Hey guys, how are you all??
I had a bit of a scare with my iD L today.
Well, two actually. And it's almost lead me to tears, as well as thinking very hard on some things...
While on the bus to go out and about to the interviews I had, someone tried to steal my purse. My iD L was in the side pocket of my purse, as I didn't have the available pockets to keep it there. So, off went all of my things, including my iD L. THANKFULLY, I live in such an amazing city, because the bus driver got out of the bus, along with just about every freaking person ON the bus, and they all took off after the guy that snatched my purse. After being tackled, and beaten a bit, haha, the guy gave up my purse. Unfortunately, HE THREW IT. Which caused the entire contents to fly out and spill onto Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Which.. if any of you want to google or already know it.. is one of the busiest and hectic streets in Metro. This was also at 8am, therefore RUSH HOUR traffic. My iD L, as well as my bottle of perfume, went rolling and skidding into the middle the street. The perfume bottle was demolished when a bus ran over it. My iD L...
Well.. It's in good condition. A few scratches and nicks out of the paint the top cover. But I screamed bloody murder towards the car that was trying to ease through the yellow light, to stop so I could go pick up my iD L. All I could think of was how I spent almost $100 for it and I couldn't handle paying for another one, or handle the upset of some idiot causing the tragic accident.
Because of this.. I start shaking every time I pick it up and use it. EVERY TIME. I start panicking, and shaking like no tomorrow.
I want to keep using my iD L, because I love it SO MUCH. So much it's crazy, haha. I also know that I am so fond of it, and the classic, authenticity of it... that I would never forgive myself if something happened to it. And yes, it's just a "toy", but they're a huge part of my life, and my happiness...
I'm truly panicking, and unable to deal with the fact it almost got run the frig over.
Because of that - I am considering (especially since we're going on a 3 day trip starting Saturday) packing up my iD L in the original packaging, and starting up my V4 to take with me, and to use on a daily basis. It's not colour, it lacks features, etc etc, I know some of you would completely ditch my log and rate it horrid stars, if I take away my iD L, but I cannot handle something happening to it.
When compared to pricing, let alone sentimental value, the V's win out by almost $50 in some cases over the iD L... and still plenty fun.
I don't know guys.
Today was such an eye opener. I can't believe that happened. I'm in shock a little bit. But I would like honest opinions please.
PLEASE message, or comment, to let me know what you think before I pull the plug so to speak, on my iD L.
On a lighter note - the interviews were amazing. I should be back to work by the end of next week
Cheers, guys xxxx