Flame's NEW Tamalog! ♥


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Oh yeah I forgot to say that Emma is 4 and STILL in school!! I wonder why?? She's been an adult for 2 days now. Weird. Still no job offers.


Danny's brushing his teeth!! it looks so cute!... well and also a bit odd, at one point it looks like he has a swollen cheek lol.

And Emma is bathing.

I'm gonna check on them now.

They both lost one hungry heart. They seem to get hungry a lot, dunno why!!

I'm gonna connect them now....

HEY!!! EMMA YOU MEANIE!! ^_^ She gave Danny a snake in a box!!! Right after they fell in love, too! There was a heart by them when she came to Danny's egg and everything. What a meanie. lol. Let's try that again. Emma went to Dannys house again. She gave him a flower! Yay! Good Emma!!!

Today I didn't have much time to play with my tamas so they were paused :( and now they're sleeping but I'm gonna wake them up to see if they'll have babies! *connects them*.... they're playing a game. sigh. Danny lost. Anyway they're partners and old enough to have babies!!! why don't they??! do they feel rushed or something? :huh: maybe. I'll try again. Ugh! another game!!! and to make matters worse, the :D and :( smileys are frozen! :angry: bad smileys!! and I didn't see who lost the game.... and now.... I LOST THE GAME. eheheh. anyway, more connecting time! pleeeeeease mate, danny and emma.... PLEASE I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *connects* ..... NO! NOT ANOTHER GAME! STUPID GAMES! I HATE YOU!! MAKING THEM LOSE HAPPY HEARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... ok I'm calm now. ;) (<-- frozen!! darn you frozen!!!!!!!)

.... I feel lonely. I've gotten ONE reply about my log so far.... only one. if you read this and like it, PLEASE PM me a comment!!! It makes my day to see a good comment about my log!!! (it also makes my day if DANNY AND EMMA MATE... *twitch*





(MATE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

THEY HAD BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D


*cough* ok I'll stop spazzing.... eheheh

they had..............


just what I wanted!!! :D

anyway I forgot to say yesterday, that Emma got a job! Yay! She's a scientist. Also I got Danny a chest, he used it and it turned him into an old guy :eek: . its so weird when that happens. but it made him lose weight! So I decided to play Sprint. So I did. And He lost at round 7. And he raced against Mametchi like 4 times :eek: . lol and he got like, ONE happy heart filled for all that running up to seven rounds! NO FAIR

Oh yeah! I bought Emma a shovel, now Ima use it. She dug up... A tart. Jeez. WHY EAT FOOD FROM THE GROUND!?! THATS GROSS EMMA!!!!! ;)

Now time to use the Pencil that Danny gave her. Because, apparently he can pull Pencils and other items out of seemingly nowhere to give to Emma. *uses pencil* She drew a.... Tree? Um nice tree Em...lol

What should I name their babies?? Hm...... Well I have a while to think.

The tams are being boring, lol. Just hanging out with the babies... But they're so cute. :D and that smiley is still frozen. :D and so is that one. EVIL FROZEN!

I guess I'll do stats, I'm bored.....

V3- Danny+Baby girl

Age- 5

Gender- Boy

Weight- 43 lbs

Generation- 8

Training- 4/9

Money- 8,639 GP

Stage- Adult

Type- Mimitchi :D

Sunrise V4- Emma+ Baby girl

Age- 5

Gender- girl

Weight- 60 lbs

Generation- 1

Skills: 12/8/2 (LAME)

Training- 1/9 (LAAMMEE NO #2)

Money- 1,710 GP

Stage- Adult

Type- Pyonkotchi

Well..... what to do now, huh? nothing happened while I was typing the stats. la la la.......


.... :eek:

Well I have a bit of news, not about my tamas sadly.... but!! I got a comment for my log! :) (AND THAT SMILEY'S NOT FROZEN!!! YAY)


the PM I got was from tamapopgirl and it said:


I L-O-V-E your log it is absolutely great!!!


thanks a lot!!


the other news I already said, it's that the :p smiley isn't frozen anymore. which is pretty boring info. sorry.

Well, nothing happened yet except Danny and his baby girl went to sleep. good night from them!


Danny is going up close to the screen!!! SO CUTE!! :D

And Emma is really fat now. 77 lbs!



NO SMILEYS ARE FROZEN AT THIS TIME!!! :D :eek: :( :p :blink: :( !!!!!



I just named Danny and Emma's babies. And started them.

