Flame's NEW Tamalog! ♥


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Hello!! The Aqua family is now 20 % bonded with eachother yay! Just now they asked for training and I made them build a castle from blocks.

News from Cysro and baby- Nothing yet.

ugh... now the " :) " smiley and the " ;) " one are frozen!! what have smileys become these days?!

Sigh. I feel like a bad owner!! I let my tamas go to sleep with most hearts gone! :( bad flame, bad! sigh...


oh yeah! and I just noticed something. on the V5, when they're sleeping, there is only one 'Z'! when there is 3 tamas! weird :eek:

-Flame that should go to bed soon! <_<

PS, now LOTS of the smileys are frozen!! this is driving me crazy!

Smileys that are currently frozen:

:eek: :D :rolleyes: :blink: :p :wacko: ;) !!!

why??!! ..... -_-


While I was at the mall, the Aqua family evolved into teeeeens!!

the outcome!:

Salt- Uhyotchi (freaky ghost lookin guy :eek: )

Sugar- Watatchi (she's cute)

Pepper- Mukugetchi (he looks like a really fat penguin or something)

lol. When I pressed the middle button to make Salt come up close... It was scary!!!!!! :eek: (THE SMILEY ISNT FROZEN YAY!)

Salt: I resent that.

Sorry salty...........

Salt: and that!

sorry!!!! :lol:

Pepper: Salt! don't be hard on mom

Salt: You look kind of fat

Pepper: At least I don't scare people!

Sugar: Look at me!!!!! :angry:

Salt: Yes how cute :rolleyes:

Sugar: I AM! :eek: :D B) :( GHOSTY!!!!

Salt: i'm not a ghost!


-Flame with nice new boots and a ghost tamagotchi

:rolleyes: :angry:

Stupid password!!!!! ugh!

What happened:

I made Cysro and his baby use the ticket and then of course it gave me a password. I went to tamatown and I logged in and was about to put in the password in the travel agency to get my souvenir when... THE PASSWORD DISAPPEARED! evil evil evil thing! :lol: I wish that it didn't go away after a while, thats so mean.... :eek:

-Angry Flame


Cysro left his baby and I missed it!! Darn I wanted to see him leave... my lil furawatchi :rolleyes: oh well....

I started Cysro's baby!! and- ZOMG ALL THE SMILEYS ARE UN FROZEN!!!!! :wub:

anyway, stats time! :wub:

Blue V3- Danny

Age- 0

Gender- Boy

Weight- 22 lbs

Generation- 8

Training- 2/9

Money- 6,554 GP

Type- Mohitamatchi (child)

I was aiming for a Mizutamatchi. :wub: oh well, I love Danny hehe.

And I just bought everything in the shop. It was all under 80 GP! I got a shovel, darts and some food I forgot.

Can you use shovels with children? *uses* omg!! 800 GP!! woohooo!! :wub:

also no news with the Aqua family.


I've been lazy, eheheh. But I haven't paused my tamas! :D

First off, My sister restarted one of her tamas, a V4, and it is now a girl names Emma who is going to marry Danny! :D

Second, Danny evolved! Into a... Hinatchi? I forget, but it's like a chicken.

Third, Emma evolved from a Mohitamatchi (just like danny!) into an Ichigotchi!! yaaaay!!

and fourth... it's 1:05 AM (hehehehe) and that means HALLOWEEN! *partying* woohoo!! I cant wait for trick or treating and my friends party!! (also, notice I'm writing in Halloween colours!)

The tamas can't say anything now since they're obviously sleeping... but more tomorrow, or should I say in roughly 17 hours if I don't post in the morning? hmm... my friend's party starts at 4, so that gives me plenty of time to post, so maybe it will be less then that. like noon or something. or 1. whatever. I'll stop talking now. ^_^


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Hi! Well, nothing actually happened yet except for....

Emma: I got into school! with Ms Flower

Yes!! and I have to play more games with u Emma... your skill points are 1/8/2... kind of pathetic sorry Em.

Omg!! I did the dating show with my V5!!

I made Sugar get married... To a weird fruit-like tama.

It happened so fast...! and now they had a baby boy!

It's a Mimifuwatchi named... hmm... Jack.

And sugar is now: Mememamatchi!

and her husband is: Papamametchi!

the eating is weird. the parents walk in from either side, do nothing, and then Jack appears and eats. :D ^_^ ^_^

Sugar: BOB!!!!!

Bob (the dad): What?!?!??!!

Sugar: Nothing ^_^

Jack: dddddddeeeeefeofk

he sat on the keyboard... lol





Jack evolved! He's a...

Jack: Mousetchi. I don't look like a mouse at all!? :D

Also! This log has 221 views! thanks people! ^_^





Ahhh!! :)

I'm so bad.

