I have a couple friends... I find it safe to say their first names, because their names are quite common.
Nicole - My best friend, since 3rd grade. We've gone through lots of fights and arguments, but lots of good things too, like birthdays and vacations. =) She's my true BFF. We're really alike, and almost think the same.
Noel - We met just this year, but she's nice, loyal, and has a sense of humor. She's very fun to be around, and understands why I do most of the obnocious and stupid stuff I do, because she's probably doing it with me!

Yes, I'd say she's a great friend.
Haylee - Haylee's gone through fights with Nicole earlier, but we got through it. She can get on my bad side easily, though... I mean, it's just that she gets so hyper. No big problem, really. But we've been friends for a long while. Since 3rd-4th grade. She's a good friend to have around when something's wrong, you need cheering up, or need back-up and confidence.
Renee - Renee is... Umm.... Well, she gets pretty obnocious, and just doesn't know when to stop, really. She's the only friend of mine who really gets on my last nerve, and almost every day. She's just like that, I guess. But we've known eachother since last year, and we get along fine most of the time.
There you go! A summary of my friends! Well, my closer friends, anyway. ^^