Firestar's v4.5 log


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Sep 30, 2007
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hey. This log will be following me and my v4.5 (black with flames) allong on out misadventures together. enjoy. ;)


Log for: 9/30

Well.This morning i hatched the black flames tama and as soom as i did i put it close to my ear to hear if there was still a "heartbeat" (Just to let you know on some on my tamas if you put your ear close to them and listen carefully you can hear a faint "beep beep beep" that goes along with the tamas movements. )There was none. It seems like they updated the sound chip so it woundnt make those excess beeps. Aww. i always liked hearing those.

Well anyway, it hatched into a little baby girl! yay! I named her Meg after my cousin.

so when i fed meg so her hearts on hungry were full, it was time to see what new games were there for me. I avoid instructions like the flu. I like to see what suprizes there are.

So there was a game called "climb." Seems pretty easy, I thought. Think again, Firestar. It took me a few tries to get it but i made it to 22 jumps! yay! So sometime later Meg yawned and plopped herself in bed. then later she woke up and changed into... a familliar face...


oh my gosh i was so suprized when i saw that cute little face!! i LOVE that character! :lol:

Sometime around 7:30 Me and my family had to go to a orchestra concert. i love orchestra music! I was sure that meg would like it so i brought her along of course. I made a little bed for her with my coat so she could be comfy. But halfway through She hit the hay. but now were back and i have her beside me now.

so untill next time, bye!

;) Cool.

On jump, it's easy.

Once you hit 24, it becomes dead easy.

All you do is wait until you can see about the first line of pixels of the cloud, then hit "B"

The cloud should move along quickly, and you'll still make it onto there.

Hey. Its me again. sorry that i couldn't write sooner with school going on there is hardly time for anything at all. :p

i decided to bring Meg with me to school to take care of her so she wouldnt spend 7 hours paused all day. :)

So Anway I checked on her in passng periods and bathroom breaks and played a game or 2 and fed her and so on.

in 4th period (Art class) I heard a soft beep coming from my backpack. Luckily no one noticed because everybody was talking so loudly... I excused myself to use the bathroom with the tama in my pocket and once i was in the stall i whipped it out and i stared in disbelief at what i saw.

Poor meg was on the floor looking very unhappy and she had 3 Poops piled up around her. not only that, but she was sick too.

That doesn't make any sense. I checked her only 30 min. before and there is no way that all that could have happened so fast. I shrugged and took care of her right away. Maybe it was a glitch. either that, or i lost track of time. I don't know...

She is beside me right now and she is full and happy. I feel bad. There go my chances of getting mimitchi. I have always wanted that character and only got it once on a v1.

:) but oh well. life goes on...


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