4 days since I've posted!

I got kind of fed up with always forgetting my tamagotchis.... I still like them though

I think I'm just going to use 2 again! But this time, no V5. I think V5s are kind of too high maintenance for me.... even as adults! :p so it's gonna be V4 (Emma) and good old V3 (Danny)

Speaking of them, Emma evolved!! Into... Pyonkotchi is the name? Something like that.... -_-

Duh. She has like NO skill points since she was kind of just for breeding. Which is mean, so the next generation I'll take better care of him/her!

I'll post their stats soon ok! :D

- Flame, happy that none of the smileys are frozen!! (and OBAMA!!!! WOOHOO)

Stats timeee!

Blue V3- Danny

Age- 3

Gender- Boy

Weight- 36 lbs

Generation- 8

Training- 3/9 (gaahhh so lame)

Money- 8,264 GP

Type- Hinatchi (I think....) (teen)

Sun Rise V4- Emma

Age- 3

Gender- girl

Weight- 43 lbs

Generation- 1

Skills- 4/8/2

Training- 1/9 (EVEN MORE LAME!!!)

Money- 910 GP

Type- Pyonkotchi (I THINK!) (adult)

Job: NONE!!!!

Hm... I think Danny will evolve preeetty soon. I hope at least. And I want Emma to get a job right now. So she can support her and Dannys future kids!! -_-


Danny and Emma: What!??!! :)

Oh... I didn't tell you.... XD

Danny and Emma: :D :p :eek:


-Flame B)

-Danny :eek:

-Emma ;)

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Emma is being mean! She gave Danny a snake in the box!

And then they played a game and while they were playing I dropped Danny on the floor... and he lost the game.

Poor Danny! Be nice Emma!

Emma made up for being mean, she gave Danny a heart. aww! -_-

I was about to connect them again but... Danny fell asleep sadly.

I guess Emma's bed time is 9:00 then....

BTW, they only have 2 smiley faces for each other on the friend list! Evil... and I guess Danny will evolve tomorrow...


-Danny (sleeping!)


Right now I should be taking a shower... eheheh. -_-

I will soon but Emma's still awake and I felt like posting!

I bought her a plant but it was just a sun. Oh well. 'least it wasn't a snake.

I am so bored. Well not really actually, I'm reading Naruto (manga!). I'm on chapter... *checks* 374 :p wow there sure are a lot of chapters!! I'm going to let Emma read too. lol.

Jiraiya and Pein are fighting. there's a weird crab/shrimp thingy :eek: it's huge. I don't get that. Crabs aren't very cool for a bad guy like Pein to have!!.... No offense to crabs. Anyway I don't like Pein that much.

lol. I just rambled about something totally off topic that lots of readers might not even know, sorry :) :D

Well this is gonna be pretty short, but I wanted to say that Emma FINALLY went to bed! and I had a shower lol

more tomorrow!!!


OMG!!!!!!!! :eek:

Danny evolved!!!!!!!!!!!! Into something I DIDN'T EXPECT EVER!!!!
























MIMITCHI!?!?! :D :eek:


I'm soooooooooooooo happy!!!!!! But I wonder why he turned into that?? I didn't take THAT good care of him... He only has 3 training bars.... I thought mimitchi was the best? lol! I guess I got a lucky mimitchi!! :D :mimitchi: :mimitchi: anyway he's sooooooo cute!!!!! I bet Emma will love him more now!! :lol:

-Flame B)

-Danny :mimitchi:

-Emma :blink:

aww!! now Emma keeps giving Danny flowers <3 so cute.

well that was short.

I guess I could also say their ages.

Danny is 4 and Emma is 4 too.

Now I have to go so....

more later today!!!

Danny and Emma like each other a LOT more then they did this morning!

Danny in Emma's friend list:

<3<3@@ (@'s= smiley faces)

Emma in Danny's friend list:


yaay!! :D They're in love now. Good for them. I can't wait for them to have babies but at the same time, I don't want my cute Mimitchi to go so soon! I love danny. he is adorable!!! :wub:

Danny: Um thanks ;)

Emma: Oh Danny you know you're adorable!!!! :lol:

Danny: Sure but it's creepy for Flame to say it...

Me: Why????

Danny: Never mind :mellow:

Sigh. so mean.


I wonder what I should do know... Oh! right, I bought Emma a ball. I'll use it. Ok I just used it and Emma fell off almost instantly. ^_^ She did the mad face and it looked very odd. Her mouth was a huge square and her eyes were tiny dots. She looked more scared then mad lol. More later.




EDIT: I Just remembered that this is my ONE THOUSANDTH POST WOOHOO! Go me!!!

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