Furby 2012!


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So I'm wondering. Are the new Party Rockers the 2012 Furby line's answer to Furby Babies or will actual Furby babies show up at some point? If they do show up I kind of doubt we'll see them until at least this September. Hasbro will probably want something new out for the Christmas shopping season. I think the original Furby babies came out at around that time. I'm kind of anxious for this year's Toy Fair. I'm hoping something will be announced then.

I think these Party Rockers might be a March/April thing. Then Furby Baby for Christmas. They look interesting, that is for sure. I think I would only get 1 of them though.

I would love to see electronic digital pet. Like a Tama, but simmilar to a Neopet toy. That might twist things up for Bandai America... Lol.

What's the difference between the actual 2012 Furbies and these Party Rockers (other than having one personality and are smaller)?

I'm not sure if you can actually speak to them. I really think of them more of 2005 babies or more advanced buddies.

My guess for difference... Maybe how they interact, how they talk, reactions... If they play games, then... Games. They are still pretty new to tell what differences they will have. Whatever these Party Rockers do, besides party. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a speaker for mp3 players...

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. My idiot computer malfunctioned.

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Ideally the Party Rockers will be similar in function to the regular Furbys. They look like they have the same LCD screen eyes. I hope they're animatronic with moving mouth and ears. They may be cheaper than the regular Furby because they only have one personality that never changes and lack the articulation in the chest that regular Furbys have. They're so short I doubt there would be room for that articulation in Party Rockers. This is all just guesswork on my part. We won't know until they are actually released. I do think it's good that they are cheaper than regular Furbys. It's nice that there's a cheaper alternative. There may be more people who try to collect all four at that price point. I'm only going to buy three of the four. That one that looks like it has a party horn for a mouth is too wierd looking for me. Though honestly I may get him anyway at some point just to complete the set.

Just FYI on target.com it does say the party rockers release date is in February. My guess is that they will come out at the same time as the new app.

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I'll probably end up getting my Party Rockers in March. In February I want to try to get one of the newer colors of the regular Furbys. Plus I doubt any of the stores around here will have the Party Rockers in around the first part of the month when I usually go to the store. On the off chance they do have them I'll probably end up picking up the three I want instead of a fourth Furby but it's unlikely that they'll have them in by that point.

I'm gonna buy one this February!! A yellow furby probably... It suits my personality :D my mom agreed cause she finds it cute because of iJustine

I think they're more of a supplement to the existing Furby and not entirely a new series/sub-series. I might pass as well.

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I think they're more of a supplement to the existing Furby and not entirely a new series/sub-series. I might pass as well.
You're probably right. I hope they have a proper follow up to the Furbys sometime this year. If they do it probably won't see release until closer to Christmas.

These Party rockers remind me of the Ooglies they had out a while ago. They sat down and had buggy eyes. Then you could pull the tail and tickle the feet... We will see how close they are to them.


Here is a picture. (the one we had) What someone said about it.
Now that you mention it they do kind of remind me of Ooglies.

I am still not sure if I want one yet. I want to see a bit more about them... Might be good to have the cat play with. Lol. I wonder if this was the intention to make them simmilar... I don't know who owns the Ooglies anymore. I don't know if that copany is still around or has been bought up.

There's a chance Hasbro might own the company that made Ooglies. Hasbro and Mattel buy up smaller toy manufacturers all the time. I can't remember who made the Ooglies. I was never very interested in them. When they came out they were being advertised on places like Ebay as "The next Furby". They weren't anything like Furby and most Furby fans who bought them felt ripped off afterward. There were a lot of complaints on various forums during those times.

I'm still debating whether to get one, my cousin has one she said her dad put it in a cupboard because it was making noise in the night then they forgot about it and when they took it out it was really grouchy and growling at them all the time haha and saying mean stuff to them (they got the translater appl)!

I wonder if I'm better off sticking with my old ones....

I managed to pick up a Furby half off at the local antique store. Only paid $10.90 when tax was added. ^_^ I dunno what gen it is, but it's all black, has a tail puff and a head puff, and white feet with grey eyes and a black faceplate. Wasn't working so well at first, but fresh batteries and some lubing up and he seems to work just fine now, except for maybe a slightly loose beak.

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