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Lem'me just tell you this, you aren't alone!

I'm the exact same! Plus I'm pretty short which gets noticed and pointed out fairly often to my discomfort. x.x

Girls, do you have breasts yet? I am 14 and I still don't have any. I mean, I can tell they are growing and I'm about to go to high school. I have been to marching band practice for HS and there are high school boys there. I'm embarassed to even go there because I'm flat :D Plus today I heard this 10th grade boy say "Dude that girl has no chest".  

I also haven't even started my period yet.

When am I going to get breasts and start my period?


you gotta wait

~no one~

Girls, do you have breasts yet? I am 14 and I still don't have any. I mean, I can tell they are growing and I'm about to go to high school. I have been to marching band practice for HS and there are high school boys there. I'm embarassed to even go there because I'm flat :D Plus today I heard this 10th grade boy say "Dude that girl has no chest".  

I also haven't even started my period yet.

When am I going to get breasts and start my period?


Ask your mother, older sister(s) (if any), and/or your aunt when they started budding breasts. That might give you a hint on when yours will begin.

And there's nothing to be ashamed of about being a late bloomer. My mother was one, and she turned out fine. You'll catch up soon. Everyone is different.

Plus, do not care about what that 10th grader think. Your breasts are not the only thing about you.

About your question, I have had breasts since I was about 9 1/2 years old. There's a kinda earlier-than-average puberty gene in my family. My bra size is 34A. And I've had my period for about 8 months :lol:

Trust me.. YOU'RE LUCKY. You won't really like guys chasing after you only for your breasts (like in "Bebes ****s Destroy Society" from South Park) and you won't like periods.

It's okay, everyone grows at a different pace. And don't let that tenth grader bring you down, he's just a big meanie. Don't feel abnormal, it's no big deal.

God, what a dweeb. Seriously. Men are immature. Well, some are.

I m 18, so yeah, I have had both, but some girls don't 'bust out' untill they are around 16.

If anyone bothers you for it, ignore them. Everyone is different, so don't worry.

I got mine when I was 7 though. >.<

I'm in puberty at 8!It depends!Yes I have breast!It takes pactince

How can I tell when mine are growing? Sometimes when I'm doing something my so called "buds" start iching like crazy and wont stop.


What does that mean? Does anybody know?



i have preety big ****s and i started my period i think last yr sometime and i am 12 :eek: go figure but the bigger build u are the more things start happening quicker and i am really tall but i wouldn't call myself fat :p

i have preety big ****s and i started my period i think last yr sometime and i am 12 :eek: go figure but the bigger build u are the more things start happening quicker and i am really tall but i wouldn't call myself fat :p
Size doesn't matter. I'm really tall and I only started my periods at 14, and my ****s only started growing properly after that. I'm not fat either - It just depends on the person.

There is nothing gross about this topic.

So if you're going to say "Eww, nasty!" and be immature about it, just leave.

We're not forcing you to post in here.

We're all girls, and go through this stage of life at some point.

So no matter how uncomfortable you are about this kind of topic, you're gonna have to put up with it someday.

Puberty happens.

Everyone grows at different rates, remember.

Some girls start early, some start late.

But it's all a normal process in growing up.

Your day will come, and when you start getting "buds", it's the very beginning of puberty for you.

I started growing '****s' when I was 8 years old. :D

But even still, I am only a 32AA 4 years later.

I've started my periods a ear ago.

It all depends on the person.

Every woman is unique, and there are people out there who feel the exact same way as your.

Don't feel alone in this kind of situation.

When you finally get to the bottom point, everything's gonna be alright. :)


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Yeah.I have my breats.But I'm not sure if I should change my bra yet.I still wear training bras.

Size doesn't matter. I'm really tall and I only started my periods at 14, and my ****s only started growing properly after that. I'm not fat either - It just depends on the person.
My period came when I was 10-11ish. My breasts began to grow moreso in grade 6-8 and I think they completed after I turned 18...I say that because I was B cup for the longest time and last year or more I upgraded to C cup. I am a bigger person but I don't think that affected anything.

****s aren't gross. If you're a girl, you WILL have them unless there is something wrong and you can't have any. Nothing is gross about ****s. I don't particularly enjoy them but it's a part of life that I have to live with.



****s aren't gross. If you're a girl, you WILL have them unless there is something wrong and you can't have any. Nothing is gross about ****s. I don't particularly enjoy them but it's a part of life that I have to live with. 

Even if you don't get ****s it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you some people might just not get them because they have a small frame or something.

One of my friends is quite flat chested but there is nothing wrong with her.

****s aren't gross. If you're a girl, you WILL have them unless there is something wrong and you can't have any. Nothing is gross about ****s. I don't particularly enjoy them but it's a part of life that I have to live with. 

Yep it's all apart about a girl turning into a woman really. Just like guys and their testicles drop when puberty hits, we get a bigger chest.

I have a few questions that I am too embarrassed to ask anyone I personally know *deep breath*:

OK, When I feel my breasts, (A34) they feel almost completely solid, and whenever any amount of pressure is omitted on them they hurt REALLY bad. DO I HAVE BREAST CANCER??!?!?!??

I haven't been to the doctor since I was 7, and I don't have my period. I am 4'12 and I weigh 94 lbs...are my breasts VERY tender because I am small? PLEASE relieve my nerves!!!!!!

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