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I get cravings for polish dogs (hot dogs with more seasoning) and Godiva White Chocolate Raspberry Ice Cream bars at my period. My dad just thinks I like them a lot because he doesn't know I have my period yet. Also, he comes into my room without knocking a lot. Once he came in while I was changing! It's ok beacause he's my dad and has changed my diapers (a few times) when I was a baby, but I would like a little more privacy now.
I know how you feel! But your mom should know...she doesn't have to, but my mom does.

Cravings? I might have had these. I don't get it. Whadda they feel like?
Cravings are hard to describe... they are kind of like a weird hidden drive to eat a certain food... for example pickles. It is almost like you can taste or smell pickles and you feel the need to go and eat pickles.

OK, this has taken up alot of my will power, but i have something 2 say. this doesnt have 2 do periods, but being anerexic(i dont know how 2 spell that) ive read books about it and some of my friends say i look like i am... i am 5'1 and weigh 79 lbs... i dont feel or think i look as skinny as they say i am... i know that part of the reason i am so " skinny" is becouse i am lacktose intolerant... i still dont think im THAT skinny though... no one that is related 2 me seems 2 be worried... i dont think i have a lack of eating habit thingy... some girls brag about being anerexic...i think they're kinda stupid though... i REALY just neede 2 get that out...

Well wubzywoo it's good your concerned, and being lactose entolerent means no milk products I think, right? Anyway, milk products do have some fat in them that is well, fat, so maybe lacking in that certain food group can cause you to be not as heavy, but I'm sure if your family is ok with it, your fine. I know your not anerexic, but at least your taking charge and say being anerexic is a pretty bad thing. Just incase, see a doctor because I think that is a little under weight, but I'm sure it's nothing everyone is diffent. :D

^^I'm 5 ft. and 100 lbs.

Last time I went to the doc, I was 75 percentile height and 55 percentile weight.

But then I was 4''8 and 75 lbs. Like last May.

Sorry if this is no help, if this helps you scale, it might?

///Matchy :D

Well wubzywoo it's good your concerned, and being lactose entolerent means no milk products I think, right? Anyway, milk products do have some fat in them that is well, fat, so maybe lacking in that certain food group can cause you to be not as heavy, but I'm sure if your family is ok with it, your fine. I know your not anerexic, but at least your taking charge and say being anerexic is a pretty bad thing. Just incase, see a doctor because I think that is a little under weight, but I'm sure it's nothing everyone is diffent. :D
You may be underwieght but if you thought you were fat and started starving yourself, THEN you would be anorexic.

Being underwieght doesn't make you anorexic.

You may be underwieght but if you thought you were fat and started starving yourself, THEN you would be anorexic.Being underwieght doesn't make you anorexic.
Thought so. Didn't know if it was that too, I was too lazy to look it up.

Jeez, what am I saying... *yawn*

i'm bleeding, but it isn't my period (i know it isn't. the blood is different, and i already had my period.). am i sick or something?

OK,  this has taken up alot of my will power, but i have something 2 say. this doesnt have 2 do periods, but being anerexic(i dont know how 2 spell that) ive read books about it and some of my friends say i look like i am... i am 5'1 and weigh 79 lbs... i dont feel or think i look as skinny as they say i am... i know that part of the reason i am so " skinny" is becouse i am lacktose intolerant... i still dont think im THAT  skinny though... no one that is related 2 me seems 2 be worried... i dont think i have a lack of eating habit thingy... some girls brag about being anerexic...i think they're kinda stupid though... i REALY just neede 2 get that out...
It's okay, I'm 4'11 and 71 lbs, and I get teased a lot too. Just look around you... If most of your relatives are skinny, it's probably just genetic. People who's ancestors came from warmer areas are generally skinnier, because warm places are good for growing food, so their brains don't need to tell them to eat all the time. That's all it is, it's nothing to be ashamed of. ;)

Oh, and I have a question to ask... Well, when I get sweaty and stuff, I don't smell anything, even if I'm not wearing deodorant. Is that just because I'm still pretty young, or do some people just not get BO?

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i'm bleeding, but it isn't my period (i know it isn't. the blood is different, and i already had my period.). am i sick or something?
Hm, it could just be that your periods aren't regular yet... Sometimes I get spots on my underwear, even if I'm not on my period. >_< But if you're bleeding ALL THE TIME, you might want to see a doctor/urologist.

i'm bleeding, but it isn't my period (i know it isn't. the blood is different, and i already had my period.). am i sick or something?
Depends where the blood is coming from.

If its peeing, if its not from your urethra then chances are its an irregular period still adjusting to your body. If it is from your urethra (where pee comes out) or your rear, I'd see a doctor if it persists.

when will this never ending gross topic end*sobs*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please grow up. Thanks.

On topic!

I remember my first period was at day camp back when I was 10. First time using a pad, I put it on the wrong way with sticky side on me lol!

i got mine a while ago and my mum says it might not come back for a hole year. yay!!

*sob* a boy walked up to me and asked if i was anorexic and i'm not. and alll my friends say how skinney i am........some even hate there body and want do i get them to quit loving my skinnieness

i got mine a while ago and my mum says it might not come back for a hole year. yay!!

*sob* a boy walked up to me and asked if i was anorexic and i'm not. and alll my friends say how skinney i am........some even hate there body and want do i get them to quit loving my skinnieness
There's really no way to stop people from teasing you/saying how they want your body. It's just something you have to deal with... I get that a lot too. One girl in my class said her New Year's resolution was to be as skinny as me, and I'm like uhh okay that's nice... Run along now little fangirl... xD Well, I didn't actually say that. But that's what I was thinking...

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People were taking about cravings and they described them for me. It's really confusing. I don't know if I get these or not. They say it's like when you can taste and feel the food and it's like you really want it. I might get these all the time, but I'm not sure! I am SO confused!!!

///Matchy :p

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