Fida's Tamagotchi Log


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Since the last update, things have happened with my tama's (well, duh, or I wouldn't be posting! :p )

Elvia has turned two.

Soda's four, and a Marumimitchi (this thing: :rolleyes: ).

Strangely enough, white Osu turned into Pyontitchi. That's the top character, yet I was neglecting him like crazy. ;) I know I'm going to feel really bad about him dying now :( He's ten today.

Smoke & Clear Mesu and Osu are twelve today, and haven't left their babies yet.

Now, for my sister's tamas!

Kya is six years old and a sweet Mametchi. I'll miss her, I always had a soft spot for Mametchi's and Mimitchi's.

My sis also decided to start up my blue V3, and it's a boy named Pie. (Don't ask me why she named it that, I don't know. :p ) Pie is a Mizutamatchi.

My sister's also thinking about starting up my Pink W/Cherries V3. She is becoming as Tamagotchi-addicted as I am :D

I am going to continue recording the growth of her tama's here.

~Fida, Soda, Elvia, Pyonkotchi & Tsbutchi, Pyontitchi & Tsubutchi, and Pyontitchi

Three-year-old Elvia's a Pyonkotchi now. I was going for Memetchi so I could get a Makiko, but that's ok :ichigotchi:

Soda's six, and only a year/day away from meeting the matchmaker.

White Osu hasn't died yet. I'm treating him really badly so he WILL die, but he just doesn't want to, I guess. He is now able to mate, but of course he has nobody to mate with :puroperatchi:

Pyonkotchi and Pyontitchi haven't left their babies yet, and they are fourteen today.

OK, I just went into my sister's room to check on her tamagotchis (she is away at a summer class for a couple of hours) and there was Pie, unpaused. He had pooped since he woke up but other than that he was okay, hearts still full and everything. Yesterday he turned one year old, he's a Batabatchi now (I think that's how you spell it...). I paused Pie but I'm going to give my sister a hard time about leaving him unpaused when she comes back...hehe :gozarutchi:

Kya's seven years old now, and she'll be meeting the matchmaker when my sister comes home so she can see it.

Very nice tama-day today, all in all, so g'bye until tomorrow (or whenever I update again)!

~Fida, Soda, Elvia, Pyonkotchi & Tsubutchi, Pyontitchi & Tsubutchi, and Pyontitchi

If you don't want to know about Smoke & Clear Mesu and Osu, then skip this log because most of it is about them. But before I launch into them:

Elvia's four now, and awaiting a job.

The matchmaker hasn't come for Kya yet. :(

Pie is two though, and my sister has promised that she's not going to leave him unpaused again. :D

White Osu is fourteen, he hasn't died yet and is still capable of mating.

Now, onto Smoke and Clear Mesu & Osu!

The parents left the babies last night, I was sleeping so I didn't get to see it. I woke up at 7:15, Mesu was asleep but Osu was awake! I checked his clock and it was two hours early so I tried to fix it, but I set the time to PM instead of AM and he went to bed. At first he was two years old, now he was three, so I aged Mesu to three as well. They're happy little ones, full in everything right now and oh so cute ^_^

Some things have changed however. On the TMP meter, on the first screen there's now two crowns and the second one has a 2 on it. So I guess I was right, it does mean generation. Also, for a meal they now eat what I guess is a lunchbox, it pops open and they eat what's inside. For a snack they have a cupcake, complete with frosting and a cherry. They also gain weight now, too. Currently they are at their minimum weight -- 5 pounds.

I think they are going to be babies all day, it's been hours and they still haven't morphed. But that's okay, they are cute all the same.

So long, my readers, all two of you. :D

~Fida, Soda, Elvia, Tsubutchi times two, and Pyontitchi

I'm sorry about the late update. :(

Since last time, there's a new member to the tama log: Cake the Mizutamatchi, on the Pink w/Cherries V3 that I thought was broken. My sister's running him now.

OK, time to catch up.

Soda left her baby when she was nine, and I named the baby Myoki. Myoki's a Kinkamotchi now.

I haven't had much time for Elvia lately. Even so, she's seven and still waiting for the matchmaker.

Smoke & Clear Mesu and Osu are STILL babies, believe it or not. Grr :angry:

White Osu's 19 now. Still hasn't died.

Onto my sister's tamas.

Kya has a baby girl now, my sister's not sure what she'll name it yet.

Today my sis left her tamas unpaused while she was at school by accident. We didn't know until my dad asked why something in her room was beeping...then we rushed over there and took care of everyone. All had four poops and all hearts empty on both, all were sick except Kya. I was really surprised about Cake still living, seeing as he's only a kid...but then I gave my sis a lecture and she promises not to do it again :) In the midst of everything, we nearly didn't see that Pie had become a Leafitchi! :D Yay!

My sis is trying to talk me into getting two V5s, one for each of us. I said ok but only if she pays for she's scrambling for money hehe ;) So yeah. I might end up getting another--don't know if I mentioned this before but I returned the last one to the store. I regret it now. :(

~Fida, Myoki, Elvia, Tsubutchi, Tsubutchi, and the never-dying Pyontitchi

I need to start replying more.

Myoki grew from a Ringotchi (> :( ) to a Mametchi! :D She's five now and quite happy. I love how the V2 Mametchi gets happy :)

There has been no change with Elvia. She has been on pause wayyyy too much lately.

Same for white Osu, I'm pausing him quite a bit nowadays.

Smoke & Clear Mesu and Osu...I'm not even gonna tell their age xD They are Hyurutchis now. That is the child stage for this TMP.

Hyurutchi: Hyuruchi is a strange little guy who just sort of sneaks up on you and sits there, smiling and not doing anything in particular. If you find him close to you, be kind to him. if you tell him that he's not very noticeable, he might be hurt!

Kya left her baby, we named it Frost and it's still a baby now.

'Tis all right now.

~Fida, Myoki, Elvia, Hyuruchi times two and Pyontitchi
