Funny Moments at School


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Brandyn walked up to random people going "Do you like popsicles?" Like the Herbet the pervert from Family Guy. xDDD

Me and Travis sat through French class yellng at each other, because he stole my calculator, so I took his. It was interesting.

Sam took the pastels she was drawing with during Art, and smeared them all over Adam's face. xD And Skylar got charcoal on his nose.

We made a great discovery suring Health class. A girl can get pregnant if her and a guy both sit in a hot tub naked. I couldn't stop laughing for about five minutes, and managed to not get thrown out of class.

We made a great discovery suring Health class. A girl can get pregnant if her and a guy both sit in a hot tub naked. I couldn't stop laughing for about five minutes, and managed to not get thrown out of class.
WOAH. No way. OwO


Morning: I was late, so I didn't see Milly. :[


I had to use Amanda's QOD packet, because I was absent afew times in science. I fliped one of her pages. And it had a dinosaur on it! Me: ZOMG! We BOTH have dinosaurs on the bottom of our QODs! xDD


Scott asked me if I studied [i did. DUH.]. It felt like he wanted to speak to me, not because he had to. ._. Scott didn't. :mellow:

Alex only studied for 3 mintues. O_O

Brian only studied for like.. 15 seconds. xD'

Brian fell trying to cathing his falling Trombone. XD Billy: *Nearby Brian* IF YOU SEE A LIGHT DO NOT RUN INTO IT!! *Hugs Brian*. xD

[He dropped his pen, and went to get it and his trombone fell and he wanted to saved it and fell. xD] Luckily the instrument was not harmed. C:


I was the first one done. >w<

Marcus was second.

And a whole lot of people were next. xD

I sat next to Taylor, and I aksed her what she thinks she got on her test. Taylor: I don't CARE!! GOD! Me: You have to! Taylor: Why. >_> Me: You'll never.. Wait, let me find the word.. You'll never succed in life! Taylor: So? Me: You'll never go to college. Taylor: So what. Me: Fine. Work at McDonalds until your 72. xDD [it wasn't actually funny how Taylor was thinking, but it was funny about what I said.]

Taylor said GOD ALIMIGHTY! And told me not to tell anyone. She lykk.. yelled it. xD

Carly has these stupid galsses she bought for like $4. XD


Amanda aksed me where my "piccoloetio" was. ._. I told her I couldn't play it for Jazz.. [Tried asking, and mission failed.]


I saw Milly. <3

Milly's valves got stuck. </3

George always grabs Scott's spit valve/ bumper area, while Scott's playing.

I was playing by myslef because Manny forgot to play and so did Scott,Andy,Everett,Milly and Meghan. ._. [Ain't Misbehavin]

Ohyeah, I found out we might play some Beatles. ._.

Andy and Scott were havi ng a slide war. xD

Scott forgot he was a wind instrument. ._.


Melanie played "I don;t care" by FOB on Bari. Sax and Wonderwall too. :3

Melanie's going to meet Pete Wentz. D:< -Jealous-

Geroege says FOB sucks. D:<


I overheard that Andy might not do band in highschool. D: He says FFA is better. yeahright.

Manny bought this Harry Potter book for Flute, and Marcus was horrified. He hates HP. xD

Manny called George a Freeloader because we were about to play FF. Me + Marcus: ._.

Mr.Hanna was explaining the life cycle of a student. xD Mr.Hanna: At first, your a goofy and immature 5th grader, then in 6th and 7th grade your mature, then in 8th grade, your immature again.. XD [so true. xD]

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Once at orchestra, we tricked our teacher into thinking this one kid (I'll call him A) broke his leg. xDD The school play had happened today, and A had to bring a wheelchair for the play. So when we came, he wasn't in the room, so we took some paper, crumpled them up, and stuffed them into his knee. Then we discussed what excuse he should have for being in a wheelchair. At the end of class, our teacher asked, "So how did you break your leg?" Someone was all, "He didn't really break his leg. We tricked you :DDDD" Then A stood up and said, "Ta-da!" Then at the end of class one of my friends started meowing and I started barking and we chased each other around the room xD

Today I almost got caught texting in class. But I didn't. Cause of my supreme ninja skills xD In other words, the teacher was coming, so I hurled my phone across the room. Then went to retrieve it later. I know, I'm amazing.

During theatre, I had to play Tinker bell. Very amusing, to see me cross my arms, stomp around, then trip over a chair, and hit my head on the metal strip at the bottom of the chalkboard.

