Funny Moments at School


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Today, at Saturday rehearsal--the headsets went off, so I had to call cues up to Emily in the booth. I literally called.

It was like





Of course, at lunch, we did the in-bed-fortune-cookie thing. The best? "YES! Do it with confidence"

After rehearsal, we were waiting for Emma's mom to pick me and Kelsey and her up so we could shop for our director's gift, and we started yelling everything we would get like "MUFFIN MIX." "FINGERNAILS." "ALIEN STUFFED ANIMAL" (they're...all show related) and our director walked up behind us. And we were like "O:"

On Friday, for my last typing lesson, I was crying because since I had a different computer, I couldn't get my WPM speed over 50, so then I'm like "okay, screw you, typos" then I put tape over the backspace button, and was FLYING over the keyboard, since I didn't have to backspace, then I screamed when I got 70WPM. and the girls looked at my like ._. some of the boys looked at me like O_O and the other boys looked at me like o_0 and then the three teachers that were in there at the time looked at me like -_- and rolled their eyes. And I was scanning over all the faces, and when I looked at the science teacher, He was fuming mad, and so I burst out laughing and tipped over my chair and fell backwards. Surprisingly, all the teachers gave me permisson to stay there on the floor laughing my head off for half an hour, until class was over.

It was funny.

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In Earth Science, we were using latitude and longitude to plot shipwreckes of lake Ontario in our workbooks. Here's what happened:

Sasha: How come they shipwrecked on an island?

Teacher: That's not an island. It's Lake Ontario.

Sasha: What is the ocean aroun it then?


Everyone:*turns to look at Sasha*

Jake: Wait. This IS an honors class right.

Teacher: Only you Sasha.


Less then 30 seconds later:

Charley: HA! Aidan thought that was an island too.

Hebba: Well I guess that mean you are as weird as Sasha.



1. one time i was playing "would your rather..." with my friend ian. i asked if he'd rather touch an elephant or marry a really old ugly venezuelan grandma, and he said "THE 2ND ONE BECAUSE I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING" because it was at lunch. xD

2. my friend larry got up in the middle of study hall and started singing milkshake and playing with imaginary ****s. then he sang don't trust me and don't cha. it was amazing okay

3. in literature we were acting out bearstone and i was the bear, and i was just like yo sup hunter how's it goin and then when i saw clloyd i was like HELLO YOU PANSY WANNA GO HUH HUH HUH even though i was supposed to be dead. xD

Me, my friend and this guy finished our worksheets, so the teacher gave the guy some math sheets for us to split. He gave me and my friend like HUGE piles, and he only got a few. So we went to his desk and said "Here! Have some math!" and put our sheets on his desk. Then he kept putting it on my desk, cause I sit right behind him. So we took the sheets, took like a few to do, and said "Here! Have some more math!" and we just started talking, and he was doing math xD

Last week we had two food fights haha! One was on thursday, one on friday. They both lasted like a few seconds! I don't know why they started 2 of them, I thought some people already got in trouble.

yesterday at indoor, me, Brodie, and David were throwing tennis balls at eachother. I had one tennis ball, and brodie had 2. And Brodie comes over to me (cause it's me and Brod against David) and said "Gimme a ball." then I'm like "No, you already have two balls!" And I nearly died of laughter. OMIGOD it was HILARIOUS.

And today, I came back from the washroom, and my teacher's like "Where's David?" (because david went to the fountain) and I'm like "David's coming." and everyone in the class (besides the teacher) mistook it as "David's cumming" and ohmigod even I laughed.

Also today, during science, me, Lexi, and Rashael were playing with our calculators, and I made mine spell "booger" by typing "936008" (if you turn it upside town, it says the word booger) and I jumped up in my chair, held my calculator upside town and I'm like "OH MY GOD LOOK EVERYONE! iT SAYS BOOGER!!!!" xD

I am completely excited for English tomorrow.

We had to use script format to display conflict between two characters (We get to make everything up) and present it to the class. We were supposed to be in pairs, but Adam didn't have a partner, so he went with me and Marlie. The teacher spazzed as us for having a group of three, because apparently some other girl din't have a partner. Me and Adam did rock paper scissors. Which I failed at. But they want me to be in their script, so they're arguing over who gets to be her friend and who I like better. They showed me what they have so far, and it's like "Both of us like Green Day!" "My favourite colour is green!" "My favourite word is day!" I told Marlie that she should just say that her favourite singer is Patrick Stump, since she would automatically win. :)

In Science, Hilary didn't want to sit on the stool at the lab station, cause it was all dusty. She got Isaac to sit on it and rub hit butt on it, and he walked around the school with dust on his jeans all day.

