet paper is covered with blood... it's ughh. x____x

But I guess you just have to... go. There's not much you can do about it. I know when I really have to go, it just kinda... comes out and I don't really have to push. Kind of think of it, I don't really push when I go... but anyway. It's gross, but you still have to do what your body needs to do. Just close your eyes, push, and get it over with. When you think you're through, wipe and throw the paper in the trash can, because you'll probably use a lot of paper. I clogged the toilet that way once, and my dad had to unplug it and... ugh. It was a disaster. Don't do that.

I've never heard that you poo a lot when you're menustrating... and I've never seemed to notice it.

I guess it's just another inconvience.

And, as you probably already know, it's different for every person when there's stops. My mom told me when I got my first period that it should be, "light and gone in three days." Yeah, well. It was extremely heavy and lasted 10. Just goes to show. My periods now last 7-10 days. I guess it's just something you get used to.

I apologize for a double post... although the last one I made was a few days ago.

I'm having my period now and have my Christmas show for dance today. (Ughh. D:<) I probably should have used a tampon, and I was planning on it. I really tried to use one.

But my question is - for those with experience- is it hard to get your tampon... in? I mean, I thought I found my vaginal opening, but whenever I started to push, it wouldn't go up. There was no where for it to go. I thought I was actually getting somewhere once, but I was really just sliding the appliciater up towards my butt crack.

So do you have to push the tampon really hard to find the opening for it to go in? I spread my legs and hand the skin pulled back with my free hand but when I put the applicater in the opening and shoved, there was no where for it to go. D:

Some advice please?

^^ That happened to my mate too. But the evil cow who was mean about it got whipped up the butt by karma. Hers came th next day and soaked her dress in first period and had to stay that way all day.
How ironic! xD

I thought I started mine a day before my birthday for a like.. two days but it was really light and then it just.. disappeared.

Hopefully I'll last out a little longer. X:

But my question is - for those with experience- is it hard to get your tampon... in? I mean, I thought I found my vaginal opening, but whenever I started to push, it wouldn't go up. There was no where for it to go. I thought I was actually getting somewhere once, but I was really just sliding the appliciater up towards my butt crack.
So do you have to push the tampon really hard to find the opening for it to go in? I spread my legs and hand the skin pulled back with my free hand but when I put the applicater in the opening and shoved, there was no where for it to go. D:

Some advice please?
It's not difficult to push a tampon inside yourself if you are menstruating (bleeding).

I think the problem you have experienced is that you didn't find the vaginal opening.

You honestly shouldn't have to push the tampon really hard - firm but gentle pressure should push the tampon in fine.

All I can suggest is that you try to locate your vaginal opening with your finger first and then when you are able to push your finger gently inside yourself (just a little way inside) you can bring the tampon up to the same place and remove your finger and replace it with the tip of the tampon. I know it sounds gross, but it might help.


>.< I've had my period for a week now. Yesterday and this morning, it was VERY light, so I thought it was going away.

But I just went to the bathroom, and it was VERY heavy! Lots of blood.

Why is it getting heavy again? Errr it's so annoying.

I STILL haven't the bathroom (**number 2**) in like, over a week and I'm scared. o.o

Everytime I sit on the toliet, I just lose the feeling and it won't come out. And, my period starts to leak so it becomes very uncomfortable.

OMG. :lol:

You should still give it your best attempt to go to the bathroom. Maybe you should try taking some laxatives? Just make sure you take them when you're at home and rush to the bathroom all evening when you need to. May not be the most pleasent solution, but it should work.

You should probably talk to your mom or another adult about this.

Your period should clear up soon. My first one lasted 10 days.


I tried a tampon again, but I still can't find the opening. :lol: I don't know why it's so difficult for me to find the opening.

I'm just gonna throw a panty liner in my tights for when I perform, and change into a pad and sweat pants as soon as I'm finished. Hopefully in the future, say when I have to take Summer Gym again this summer (and if you don't swim because of your period you drop a letter grade, and if you miss more than two or three you fail. D:) I'll be more mature - and hopefully better prepared to handle a tampon.

I'm also gonna talk to some of my friends and see how using a tampon for the first time was for them. Maybe because I'm built fairly small, my vaginal opening is fairly small as well.

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You should still give it your best attempt to go to the bathroom. Maybe you should try taking some laxatives? Just make sure you take them when you're at home and rush to the bathroom all evening when you need to. May not be the most pleasent solution, but it should work.
You should probably talk to your mom or another adult about this.

Your period should clear up soon. My first one lasted 10 days.


I tried a tampon again, but I still can't find the opening. :lol: I don't know why it's so difficult for me to find the opening.

I'm just gonna throw a panty liner in my tights for when I perform, and change into a pad and sweat pants as soon as I'm finished. Hopefully in the future, say when I have to take Summer Gym again this summer (and if you don't swim because of your period you drop a letter grade, and if you miss more than two or three you fail. D:) I'll be more mature - and hopefully better prepared to handle a tampon.

I'm also gonna talk to some of my friends and see how using a tampon for the first time was for them. Maybe because I'm built fairly small, my vaginal opening is fairly small as well.
Ooh. You have to perform on your period? Mann. That really tanks. Don't you just hate it when your period comes at the wrong time? It's like it knows when you just need to not get it. D:<

I have. I have three days of excrutiating hell and that's it. Whats even worse, is according to my calculations, I START ON CHRISTMAS EVE DAY AND END ON THE DAY AFTER BOXING DAY. d'argh.


