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I just had a weird thought...
What if someone fell in love with a spirit?
That would be bizarre.
What if someone fell in love with a spirit?
That would be bizarre.
Yup. Most of the time when I want to see them, it doesn't work. But of course when I'm scared and I don't want to see them they just float in front of my face like "HEY, you gonna help me or what?"I want to but I never see or hear spirits I'm quite convinced they don't exist (but I have discovered it is amazingly easy to fake the photos)
although I have tried believing in them, it just doesn't work for me...
It's not that hard though.....I wish I could see them in anyway possible, but I just can't. Even if I try to trick myself into thinking I did, in my heart I know I'm making things up....
oh ^ I have seen them, they just float around the room, blob blob, everywhere.You might see bright outlines of colored dots (that's how I sometimes see them)
Oh....when I see the outlines, they're in human shapes.oh ^ I have seen them, they just float around the room, blob blob, everywhere.
How I see it:Not to sound like a lecture, but I will give some information on ghosts...
What are ghosts made of? If you can see them, then they must be made up of atoms, or else they are simply something one thinks they are seeing, but is not really there. However, if ghosts go through things, then that defies physics - nothing can move through or pass through solids like walls or the like. Thus, if ghosts go through things, which they supposedly can, they cannot be made of atoms and must be made of something else (which, though unlikely, is in fact possible).
Now, about ghost sightings...
According to scientists and psychological experiments, a person is much more likely to "see" a ghost if they actually believe in ghosts, and one who does not believe in ghosts does not generally "see" ghosts. Basically, people see or sense ghosts simply due to the fact that they believe in ghosts. If one truely believes in something supernatural, the brain will think it sees or encounters said supernatural stuff, even if it does not exist.
That is just a theory based on the results of scientists'/psychologists' experiments, but it is rather interesting...
No, animals are extremely sensitive to spirit energy (well, cats, dogs, and horses from what I understand) and they might just be more focused than people. After all, their brains aren't constantly muddled by stupid things like, "What lipgloss should I wear to the movies?".... My cat Pumpkin is extremely sensitive to spirits, as well as my dog Butch. Simon our Bombay cat sees spirits but he basically ignored them. A few days ago I was outside with Pumpkin (I was kittensitting her so she wouldn't eat the birds at my bird feeder) and I sensed something up the road, maybe a dog or a cat spirit. So I looked up, and what do you know, Pumpkin is extremely fluffed up, growling harshly, and she's trotting toward the energy, and her eyes were clearly focused on it. I don't know what it was, but when I tried to pick her up she hissed at me, looked at me, then swiveled her head over to look at whatever was there. My horse is also a very sensitive animal in general. If I stand in front of her and just barely wiggle my pinky finger, she will back up in a hurry. Maybe because she's so sensitive she sees spirits very well. Because once I was in the barn grooming her at liberty (no halter or lead rope or anything on her, showing her that I trust her) and suddenly a black cat darted out of one of the stalls then literally EVAPORATED into thin air in the middle of the aisle. Nasdaq started shivering and sweating and she started backing up and snorting. The poor girl wouldn't go near that stall for a few hours afterward...Do you think that there are ghosts that only animals detect, and that could explain why that act so odd or something? Once all three of my cats were utterly freaked about nothing... They all seemed to be staring at something - all in the same direction - but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. 0,o
And perhaps some ghosts only appear in photographs. My mama once took a photo of me on her digital camera, and when we looked at it there was this weird white circular light at the left of the photo. It couldn't have been the flash from the camera, and there were no lights nearby, and besides, mama said she didn't see the light on the screen while she was taking the photo. The scariest thing is that the photo was taken in front of a church, so maybe it was an angel. O_O I think my mama still has the photo on an SD card, I'll see if I can find it sometime (but I will not show you ME)
Well obviously if the spirit is being rude about it, don't help them. If you're really psychic and they ask you to send them away, then you'd be able to FEEL whether they're good or bad. Bad energies usually make you feel nauseous, dizzy, faint, or they make you feel like you want to RUN.Blue tama1234 said:Ummmmmm if you see a ghosts or spirit and they ask you to free them or help how do you would it be safe ???