A dude told me that the Fall Out Boys are ****. I told him that girls think **** are sexy. The he was like: "So you think I should grow out my hair, quit the football team, and learn to play guitar?" Me: "Eyeliner would help." He rolled his eyes at me. I just laughed. I don't think he can figure me out.

there's a lot of funny thins I did at my shool, but since my keyboard is missinglike every 5th letter today, I am only going to post one:

this is the shortest one i can think of. In french we were readng a little play in our seats, and my teacher made me read the lins of the main person (it was about people fromfrnce moving to canada or somthing ^_^ ) and my line was: "Je ne suis pas marier, et j'ai deja 19 ans!" (in english, it is "I am not married, and I am already 19" (they married earlier back then) but I ccdentally said "Je ne suis pas marier, et ji deja 19 enfants!" (which in english is "I am not maried and I already have 19 kids"

ooops.. wen my keyboard smartens up I can post more sories.

My teacher thought she was doing good by moving me from next to Brendan, to WAAAYYY in the back of the room, behind Karen and Nick. Of course, she was like, "Tara, go sit in the back, now." so everyone was watching me. Naturally, I tripped over nothing. xD

After that, Karen told Nick to sign her book, and he signed "Hottie" and my natural response, "More like NOTTIE!" xDDDD He wouldn't stop laughing o_O

During lunch, Ina sprayed us with her drink... Out of her mouth. XDD

Sophia and I went into the bathroom, and the lights were being odd, and all of a sudden they just turned off, we both screamed, and freaked out, and Karen had turned them off.. O_O it was scary.

Too many to count. XD

Well one was at my Extra Cirriculum school on a Saturday.

A guy called Ahmit said, while we were going through our General Ability words, "Uh.. Mr. Cullen, doesn't to lubricate mean to um, pee?". Mr. Cullen said "I think you mean urinate." We almost killed ourselves laughing.

At normal school a guy called Richard went around saying "Paithi mou" ( it's greek) to every one. I said "Richard, there's something I need to tell you. First it's not pay-fee maow, it's bethi mou and it means "my child"." His reply? "Oh. sh!t! I have 24 kids!"

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I remember at camp last year, one of the teachers (old man that looks like a teddy bear) was on the playground with some kids on the seesaw. It was one of those, you know, one moment things. I cracked up laughing...i also got a pic of it......

Here it is:

I had to cross out the childrens bodies and the teachers face :\

A dude told me that the Fall Out Boys are ****. I told him that girls think **** are sexy. The he was like: "So you think I should grow out my hair, quit the football team, and learn to play guitar?" Me: "Eyeliner would help." He rolled his eyes at me. I just laughed. I don't think he can figure me out.
That sounds like something I would do. xD

In Science class, we had to do an experiment with this stuff made of pig intestines and starch solution. When our teacher showed us how to fill the pig intestines stuff with water, everyone told her it looked like a condom. Our teacher said "Well, just don't try to use these as one." xD

Then Jacob went to get the starch solution, and he squirted it out of the medicine dropper thing, going "EW! IT LOOKS LIKE CUM!"

Then I had a mini-explosion of iodine on someone's desk.

In Science class, we had to do an experiment with this stuff made of pig intestines and starch solution. When our teacher showed us how to fill the pig intestines stuff with water, everyone told her it looked like a condom. Our teacher said "Well, just don't try to use these as one." xD

Then Jacob went to get the starch solution, and he squirted it out of the medicine dropper thing, going "EW! IT LOOKS LIKE CUM!"

Then I had a mini-explosion of iodine on someone's desk.

Too funny. xD


I had to bring the Tuba to school.. And Taylor saw it, and yelled "GOD SKADI CHOOSE AN INSTRUMENT! D:<" xDD

Tinajah realized I hold the door for the 8th graders everyday. [Tinajah is my friend, sh'es an 8th grader]

Nick hugged me and called me pretty. :]]


I had to call my grandma because I left my band folder at home. Then on the intercome it said "Skadi [Last name] please report to the main office", so Amanda thought I was in trouble. xD

Band lessons:

Brian had to leave early because he was sick. D:

George got a new Bari, and it was actually a REALLY old Bari. O_O [The highschool's Bari]

George tried out the new Bari, and he made so many sqeaks, it was so funny. xD

George talked into his sax. OwO

George had to change Bari's.

George said sometime in his LA class, he'll have to make a diagram of anything. He wants to make the family of Saxophones. Mr.Hanna: You should make them out of styrofoam! This is the Soprano [Oh ah], this is the Alto [Wow] , this is the Tenor [Oh] and this is the Bari [Jaw drop]. [The things in the "[]" are the side comments Mr.H added. XD]

Scott didn't come to lessons, so George said "If I see him, I'm gonna rub it in his face that he didn't come to lessons!" xD

I had to play Tuba, and George made a comment about how one day I'll play 48 instruments. >w<

George was upset because the Tuba goes lower than the Bari.