When I eventually had to ask my mom for pads after like five periods she though it was my first one and my gran was all OMG U B WOMANZ and stuff. p-p It was annoying.

I got mine at school camp. And it was AQUATIC camp! So I couldnt do the activities. Man, that sucked badly. O well, I did do wind surfing and cayacking because that didnt require a lot of movement. Mine started 2 months ago and it usually lasts between 6-8 days.

Grahhh. I just started last night. At 5:00 AM! I guess that would be this morning. xD So annoying. Then my stomach hurt. Ya know, sometimes I really wish I wasn't a girl. But then I'm glad I'm not a boy, and back and forth and so on.

You should still give it your best attempt to go to the bathroom. Maybe you should try taking some laxatives? Just make sure you take them when you're at home and rush to the bathroom all evening when you need to. May not be the most pleasent solution, but it should work.
You should probably talk to your mom or another adult about this.

Your period should clear up soon. My first one lasted 10 days.


I tried a tampon again, but I still can't find the opening. :hitodetchi: I don't know why it's so difficult for me to find the opening.

I'm just gonna throw a panty liner in my tights for when I perform, and change into a pad and sweat pants as soon as I'm finished. Hopefully in the future, say when I have to take Summer Gym again this summer (and if you don't swim because of your period you drop a letter grade, and if you miss more than two or three you fail. D:) I'll be more mature - and hopefully better prepared to handle a tampon.

I'm also gonna talk to some of my friends and see how using a tampon for the first time was for them. Maybe because I'm built fairly small, my vaginal opening is fairly small as well.
It could be that you are small down there, but you likely still have an opening large enough to use a tampon. What size tampon are you trying to use? The higher absorbency tampons are generally thicker, and perhaps for you more difficult to put in. I believe Playtex makes a tampon for teenagers that is slim enough to be comfortable for everyone to use.

Also, have you tried looking down there with a mirror? If I were you, I would place a mirror on the floor and crouch over it. If you are bleeding heavily, do this in the bathtub. Look for your vaginal opening that way, and once you can see it clearly, try the tampon again if you want to. It really helped me to do it this way my first few times, and you will do fine after you get the hang of it!

^ I used Platex Gentle Glide, slender light. And I tried the mirror thing, but it made me uncomfortable looking down there.

I'm hoping that by Summer Gym this summer (When I have to swim or I fail - miss one day of swimming you drop a letter grade. Two or more and you fail. D:) I'll have it all figured out. I'll give myself some more time to mature before trying again. I am built small, so that must contribute to why I'm having such a hard time.

My mom suggested putting Vasaline on the applicator to help it slide easier - but I didn't try that.

So I'm just gonna give it some time before giving it another go.

Oh, and thank you. ;)

I made a topic about this but it hasn't been accepted yett.....but I need help, QUICK. I'm scared.

My period stopped on Monday after having it for the first time.

Yet, today, when I went to the bathroom, I had alot of liquidy discharge with BLOOD. And when I wiped, there was discharge along with some blood.

I tried to find information about it, and I'm scared it's not normal. I can't really find much about it.


^ You could just post that in this topic. :)

And it's okay if your period starts and re-starts, especially when you've just started and it's irregular. It's happened to me, and many of my friends as well.

So if it's your period again, it's normal and you shouldn't worry. You should probably let your mom know what's going on though, just in case.

Well. I've posted here before but I'll post again. I started my period when I was ten years old and when I went to the toilet and realised there was A LOT of blood I thought there was something wrong. Did anyone else here think this?

Anyway, I kinda get...constipated when I'm having it. It's REALLY annoying because none of the pills help. I'm sick of stomach cramps when I get it as well, EVERY SINGLE DAY OF IT!!!

Oh yeah and I checked on my diary and I figured out that it starts on CHRISTMAS!! *Screams*. I can't believe CHRISTMAS of all days. Yuck. Oh yeah and I have trouble using tampons, I just use towels. Annoying, bulky, disgusting towels. I'm not sure I'll use tampons even if I could, I'd feel uncomfortable. Just a question, is it more comfortable to wear a tampon?

Well. I've posted here before but I'll post again. I started my period when I was ten years old and when I went to the toilet and realised there was A LOT of blood I thought there was something wrong. Did anyone else here think this?
Anyway, I kinda get...constipated when I'm having it. It's REALLY annoying because none of the pills help. I'm sick of stomach cramps when I get it as well, EVERY SINGLE DAY OF IT!!!

Oh yeah and I checked on my diary and I figured out that it starts on CHRISTMAS!! *Screams*. I can't believe CHRISTMAS of all days. Yuck. Oh yeah and I have trouble using tampons, I just use towels. Annoying, bulky, disgusting towels. I'm not sure I'll use tampons even if I could, I'd feel uncomfortable. Just a question, is it more comfortable to wear a tampon?
no i didn't fink there was sumthing wrong with me when i got mine i knew it was ma period

and tampons are comfy and you don't feel them inside you maybe when your inserting them you may feel something but it doesn't hurt

thats why i use em <3

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