For Family Studies, we get to go on a field trip to Ikea and a mall, and pretty much shop all day. We got an assignment to do at the mall, where we sit on a benchin front of a store and compare people to the mannequins. Our teacher said that we're pretty much stalking people for marks. I'm excited.

Today. I forgot my name.

Colleen gave me five dollars and goes "You know what it's for." with no connotation. I go "Yes. I know exactly what it's for." and I like lean on her. She smiles at me and we made it so sexual. xD

In the morning, I asked Cindy if she dropped our chem class yet and she goes "No. I don't know. The counselors. Changed the alphabet."

To which I say "They changed the alphabet!? Is my name still Diva?"

And she explains that the alphabetized division of kids among counselors was changed. So I told Haley that they changed the alphabet and that her nameay not be Haley anymore. I think she believed me.

Yesterday at indoor, we were fooling around on the whiteboard writing Jenna♥Brodie. And then during Health, Jenna and Brodie were talking, and Ms.Jay was like "Where are Jenna and Brodie talking?" and Riley shouted "CAUSE THEY'RE LOVERS!" lmao

Then I kept on writing Em♥Anthony Anthony♥Em on the board, so Em got everyone to write "Kay♥Jaycee, David, Kyle, Anthony, Brett, Riley, Chrisopher" on the board and I was annoyed. But was hilarious.

And then we got the idea to write "Riley loves Brett" so then in big letters in the center of the whiteboard, we wrote "RILEY LUVS GUYS!" and it's still there. xD And the funny thing is Riley's a BOY. lmao

lol, yesterday, me, Josie and Ivana were yelling across the field at two guys, and Josie yelled one of their names, and then yelled at us "LOOK AWAY" xDD

In band today, my friend was playing while the teacher was talking, then out of nowhere, some kid yells "STOP IT ANGUS" and Angus said "ITS NOT ME." So everytime someone plays while the teacher talks, the four of us in our little corner say "Shut up Angus!"

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Our Family Studies teahcer lets us listen to music while doing our work. Little does she know, it can turn from me listening to music, to people looking at songs on my iPod, to the whole class singing I'm On A Boat.

This isnt really funny, but someone got in trouble because they fighted with a grade seven 2 times one at recess and one at lunch. We all remember that dreadful morning. So sad.

This one is alucly FUNNY. But LONG.

Some random kid named dylan make some Laughing noise while everyone was doing work. everyone like flew to the ceiling i was laughing so hard i cryed. the teacher yelled at us. we couldnt stop laughing. finally we stoped laughing. but 7 mins later dylan makes the noise again, this time they scream.


1. We were comparing the weight and mass of some different rocks and my science teacher threw a piece of lead at me and said "That's lead. How much do you think it weighs?" I answered back "Hey, can you write with this?" I tried writing with it and it worked and I was all like "HEY I CAN WRITE WITH IT COOL!" And then he took it back and told me I have the attention span of a fruit fly xD.

2. After that, everyone in the class who got the lead tried to write with it. One of my friends tried to eat it xDDDDD

During Lunch, A kid named beau screamed "I'M FREE!!!!!!!' The other kids faces were like this o_o the teachers xD he yelled "FREEDOM!" And a girl sitting next to me came over and said "Please stop that." "But why? Im FREE!!!!!!" he said. "i said, stop that." she said. and after that we returned to class xD

The other day, the science teacher was absent and we had study hall in her room for half a period with no teacher until the office called the room. Mackenzie answered the phone, and then the lady from the office came to the classroom because she knows that the regular teacher doesn't let students answer the phone ever. xD It was hilarious. Michael was guarding the door and everyone was screaming and laughing hysterically. I had so much fun.

I have another one..

My teacher asked what we were doing for the long weekend, and everyone said what they were doing and he told us that he was going to be painting his house and putting up shelves. So my friend said that she was gonna TP his house on halloween, and then he told us his address! I was all like "Wow, I didn't think you'd tell us that easily," and everyone started laughing.

I've got a pretty good one.

So there was this spider in our english classroom yesterday, and someone saw it and screamed "SPIDER!! KILL IT!!" in the middle of lessons. It was like, running all over the place under this one table and finally someone killed it, (a boy) and then he was like, "Now I have spider on me. Great."

And another one,

My english teacher, (yes, english comes with a lot of funny stories.) was giving us a lecture on not tipping our chairs back because of an incident that happened during her first year of teaching. Anyways, she said please do not let me catch you doing that or you will have to stand up the entire period and not lean on anything. About 5 minutes later, this boy named Tyler tipped his chair back. My teacher was like, "Are you insane?! What did I just get through saying?! Wait, are you doing this to get me off topic?!" By now, everyone was pracitally falling out of our chairs we were laughing so hard.

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