There is a whole other side to spirit where people actually have had uhm..... relations with spirits or been seduced by them. I don't know exactly how old you are, but there is probably information about it online. - it's probably not good to look for if your younger though <_<I just had a weird thought...
What if someone fell in love with a spirit?
That would be bizarre.
I'm 14, gone through 6th 7th and 8th grade with everyone having dirty mouths....ahah, I wouldn't be bothered by anything bad, but I don't think I would read up on that stuff anyway xD I mean, I feel strong emotions toward spirits (Megan makes me laugh, Amanda [a scary solid black shadow that is very aggressive] makes me terrified to the point of tears, I miss Roy so I feel sadness, and the others I don't know their names.) but not like LOVE!! Haha, that would be creeee-pyyyyyThere is a whole other side to spirit where people actually have had uhm..... relations with spirits or been seduced by them. I don't know exactly how old you are, but there is probably information about it online. - it's probably not good to look for if your younger though <_<
I've had an empathic ability since I was very young. I didn't always know what it was though or how it worked so sometimes it was just chalked up to being a fussy or distant child.
The youngest I remember, which was one of the instances that I didn't understand until older when I thought about it more, was I woke up late at night and started just bawling and saying "grandmom is gone." over and over. My mom just held me and we like never talked about it again. She probably just thought the idea that my grandmother had died had just hit me. But I think what really happened is that she had come to me to check on me and say her last goodbyes... for the time being. She has visited me multiple times over the years and she always feels warm and makes the room smell sweet and good like her dressing room did when she was still alive. She is a nice comfort for me. Since I have moved very far away she hasn't visited, but I wish she would, but I also don't want to open my space to anything that would not be welcome. I think she found it easier to find me before when I was still living with my mother (her daughter).
I have been in a historical home and felt a pressure on my chest to the point where I just had to get out of the home. I have also felt my legs go weak like they were being pulled to something or somewhere.
My mothers cat, Mr. Boots, had died suddenly from what appeared to be a heart attack in their house. We didn't find out that he had died until about an hour later. My mom buried him in the backyard. After that we would hear him playing on the stairs of the house. The wrought iron hand railing would make these "pink - pah-ting!" sounds which is the same sound it would make when he would play with the other cat. (you would hear this while aware of the other cat in the room with you...) We had another cat that my mother had put down cause she was old and I would occasionally see her out of the corner of my eye while in the finished basement of the house. I also remember seeing my parents cat Misty in the first home we lived in even after she had passed away. She would trot into my parents bedroom at night (I occasionally slept in my parents bed with them) like she was going to snuggle up with them for sleep.
By far though - the most terrifying thing that I've encountered was a shadow man. I used to work at a hospital on night shift around the corner from the behavioral health department. I worked with IT and would work on my PC and printers at night and would start to see shadows out of the corner of my eye, standing in the doorway. I wouldn't think anything of it - occasionally there were security guards that patted through the building, but they usually said "hi" and didn't leave in the blink of an eye. Then when I would be packing boxes of printed materials, I would hear my name being whispered, and I thought it was the guards, but there would be no one around.... Then the kicking started. I would occasionally feel kicks or taps on my shoe when I was standing still. I put up with for about 2 years (the money was good XD), but I would make the space mine - claim the area and tell them to leave me alone. It didn't work every night, but most nights I could ignore it. The shadow man was dark, tall, and I remember it having a hat on... Very horrible seeming since it had no face - though it looked like a persons form. guh... X_X
There's a spirit on our property that I live at now, but I sealed off the house and they are not allowed back in. I believe that it used to roam throughout the property and home, but no more of that hahah. I can still feel it lingering around at times like it's outside the windows looking in. But it doesn't bother me really cause I told it to stay out there and not come in XD