Fida's Tamagotchi Log


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Well, I don't want to do this, but I have to.

I took the batteries out of Koko and Angel. I just don't have as much time as I thought, and I'll probably be taking more batteries out of more tamas. I just don't have enough time to take care of 6 tamas.

Otherwise...I'll continue as normal.

I'll update again later today, when Alex mates.

Devin's bonding is 10% now.

~Fida, Alex, Devin, Dunkn, & Kya

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'Tis a LONG story, but Alex didn't mate yesterday. He's 6 now and waiting for the matchmaker. Yesterday he got a job at the TV Station! It's really fun.


Oh cool! The matchmaker just came, and paired Alex up with a Furawatchi! He now has a darling baby girl. I wanted a boy but it's okay! I have all girls now. I'll call the baby Chery.

I reset Dunkn yesterday too for a group hatch with some friends. It's a girl named Tara now. Tara is a Hitodetchi (this thing: :p ) at the moment, but she'll be a teen tomorrow!

As for Kya...well, I'm not playing her anymore. My sister got really sick so I gave her Kya, who later evolved into a Young Mametchi.

I might update on Kya here from time to time but not every day anymore.

If I don't update for a few's because something happened with my sister.

~Fida, Tara, Devin, Alex & Chery

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Tara evolved into UFO-tchi just a few hours ago.

Devin evolved as well, into Korokotchi, this morning. *sighs* I want NEW characters!!

Alex and Chery slept together last night, so he'll probably leave tonight, unless I pause him.

Um so...yeah. Not much news today. Sorry. I'm trying to get enough points for a UFO in Alex's shop.

~Fida, Tara, Devin, Alex & Chery

Tara's 2 now.

Well just last night Alex left his daughter. I named her Chery as I planned, and she's now a Puchitchi. She's attending preschool now too. All the souvenirs but one got erased though :( But it's ok :)

We visited Alex in TamaTown today, and he gave Chery 500 points! How nice of him :)

Sorry for the short log...

~Fida, Tara, Devin, & Chery

Short log today.

Chery's still 0, but her skill points have been raised to 5/19/8. In a way I'm glad she's still 0, because Puchitchi is so cuuute...*hugs Chery*

Her training has gone up to 3 bars now.

Tara now has 8 training bars.

Not much today...

~Fida, Tara, Devin, & Chery

Tara's 3 today, just a day or two 'till she evolves! Her training is full now, but oddly enough she asked for another time out this afternoon...and her training was already full. :D

Chery's 1 at the moment, and she evolved into Ringotchi. *groans* Why do I ALWAYS get my least favorite teen?

Well...I am kinda warming up to Ringotchi. Maybe I'll like it more as I get it more?

Anyway. Chery also entered elementary school today! Her skill points are 5/20/8. Tomorrow or the next day she'll evolve too.

Still no news on Devin. *sigh*

~Fida, Tara, Devin, & Chery

Today is (drum roll, please)...Evolution Day!

Tara's 4 now, and evolved into Pyontitchi this morning. *grins* That really should be a male-only character, least in my opinion.

Chery's 2 now, and I'm still waiting on her evolution. That's OK though, it lets Ringotchi grow on me a little.

As for Devin...unfortunately I got an adult I've had before, Mukugetchi. *sigh* I don't even like the thing that much.

He had already evolved when he woke up, and I'm hoping he'll be ready to mate really soon. I do NOT like Mukugetchi... :mimitchi:

I really hope Chery evolves soon. I'm anxious to see what adult she becomes!

~Fida, Tara, Devin, & Chery

Another short log today.

Chery STILL hasn't evolved, but she's asking for praise & discipline like crazy today! She's now up to 8 bars. Maybe she will evolve once she gets the final bar of training?

Also! I am buying a Mesutchi and two Osutchis and they are in the mail right now. (Thank you rex! :ichigotchi: ) So I will keep updates on them. Since there are two Osutchis, maybe I will neglect one and take good care of the other...or simply keep one inactive until the other dies? I'm not sure yet.

*continues to wait for Chery to evolve*

~Fida, Tara, Devin, & Chery

Chery morphed minutes after waking up, and she's 3 now. She turned into a Maidtchi. Really cute! :( Her training's still at 8 bars, but that's OK!

Her skill points are 8/65/17.

Tara's 5 now, and I managed to buy a U.F.O. for her! She's gone to the North Pole, France, and New York so far.

Devin can't use the dating show but he'll be able to soon.

Haven't gotten my Mesutchi & Osutchis yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for fast delivery.

~Fida, Tara, Devin, & Chery

Long log today.

The Mesutchi & Osutchis came today! (I'm not going to use any color for them.) There's the Smoke & Clear pair (Osutchi's black, Mesutchi's clear) and a white Osutchi with green stars on it. Mesutchi arrived as Hawaikotchi (looks like a giant tooth with pigtails), all happy hearts empty and three hungry hearts empty, with two poops on the screen. She must've come unpaused while she was in the mail. The white/green Osutchi came as Mohitamatchi, quite cute really. Full on everything and already 2 years old as well. (He got aged to 3 just now though because the clock was wrong, leading him to believe it was time to hit the hay. I set the clock right, but that attention light won't go off, no matter what I do...*sigh* Anyway.

