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I got so scared at my discharge. I thought I had an ifection of some sort so we went to the doctor... he said it was my discharge.

Whoever is scared of getting it, don't be, it's perfectly normal for every girl. And don't be worried and say "omg what if I never get it!?" Because you will. Periods are between 8-18. So you have a lot of time.

that makes EVERYONE feel better why ........ are ppl talkin bout this its SCARY!
What do you mean? If you do not like the topic, leave the topic. This is a tool for helping girls and things, not a place to 'ew' everywhere about.

Yipe... never quite that bad but I didn't use tampons until after I started on the pill when things were lighter... I could bleed through a super pad in less than an hour though! :wacko: That used to irritate me no end!!!
Erk x.x' Heavy bleeding is the sucks. I wonder if the amount of blood goes with how much cramping you have.

Erk x.x' Heavy bleeding is the sucks. I wonder if the amount of blood goes with how much cramping you have.
I suspect so... I only cramp in the first couple of days when bleeding is the heaviest. Cramping is just the uterine muscles contracting in an effort to expel the blood. I would assume then it follows that if you have a lot to expel, the contractions are stronger and harder...

Is it normal to have cramps before your period starts? Like if it's during the time you get discharge?

Is it normal to have cramps before your period starts? Like if it's during the time you get discharge?
Yes, absolutely... that's is part of your body's work up to expelling blood. Cramps are one of many of the premenstrual signs. Some people suffer what is called PMT Premenstrual Tension where they become very agro for no particular reason and also very emotional, this can include cramping. Others experience PMS which involves a whole range of physical and emotional symptoms...though they seem to mention bloating and not cramping there.



Just because you have cramping doesn't mean you have either of these conditions. But it can be regulated by the contraceptive pill. Personal experience for me says that I get PMT when not on the pill but I still get cramps leading up to a bleed even when on the pill.

I'm not a very heavy bleeder, but I'm not what you would call light.

The other day my friend went home sick, and she got her period when she was at home.

The next day she told Miss Mcnichol and this other girl "over heard" and spread the word around and I just feel sorry for my friend when she started crying.

We all went into the girls bathroom and talked about things for a bit and then this other girl said she had them as well. We are all good friends and we all share secrets and the thing is there is probably always someone else in your class that is going through the same thing as you.


Now...some of my symtoms I have realized since I have started getting my periods...

~Mood swings, I get angry alot when I'm going to have my period, but the thing is that you have to realize is that your just getting your period and so cool down.

~Your ****s might get a bit sore, try and stay out of playing sport cause it hurts if you get hit in the ****.

~Discharge, as have been mentioned.


Note:Always keep a spare pad or tampon with you and maybe a fresh pair of undies just incase.

Nobody has to know you get them, it can be very personal to some people.


Well tat is all I can tink of for now.

plus keep some panties in your bag too I do incase I start at school and I would get some pads from the office or ask my teacher.(she is very nice and explained periods last year to the girls)and this may be off topic but she is pregnant!!!she will have the baby in octocber but I will be in secondary school.I just realised we should have sex ed next week(its the holidays WOO)I yap alot.

Another bad thing about the dishcharge is that it stains your sheets sometimes by blue sheet was covered in it but I put a pink one on.

Gosh this talk bout all this stuff has gone on for an amazingly 3 pages dudes! When my friend had her first period she had a real heavy was at school!!! Oh gosh it was so heavy that a little blood was on her skirt!!!

:furawatchi: !!!scary!!! :chohimetchi:

Is this just a myth or is it not!!! It's been giving me bad dreams!!!! Here it is: You have WHITE BLOOD on ur panties for one whole year before u have ur period!That scares me!WHITE BLOOD!!!! gosh!!! Even though this might be a myth u have to be careful!I have never had my period so i don't know if this myth is true or not! Pls tell me!

:furawatchi: :chohimetchi: :gozarutchi: :hitodetchi: :huh: :huh: :huh: :(

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Its called Discharge and WHOA MAMA Thats what that *censored* was!?

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Oh that's a myth, but part of it is true. The "White blood" is something called discharge, its a kind of clear liquidy goo that comes into your panties... This means your beginning to head towards you period. you will not have your period right after. You can have discharge for a year before your period and i doesn't happen once a month. It comes out regularly so you best start wearing panty liners. Its nothing to worry about. Don't be scared. Its a bit uncomfortable at 1st because it feels like you just wet yourself but you'll get used to it

Well Im 12 and Im starting to get cramps and I have discharg whats that mean if you have both? :D
Your on your way to periods. Start wearing pantyliners. Don't get to excited, it can take even a year or more before you get your first period.

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