Mr.Hanna said that my problem with High notes on Trombone is that I play them too soft, and then he wanted me to try to get to high F [High D for TC] and I couldn't . Mr.H: Blast George's ears off!! xD


Amanda was sad because my grandma didn't make cupcakes.


Mr.Hanna told me I was in the Trombone section today...


Worst moment ever. Okay. So you know, Brian was sick.. And Scott wasn't here. And guess what? Ryan forgot to bring his trombone. So I was all alone. I was so embarrased during tunings. D:

We got new music. Good. Right? Wrong. It's called "The wild westerns". Shoot me now. Please. D: ITS HORRIBLE! It's so boring! [And it's 3 pages. 3 pages of bordem.]

Ryan was pretending to play. ._.


Amanda and Thomas were in a group, and they ahd to work on a skit, so in the end, they danced. XD

I wrote "skit" but it actually looked like "s**t" on my paper. XD


Milly came in..<3

Milly have to read Mr.Scaturo's college textbook. OwO


I had to get my trombone [i can't bring the Tuba home. D: My mom doesn't want me to, because it's too LOUD. D:<], and Taylor yelled "SHEESH! Choose an instrument! D:<" xD

Oh, today was filled with happiness, but I was too out of it (lack of caffeine makes me die inside) to enjoy any of it.

In theatre, someone was sent to the office for raping the hall pass. That was an interesting experience.

In science, this guy tried to punch me, and called me a h**, but then all of the guys in the room were like, "Dude! You can't hit a girl!" And he was outnumbered by a lot.

Everyone was rather suprised that I bought 27 boxes of Girlscout cookies.

My friends noticed that I was in a bad mood (I was banging my head against the table.) and told me that it wasn't good to rely on caffeine that much. I told them that they don't have an opinion in the matter because they rely on me every day to buy them lunch.

I got caught texting in class, and the teacher was like, "GIVE ME YOUR PHONE CAUSE I'M AN EVIL TEACHER THAT EATS THEM WITH CHILDREN AS A SIDE DISH >:DDD" And I handed her the phone, very pouty, and she was like, "Whoa, cool case! You have the iphone? Did you paint the case yourself?" Then we got into a giant conversation about how great it is, then she handed the phone back to me, and was like, "Well, I won' keep you from doing your work!" Then the bell rang. So, she forgot that she was confiscating my phone, she thinks I'm the most incredible person in the world, and she forgot to hand out homework. I'm so lucky, it's not even funny. My partner in that class is just like, "Phoebe, and this is just a guess, but when you turn eighteen, your going to buy a lottery ticket, win 100 mill, run into Nick Jonas, he'll fall in love with you, and then you'll discover a magical spell that makes you live forever in eternal happiness. I hate you." Then I told her to change Nick Jonas to Patrick Stump, and she's dead on. Then I told her how she forgot the part where I fall off my chair in Starbucks, roll into a river filled with insects that eat people, then go down a waterfall into a lake filled with alligators, crawl out completely unharmed, then get hit by a car. She was like, yea, but you'd probably live, knowing you. I laughed it off.

I got some and these are so lol.

1. When I was in second grade, I farted during story time. The class said, "EWWW!" and stared at me. My teacher then said, "Everybody does it." and I never-ever farted again in class.

2. Today when we were packing up, I had a piece of paper that had a cute picture of a kitty I drew. One of my classmates was like, "WHAT IS THAT THING???" and then I say, "A kitty." and then he walked away.

3. At recess, we had inside recess, and I drew a bunny. My friend had made this mouse that was called Prof. Mousey. I put the name of my bunny was 'Prof. Mousey's assitant, Hopper'. My friend then said, "What is that? Oh, Prof. Mousey's assitant, Hopper. Weird."

4. I drew a raccon also. I asked if raccons had round ears or pointy ears. My friend said, "Pointy ears." Then I put then with a rounded tip. CX

5. At spelling, me and my friend were talking about one of our spelling words. My teacher said, "Stop or else you'll be seperated." I made my eyes flinch. XD

6. One day I accendly bought my V5 to school, and I notced that I had to get it put in my backpack before the bus lady saw it. I paused it, and smuched it into my backpack. I said, "Whew."

I got loads more, but I can't post so much.

Hallway / Morning: I was so uber happy, because me and Drew saw each other. :]

Auditorium: I saw Drew, and one of his friends poked him on the nose. x3

Me and Amanda had a kung fu battle. xD Then she poked me on the nose. Me: AGH! MY NOSE! D: xD

Amanda forgot who Drew was, and she asked me for some lotion. Me: Only if you watch Drew with me! > : D Amanda: Fine.. >_> Me:JK.