I didn't get to say goodbye to danny.... and emma.... :D WAAAAHHHHHHH

okay I'm done grieving.


Anyway! I named their daughters....:


V4- Abbie

V3- April


and paused them, sadly. Right now I'm kind of not in the mood for them...

Hello people! I am back!! and about to unpause April and Abbie.


I sorta forgot about them :furawatchi: lol

I remembered because I got a PM from Roxygirl26 saying she loved my log and wanted me to unpause my tamas. thank you for that :p


anyway, I'll post later when stuff happens since I needa play with them now![/i]

Wow, they just got sick at the exact same time.

I hope they'll stay in sync like that always, hehe :D

The only thing they don't do together is poo.

Here, I'll let them talk:

Abbie: heloo!!!!!! im abbie.... woww this comptr thins funnnnn wooooddkkkkkkkkddddddoooo--

April: cam down abbie jeez!!!!!! :furawatchi:

as you can see, they can't spell so well. like most babies :p

Anyway.... hm... what to type?........ *thinks*

I just bought everything in Aprils shop! (remember April is the V3!)

Here is what I bought:


Lion doll



Annd, now to check and see whats in Abbie's shop.

There was food and a hat but I didn't buy anything.

Abbie: WHY!!!!!!! :furawatchi:

sorry abbie!!! :p

Right, I forgot to mention that I'm aiming for April to be Mizutamatchi and Abbie to be... um... Mizutamatchi or that one I've gotten like, once. I forgot the name. and right now they are sleeping. and they both went to sleep with hearts missing! :furawatchi: darn you sleep. speaking of sleep, I stayed up all night last night. Yep, alllll night. Because my friend sent me a site with ghost stories and I read 20000 of them and then I was scared. man that was embarrassing to say on TT. then I had a nap starting at like 9:00 AM and ending at 2:00 PM haha.

anyway, they woke up so more later!

BTW, I ended up buying Abbie the hat because it was on sale all of a sudden. 600 GP!


They evolved! Into not what I wanted :p :D :lol:

The outcome!!:

Abbie: Mohitamatchi (ARGH)

April: Kutchitamatchi

I like April, its Abbie that annoys me! I get way to many Mohitamatchis... :furawatchi:

and they are now sleeping so I don't have anything else to say, so bye bye!!




Sorry I haven't posted!!! I've been at my friends houses yesterday and today and when I am at someones house I can't pay attention to my tamagotchis. BUT!! I just woke up Abbie and April (I did the sleep trick) and they evolved like 30 seconds later!! :D heres the outcome.... are you ready for this?....... its awesome..... :D

ABBIE- ..... ICHIGOTCHI!!! (my fav. teen!!!!!)

APRIL-........ PATAPATACHI!!!!! (My second fav. teen!!!!!)

I AM S HAPPY!! I got both my favourite teenager characters!! and I hardly EVER get Patapatatchi!!! :D Yay!!!!!

they also just went to sleep so there is nothing else to really say....




I had to pause the tamas AGAIN!! :( because my mom like, made me go to this annoying little boy's birthday party. :D and... yeah...

Anyway.... When I got home, I just unpaused them and April fell straight to sleep! And Abbie is sitll awake. She got into... pre school. and shes a teen. lol! plus I played Shape with her and actually WON for once!! :huh: wow.

And now... I'm gonna check how old they are. Abbie is 2. And April is 2 too. TUTU!!!!!

-Flame TUTU!!! :huh:

Good afternoon, people!

Well, now I kinda wish I'd paused April and Abbie when I went out instead of making them sleep. Because they're 3 years old now and nothing's happened! Abbie still has low skill points, they have like 2 training points etc. :D well its too late now.

.... I just bought a TV for April! :D It's been so long since my tamas have had one!

April: Is there Oprah on the tv? cause I don't like that show!! ;)

.... No there is no Oprah on a tamagotchi TV, April. lol.

Abbie: I Like oprah!!

April: :eek:

um yeah.... Right.... April, you can't even use that TV until you're an adult. ;)


[SIZE=21pt]AHHH! :( [/SIZE]

I'M SO SORRY PEOPLE! :( I've died.

Well, not really as I've been on everyday almost but... I've kinda gotten out of Tamagotchis again.... :angry: I'll try and start playing them again, see how it goes tomorrow since they'd be sleeping right now.... wish me luck

-Flame :(

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Darn it...... I forgot to play with my tamagotchis today ;) I'll try again tomorrow.


the key word being "try".
