Funny Moments at School


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When we had math class we had a sub, the class before me was independently reading for like 20 minutes. Then when my class walks in we see the sub sleeping. So our whole class is quiet to make sure he dosnt wake up. ( we dont like math) then all of a sudden he starts snoring loudly then wakes up. We missed 10 minutes of math that day! :furawatchi: :mametchi: B) :furawatchi: ;)

This happened at a friend's house. There was this guy, let's just call him A. A was acting dumb towards a friend I'll just call V, and V didn't realize it was a joke and kicked him where no guy wants to be kicked. A was crying and on the ground for like 10 minutes and V said sorry when she figured out it was a joke xD. We were laughing soo hard at A, even though he was in great pain.


One of my friends friends(I dont like her that much) was in the bathroom crying and I was standing behind her. Then all of a sudden I broke into 'Talk to the mirror, oh, choke back tears. And keep telling yourself that "I'm a diva!"' Everyone in there was staring at me..not as much funny, as random.
Lizzy. That's MY song. Find your own songs. Mmmhmm. XD


We were in art(predictably) and we were working on these Andy Warhol type things, yeah. So we're staring into the computer screen and Joe goes "You know, you're doing it the hard way..." I look at him like wtf? and then go "OHHH!" I paint the whole background orange and color in the white spots. Sara was doing it the hard way even after we told her that. So we were laughing at her.

And then, me and Joe were making slideshows to display our amazing art. And they were so cool. They were animated and everything. Mine was about monkeys. Joe's was pumpkins.

Today i proved wether you fall up or down stairs it still hurts. Ohh and that teachers dont like random outbursts of the song called love song or low

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It was netball today! Xo

1. At the beginning of netball, I found out we had new netballs, so I shouted out across the whole playground 'WE GOTS SOME NEW NETBALLS!!! YEAHHHHH!'

2. It snowed where I live in England at around 2:15pm and we all had to be quiet because wee were being naughty. I got so bored...and then I saw a thick black cloud.


Teacher: "----, go indoors."

In assembly, someone farted during a prayer. :)

For French, my group was doing a play and someone farted in the middle of it and everyone started laughing xD

This kid in my class, C, thinks he's cool, so when he wants someone to shut up, he'll say "Chap yo lips!" So Me, the person beside me (S) and some person across the room, (D) S said to D "Chap yo lips! That's right, C! I stole your line!" Then my friend butted in and said "What is that supposed to mean? Does that mean put lip chap on?" Then D said "S wanted to do that to Allie. He was like *pretends to go to kiss someone*" Then S was all "Ew! I wasn't even looking at Allie when I said that!" then D said "Yeah I know, but you were porbably talking to her." Then I moved as far away from him as possible. xDD It was akward.

My friend took a plastic Pooh Bear, put it in a puddle and yelled "BREATHE, POOH, BREATHE!"

During Math, we were doing a project and I had to sit beside S. The one who gives me all the "FOB is gay! Allie Wentz!" crap. Then someone was like "ALLIE! NO ONE CARES ABOUT PETE WENTZ!" Then I started complaining about how S started it, and he was the one talking about Pete Wentz. Later I asked him if he would ever drop it, and this is what he said "No, probably not. When you're like 30 years old, I'm gonna call you, then be like ALISON WENTZ! Then hang up" xD

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Nicole made a list of what to do at the mall. It goes something like:

-Go to Hot Topic

-Go to Spencer's

-Go to Forever 21

-Go tell a random person that 'they're hot'

-Ask random people for hugs

-Be annoying

-Steal all the free samples of food

-Push Diva into the cart at Sears

-Push Diva into Hot Topic


Lets see...

Me and Mikala were discussing something about webkinz were i sold my cows milk truck and we were in the hall and she yelled, "YOU SOLD YOUR COWS MILK TRUCK?!" really loud and everyone stared.

if we donated a dollar for the luekemia socity, we could wear our PJs to school on PJ day.

on wednesday, my friend thought it was PJ day, but it wasnt. it was mix and match day. she ended up wearing her PJs to school. we told her to tell evryone that she was mixing her PJs with her normal clothes. it was so funny!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD

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Aah, my favorite topic! =D

Here's a conversation that happened during class while we were working on a project:


J: So what's number three.

B: I don't know


Me: R! Are you going to work on the project or not?

R: *totally random*Call me the Almighty God.


B:. Huh. God of Stupidity.

R: Call me the Almighty God of of [my name here]...

B: Shut up!!

R:...And [b's full name]

B: !!!

C: I'm NOT going to call you that

J: So what's number three?

R: Fine, you can just call me...THE MAN.


R: Call. Me. The. Man.

Me: Will it get you to work on this project if I do?

R: Yes.

Me: Okay. So, "The Man", what's your idea?

R: *shrugs* I dunno.



Another conversation, in the same class no less:

Me:...So I hate getting grounded.

R: If you're grounded, send me a postcard.

B: ...

Me: Um, why would I write a postcard?

R: Well, okay, then just call me.

B: !!!

J: *whistles*

Me: *blush*

B: If she was grounded, why would she call you?

J: Oooooooooohhhh...

R: ...


Gotta love those moments. <3 <3 <3

Today we were talking about the American Revolution and my teacher said "What were the people who opposed King George called?" and the answer was like,I dunno,Patriots or something. But the guy I sit next to,Bradley,said "Stupid?" and I went "They weren't stupid!" and he says "Oh yeah. I forgot." and we start cracking up! Also our window was open and we could hear the 3rd graders at recess and one of them screams as loud as they can right outside our window and Brennan just says in that random silence after it "Oh my God." in that whole fake annoyed vioce. That makes us crack up too. At the end of the day,when we were all standing in the hallway waiting to get on the buses and I saw this little kid who was getting picked up walk intot he cafeteria to leave and he had some Pringles. I said to the guy guy behind me,John, "That kid has Pringles!" and then his friend Daniel whispers something to him and he starts cracking up. So I'm like, "What?" and John goes "Daniel said 'Did you say that kid was pregnant?'" XD Right before we went inside,me and Bradley were discussing South Park. Then we reacted the scene from "Timmy 2000":

Bradley: "Timmy did you do your homework?"

