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I have a few questions that I am too embarrassed to ask anyone I personally know *deep breath*:
OK, When I feel my breasts, (A34) they feel almost completely solid, and whenever any amount of pressure is omitted on them they hurt REALLY bad. DO I HAVE BREAST CANCER??!?!?!??

I haven't been to the doctor since I was 7, and I don't have my period. I am 4'12 and I weigh 94 lbs...are my breasts VERY tender because I am small? PLEASE relieve my nerves!!!!!!
It's not breast cancer because you need to feel a lump and get it looked at before drawing such a conclusion. Go see your doctor about the lack of period and breat tenderness. It could be it's just something you gotta deal with growing up. My breasts during development were very sensitive, but not hurting to touch.

I will, but my mom is gonna want to "sit in" on EVERYTHING

She once asked if she could go to the bathroom with me... //.-

My mom and I aren't close. We practically hate eachother. -.-

I will, but my mom is gonna want to "sit in" on EVERYTHINGShe once asked if she could go to the bathroom with me... //.-

My mom and I aren't close. We practically hate eachother. -.-
If you're in America and are 13+ tell her she can't go in. It's your choice after you turn 13, not hers. Also after 13 everything you say to your doctor, unless it's life threatening or harming yourself is confidential. They can't tell anyone what you talk about without your verbal and/or written permission.

Also, I noticed you listed your height as 4'12". That's 5'0" ^.^'

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yeah sorta
No that's a fact. Silly :p

Yep if you tell her you want to go in on your own if she persists just say if you are the right age "Look, its my body, and it's my health. I'm old enough by law to go in on my own. Wait outside please." I think she'd get the hint then.

I'm 11, and I have slight breasts. Mom says it's just fat in my chest, and no breasts. xD

Never started my period though. I think I'll start it in early 7th grade, since my "down there" is producing way more then before. o_0

Is that natural?

I started growing them when I was 10, and I got my period when I was 12 (I'm 14 now)

I live in Australia so my bra size is 10A but if I lived in America it would be 28A

I'm 11, and I have slight breasts. Mom says it's just fat in my chest, and no breasts. xDNever started my period though. I think I'll start it in early 7th grade, since my "down there" is producing way more then before. o_0

Is that natural?
What do you mean by it's producing more than before?

Well, it get's more wetter, and whenever I do my business, I not my underpants are slightly wet. D:

It's not like I wet myself, but, it's just weird... I asked the nurse in the school, and she said it's just liquids for preparing for period....

Ok I am starting to grow them and I noticed that one "bud" is biggar than the other. Is that normal?



Ok I am starting to grow them and I noticed that one "bud" is biggar than the other. Is that normal? 

Every girl has one **** a bit bigger than the other. One of mine is a full cup-size bigger x.x

Completely normal.

Every girl has one **** a bit bigger than the other. One of mine is a full cup-size bigger x.xCompletely normal.
Wow, so I'm not the only one? Cool! I thought I was. Phew now I don't have to worry about that. :(



i do i am like A32.i am 11.and i started

my period like 3 monthes ago.

I clicked "I don't know" because I know I have started developing but I have like nothing and don't wear a brassiere. I don't know what I would count for.

I am 11 years old and not flat chested i mean cmon i am alreadt an A cup my docter my period is to come next year.

NEVER forget your bra if you have ****s you will look weird.

I dont really no

i wear a bra,.....

errm huh never thought of it,..


i guess not fully but a little,....

I just started to grow. I'm growing tall, though. 5 feet 2 inches. I'm in eighth grade. Everyone I know who is my age has theirs bigger but it doesn't bother me. I like being flat.

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