Today in P.E we were playing a game with A HUGE Soccer ball. So people with glasses had to take them off, so I had to and I almost tripped over the Mat. Then I saw Scott w/o his glasses <3 Me: (OMFG! ITS SCOTT! :-O) Since I had my glasses off I couldn't see anyone so I had to squint and I'm short so it was hard for me to kick (I'm 4'11" and I'm 12) because we were laying w/ our arms back. Plus the whole room was blurry!
Today there was a Sub for Mrs.H when I saw her i'm like"OH s**t!!!!" The sub is a big a** meanie! She won't let you sharpen your pencil or your traper binder. So I told Colby, and now we call her the "Owl" and she was sleeping at
MRS.H's desk!
Today at PE, Me, Colby and Amanda and some other students went inside the gym so Mr.N had this CREEPY microphone so he said "SOME KIDS ARE IN THE GYM." All:LOL! Mr.N: GET OUT OF THE GYM NOW! All:*Run out* That was scarey! That was strange,etc,. The Mr.N was using the mircophone the whole gym period and said it was hooked up to Mr.G's office.
Today in S.S I was looking for pictures of Hamsters for my timeline so I saw a picture of Michael Jackson! @_@ Me:I wasn't looking for that!!!!

Colby: *Looks for pics of Wombats* Timmy:What the heck is that? *Colby:A wom---- Me

ETUNIA! (Timmy's dog

Somebody in Math said that I-pods are MORE (YES MORE) EXPENSIVE than a instrument. I-pod: $200+ Instrument: 500$-1000$+ Me of course being a band nerd; defended those poor instruments from the wrath of I-pods. Me: No, Instruments vary from the orice of low to high.
Jay hit Briana with his backpack. So I said to Briana "I'll protect you!" Briana: I'll bring in a helmet!
In PE Mr.N had that mircophone so I said MEOW!
Me colby and Amanda were acting stupid, I kept saying"MEOOOW!!! MOO! BEEPP BEEEEEEEEP!"
Yesterday Me and Colby were first to go into class. Colby: It so quiet! Me:Yes! Its always so crazy!
On a paper in Science we were finding out different meanings for things:
Kleenex Tissue
Jello Gelatin
Pop-sicile Flavord Ice?
Xeroxing(WTF?) Paper?