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Hasnt changed at my school, You get a bag with A pad and a little deoderent Spray. I got mine about 3 weeks ago.Apparently in Year 10 we have to put a condom on a Banana :huh:

On a banana eh? High school they brought in "Woody" the Wooden penis. I don't know if I would of taken the condom lesson seriously if I had to put one on a banana XD!!

Hasnt changed at my school, You get a bag with A pad and a little deoderent Spray. I got mine about 3 weeks ago.Apparently in Year 10 we have to put a condom on a Banana :chohimetchi:

A condom on a banana?! Lol.

Um...What's a condom? XD. I seriously don't know.
Matchy :chohimetchi:
When a couple who want to make love and don't

want to have a baby, they use a Condom.

Well actually only the guy uses the condom.

The guy puts the condom on his..erm..Penis

So when he ejaculates none of the sperm

will reach the female, which we start the developement

of a baby. o.o

But one of the problems with this is about 70 or 80%

of couples who use a condom, put it on WRONG.

Hope I helped! o_O

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What you just said made me ashamed be on the same website as you! It is not your choice to make! Would you like to have a baby if you found out you were pregnant right now? I seriously doubt it. I am pro-choice. If the unfortunate mother-to-be will not love her child, she doesn't need to go through the horrible pangs of birth. It is not murder to not want a child. If someone gets an abortion it does not change their personality. If you liked your neighbor before this and now you don't, I'm disgusted with you. I hope you are put in jail for life* for even typing that!
*I do not approve of capital punishment. Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?
Well its just an opinon. And its her opinon! And thats stupid to be put in jail for doing that! My opinon on Abortions is this: If a mom gets pregnate at an early age or cant handle a baby! She should of not been having you no what or should be on some type of pill! I think if you arent ready to have a child you arent ready to have you know what! I feel bad for all those babies! But I think its the moms own fault!

Wow, that bannana and 'Woody' thing- how awkweird. o_O

You know, they shouldn't teach 'safe sex' they should just teach NO sex till later.

I have a question? Well I am really thankful for who ever made this site! And I like didnt know anything about this! And I turned 12 like 5 days after I first topic! And thats good because all my sisters have started their period when they were 12 or 11! So I am kind of late! I turned 12 on St.Patricks Day! So almost a month! But I am REALLY scared! Can anyone give me some tips or helo to help me be prepared?!

When a couple who want to make love and don'twant to have a baby, they use a Condom.

Well actually only the guy uses the condom.

The guy puts the condom on his..erm..Penis

So when he ejaculates none of the sperm

will reach the female, which we start the developement

of a baby. o.o

But one of the problems with this is about 70 or 80%

of couples who use a condom, put it on WRONG.

Hope I helped! o_O
Thank you.

Matchy :angry:

Wow, that bannana and 'Woody' thing- how awkweird. o_O
You know, they shouldn't teach 'safe sex' they should just teach NO sex till later.
Well, with todaysmedia and such, teens at young

ages are gonna keep having sex. weather

teaches or parents they say its ok or not.

So they might has well

teach them how to protect them selfs. o_O

Can anyone give me some tips or helo to help me be prepared?!
Well be sure to have pads just in case it starts at home. Also bring some to school but nurses do have pads if you do get it at school. Sometimes teachers do too. Since people in your family have gotten their period ask them for help and advice about what they did when they got their period. Don't be sacred it's normal. Hope I helped. :angry: Also everyone starts at a differnt time so it's okay if your 12 and you still don't have it. I got mine last august and my sisters all had it before me. Sometimes it may happen at age 14 too. So it's okay if you don't get it when you are 11, 12 or 13

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Well be sure to have pads just in case it starts at home. Also bring some to school but nurses do have pads if you do get it at school. Sometimes teachers do too. Since people in your family have gotten their period ask them for help and advice about what they did when they got their period. Don't be sacred it's normal. Hope I helped. :angry: Also everyone starts at a differnt time so it's okay if your 12 and you still don't have it. I got mine last august and most of my sisters had it before me.
thanks SO much!

Till your 14???? I WOULD DIE if i didn't get it before then...

JEEEZ! I don't know whats wrong with ME!I haven't had my period in almost 3 months!

And it's not like I've had intercourse or anything

either! >_<
periods are usually irregular for the first 2-3 years

but if you are concerned you should see a doctor

JEEEZ! I don't know whats wrong with ME!I haven't had my period in almost 3 months!

And it's not like I've had intercourse or anything

either! >_<
That has been happened to me but after 3-4 months I got it again. Don't worry it's just your body is adjusting.

I have a question? Well I am really thankful for who ever made this site! And I like didnt know anything about this! And I turned 12 like 5 days after I first topic! And thats good because all my sisters have started their period when they were 12 or 11! So I am kind of late! I turned 12 on St.Patricks Day! So almost a month! But I am REALLY scared! Can anyone give me some tips or helo to help me be prepared?!
Do what i did. lol. Buy a pad!

Okay so ya. I dont think I will buy any pads right now. Because if I start my period at school I can jsut ask a nurse or the office. And if I start it at home my mom said she will buy me some right away! Like that second! So ya! Any more tips?

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