Me + Amanda were fighting about if the weather was cold or warm. Because I'm crazy, and I'm not cold outside, I said it was warm. XD


Me + Amanda didn't have our glasses on [We were playing floor hockey]. So I had to squint just to look at her. xD


Michelangelo sat at Everett's table. :3

Taylor sat down at our table. Thoar: Skadi wants to become a music teacher. Taylor: Really?? Cool! Me: And Taylor wants to be a Calrinet playing hamburger cook. XD Taylor: *Leaves*

Me: D: Taylor: *Comes back* HI! Me: I'm sorry for what I said, but it's what you said.. Taylor: That was last week. >_> Me: Yeah? Thora: I want to do band. I want to play Clarinet. Taylor: REALLY? I can teach you! Me: *Snickers* Taylor: OH! D:< Atleast I only play one istrument. Frist it was the Bassoon, etc,. Me: You mean.. Piccolo? Taylor: Yeah! Me: I never played Bassoon.. ._. What do you think you got on your band test? Taylor: I DON'T WANT TO KNOW! D: I probably failed! Me: I THOUGHT G# WAS A ENHARMONIC OF Ab! XDD Taylor: B# IS Ab! Me: I KNOWWW! Taylor: I probably failed the rythmn! Me: I probably did too! I suck at ruthmn pratcice! Taylor: I didn't know the vocab! Me: I did. e_e Taylor: I just guessed! Thora: -Doesn't know what were talking about-

Hallway 2:

I smelled fried chicken or something fried. Me: EW! Fried Chicken! D: Amanda: It's Bacon. So yeah. We argued. xD

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I got caught texting in class, and the teacher was like, "GIVE ME YOUR PHONE CAUSE I'M AN EVIL TEACHER THAT EATS THEM WITH CHILDREN AS A SIDE DISH >:DDD" And I handed her the phone, very pouty, and she was like, "Whoa, cool case! You have the iphone? Did you paint the case yourself?" Then we got into a giant conversation about how great it is, then she handed the phone back to me, and was like, "Well, I won' keep you from doing your work!" Then the bell rang. So, she forgot that she was confiscating my phone, she thinks I'm the most incredible person in the world, and she forgot to hand out homework. I'm so lucky, it's not even funny. My partner in that class is just like, "Phoebe, and this is just a guess, but when you turn eighteen, your going to buy a lottery ticket, win 100 mill, run into Nick Jonas, he'll fall in love with you, and then you'll discover a magical spell that makes you live forever in eternal happiness. I hate you." Then I told her to change Nick Jonas to Patrick Stump, and she's dead on. Then I told her how she forgot the part where I fall off my chair in Starbucks, roll into a river filled with insects that eat people, then go down a waterfall into a lake filled with alligators, crawl out completely unharmed, then get hit by a car. She was like, yea, but you'd probably live, knowing you. I laughed it off.
I would do that, xDD You're hilarious, It's like, "Ahahaha rawr." and then the car dies.

Wtf moment. Sorry.

Angelina got banned from sitting at our table (Arranged by grade, she's a grade up.) And the teacher was all "You Can't sit with the sixth graders." and our plan is to have ME sit by her. xDD Rule breakers.

Sophia and I were standing in our doorway, and the teacher was in the other one (across the hall) and she was just smiling, and all of a sudden Ashely comes up behind her with a book, and mimes repeatedly pounding her with it. lmao.

I stuck my tongue out at Selina, D:<

Rumor going around that 13 year old is knocked up. She would though... o_O

Today we had to show our dance thing to the whole 8th grade, and my group kept messing up cause some people decided to get drunk this very day. But it was funny and we couldn't stop laffin.

Me and my bffl wore almost the same outfit to dance in, and people thought we were related.

Mikala's grandma had to pick us up from school (me and miki carpool) and her grandma is crazy and was like "MIKALA IM OVER HERE HUNNY" and we ducked our heads and ran to her car and she was playing classical music in her car and she was just crazy.

Oh,another one. I said something which sounded gross.

I have a sound on my phone of the game Worms (Army of worms), and my friend (boy) was looking at my phone, and I said 'I have worms' Luckily, he didn't hear, but I went bright red! This was at dance at school

Oh yeah, I forgot a Jazz moment. xD

We have to do that Blues rhytm F scal e thing, and it was Peter's turn to play something, and it sounded like Charlie Brown. XD Mr.Hanna: Now wehere did we hear that from?" xD

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