Bradley: "Maaahhhhhh Timmah!"

Me : "Mr. Garretson,don't you get it? Timmy's retarded."

Bradley: "KYLE! Don't call people names!"

Me: "But he's really-"


This wasn't me, but this happened to my dad.

Someone in his class gassed and his teacher asked what that was called so my dad was like-

"Well in my house we call that a fart"

His teacher was like "o_O"


ok so like the math teacher read this quote to the class, it was " People who are silent are smart because they listen, and people who talk are not smart because they don't listen." (or it was something like that) then the whole class like looks over at me and says my name.( because i talk way to much) then the math teacher starts laughing and im all like "im sorry people!!!) :D :blink: :) :D :eek:

This was quite awhile ago, but it still makes me laugh. It was from when tamagotchis were REALLY in at my school. If you didn't have one, you were nobody. So my friend B (the same one as above) obviously had one. She named it Bria. Bria had a baby girl. As you know, the parent is supposed to leave after a few days, right? B didn't pause her tamagotchi at all, because otherwise she knew that the parent would stay for a longer time than normal.

But that tamagotchi lived for TWO WEEKS with it's baby! We got so mad at it that we made a song:

Die bria die...

Die Bria die...

Which really was kind of stupid. (Like I said, this was quite awhile ago!!) But we walked around the gym (we had indoor recess because the teachers thought that if we went outside in the rain we'd melt or something o.o) singing that song to lots of people, and soon we got a bunch of people singing with us...=D

People talked about it for years to come. They've FINALLY forgotten now. o.o

xD I know, this isnt normal. So today at lunch I decided to check out this drum kit with my friends. My friend has no clue on how to play the stupid thing so,

1. She broke the flipping stick. Tried hitting it hard and it flew + snapped in half

2. She made a hole in the drums. xD She kept poking the drums with the Broken And-Spikey-from-where-it-had-snapped-in-half stick

This is from Throughly Modern Mille. Me:Timmy, I wuv you Dorothy.

Yesterday we were doing Jump rope so my sis was saying "1 home cat 2 homecat..."

Today there was this weird lady looking at our band times and classes. o_O; Me: Um excuse me I got to look for my Flute class.... o_O;;

Today Peter was skipping from Band lesson... o_O he was on the sidewalk skipping... Me: Okay... That WAS strange!

Eric was typing w/ me. Eric: Hey S look! -Yo this is Eric!- LOL

Today me and Colby and Amanda were talking about Band. Amanda:I quit band! Me:NOOOOOOOOO!!! I CANT HEAR YOU! Colby:I like Saxophones. Me:Do you EVEN know what a Saxophone Is? Colby:Its something. Me:Its a Woodwind.

Today I was talking about how Pete Wentz and Ashlee might get engaged, then S was like "Petey is cheating on you? Awwww." And was all sympathetic. xD

When I was walking home, one of the grade eights slipped on the ice and fell, so he randomly started swearing xD was a good day for these. But too fully get it, you must 'understand' the situation. I live in Texas. Near Dallas. It started snowing last night. !!!! By morning it was very snowy, but no icy

1. I walk into art, and Joe walks in a minute later. We have this yelling conversation, even though we're two feet away. I go "DO YOU SEE THAT!!??" I run to the window, jump, point, wave. Joe follows me and points "I KNOW!!! AND WE HAVE SCHOOL!" I have no clue what happened after that, but it involved me and Joe screaming about how we were stuck in school on a snowy day.

2. A minute or two after number one, Sara, Sofie, and Nicole are now here. Joe runs out the door and outside into the snow. Me and Sara close the door on him, so he's locked out. Sofie lets him in and Joe goes "The bell didn't ring yet, so we don't have to be in class!" We think this is a good idea and run inside in front of the whole class, no teacher, throw a few snowballs and run in.

3. After the Pledge, Nicole and Joe beg our teacher to let us go outside for two minutes. And she lets us. We have a huge snowball fight, just us five, in our group. Me and Sara consider making snow angels, but don't. Sara was wearing ballet flats. Her feet froze. Sofie's boots came off. We were throwing snowballs for like, five or six minutes, without gloves on, or any real warm jackets. We were laughing like crazy, and having so much fun. We go back in and have a group hug. This was just really fun. I felt like I could forget about school and just be a kid again!! It was amazing.

In math class today,me and Bradley (the guy I sit next to) randomly started singing the credit report dot com song we went:

"Well I've been shoppin for a new car which one's me? A cool convertible or an SUV? Too bad I didn't know my credit was whack,now I'm drivin off the lot in a used Sub-Compact. F-R-E-E that spells 'free'"

and then Brennan leans back and says "Credit Report dot com,baby." XD then all afternoon,random people kept going "When I say Hillshire you say farm! Hillshire" *they say farm* "GO MEAT!!!!" that made me crack up!!!

In maths today we were doing powers and a few of the girls(all girls school) made up a random thing it was, 'You say powers I say squared!" and they just were doing that for a minute, then I got bored and went "When I say 'Shotgun', you say 'Wedding'" then my friend Kathy went "Shotgun" then I went "Wedding" "Shotgun" "Wedding" and we broke into singing Its Time To Dance!

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