There is
nothing gross about this topic.
So if you're going to say "Eww, nasty!" and be immature about it, just leave.
We're not forcing you to post in here.
We're all girls, and go through this stage of life at
some point.
So no matter how uncomfortable you are about this kind of topic, you're gonna have to put up with it someday.
Puberty happens.
Everyone grows at different rates, remember.
Some girls start early, some start late.
But it's all a normal process in growing up.
Your day will come, and when you start getting "buds", it's the very beginning of puberty for you.
I started growing '****s' when I was 8 years old.
But even still, I am only a 32AA 4 years later.
I've started my periods a ear ago.
It all depends on the person.
Every woman is unique, and there are people out there who feel the exact same way as your.
Don't feel alone in this kind of situation.
When you finally get to the bottom point, everything's gonna be alright.