I set the clocks for the Smoke & Clear pair at 3 this afternoon, and five minutes later they hatched into Kuritchi, which kind of looks like a baby Cone Head.

Kuritchi: One minute he's laughing, and the next, he's throwing a temper tantrum! Kuritchi ("Chestnut") sure is a moody guy! His little yellow body may turn red with rage, but his sunny side and angry side just show his wide range of emotion.

Oh, wait, here we go, I turned the lights on & off on white Osutchi and the attention light went off. That's better ^_^

Mohitamatchi: This laid-back guy doesn't worry about the little things in life. His purple mohawk-style hair-do may look cool, but when he gets mad, all his hair stands on end!

While I wait for my Smoke & Clear pair to morph I'm going to switch the subject to everyone else.

Chery's 4 now, and her skill points are 13/84/17. Not much is new with her.

Tara's 6 at the moment. Nothing else new with her yet.

Devin still can't use the dating show.

I'm going to go now (like you would know the difference, heh) and finish this log later...

OK, now it's later and my Smoke/Clear pair have morphed into Mohitamatchi's. What's really weird is that about 5 minutes before they changed Osutchi started doing everything BEFORE Mesutchi! I mean he was pooping & emptying hearts faster than her, which is weird since I haven't paused them at all yet! (Of course that will change when I go back to school.) They did morph at the same time though, which is good. :)

I took a couple pictures of them, which I might load onto TamaTalk soon.

'Till next time.

~Fida (who is wondering how she is going to care for 6 tamagotchi at once), Tara, Devin, Chery, Mesutchi, Osutchi, and Osutchi

EDIT: My white Osutchi asked for discipline, so I gave it some, and the discipline is now 100%. I heard sometimes they ask for more than 100%, though, so I have to remember to keep an eye on him.

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Another long log today.

Tara's still 6 and Chery's still 4.

Devin's bonding is now 20%, but he is still denied the dating show :D

My white Osutchi is 4 now (really 3 because of that accidental aging). He asked for discipline up to 150% today (the meter stays at 100% so I need to keep track of the rest myself. I'm avoiding information on the Mesutchi & Osutchi online because I want to be surprised when they grow up. I think I will reset white Osutchi after my Smoke & Clear pair mate. Right now I'm just testing a bunch of things on him, like when they wake up (at 9am) and what happens when they get overweight (I heard something happened but didn't know what). When the latter happens (they hit 99 lbs) they become Debutchi, a face so big it fills up the screen.

Debutchi: When the weight increases, your Tamagotchi becomes Debutchi. Play the Flag Game to return him to normal.

White Osutchi's weight is around 91 lbs now, while my Smoke & Clear pair have the same weight: 28 lbs. Speaking of my Smoke & Clear pair, they are each 1 year old now, and still happy little Mohitamatchi. They asked for discipline up to 50% today, so I expect I'll be filling up the whole meter today. (I wish I was joking.) And I just realized...they would've been a LOT more overweight if it had counted all the snacks I fed them as I guess they stayed at 5 lbs the whole time they were babies.

Oh, hang on, white Osu just got sick.

...OK, he is better now. Wonder what that means; maybe he'll change soon?

Anyway. Time to explain more about Mesu & Osu. (All of this stuff is in Japanese, so this is just what I think it means.)

First icon: Health meter. Four hearts for hungry & four hearts for happy, but the hearts are VERY small. Next screen is discipline. Fourth and last screen is age & weight. Instead of the little smiley face on most tama's, the symbol for age is a Kuritchi. The symbol for weight is the same, a scale.

Second item: Food. Functions the same. For a snack they eat a bowl of rice (I think) and for a snack they eat a piece of candy.

Third icon: Flag game. The tama moves the flags back and forth and you have to press A while the white flag is up or B while the black flag is up.

Fourth icon: Toilet. Functions the same.

Fifth icon: Scold. Functions the same except there's no praise, only discipline. The cool thing is, when they beep for discipline, it's a different beep than when they really need something. So right away, I know when to scold them.

Sixth icon: Medicine. Same as always.

Seventh icon: Lights. Again, same as always.

Eighth icon: TMP meter. The first screen says 'TMP' and has one crown on it. The second screen says '1' next to some Japanese writing. I'm guessing that means generation.

Ninth icon: Mating (I think). When I choose this they just shake their heads no.

Well, that's about it for today.

~Fida, Tara, Devin, Chery, Mesutchi, Osutchi, and Osutchi

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Sad update.

White Osutchi reset. I was just playing with him and accidentally dropped him. Don't ask me how it happened, but when I picked him up there was just an egg on the screen. Farewell, little one... :D

I hatched him again shortly after, and now he's a Mohitamatchi again. :D I'm keeping his hearts halfway full just to see what happens to him.

As for my Smoke & Clear pair. They asked for discipline two more times. Yes two more times. I filled up the whole meter already.

Also, I just noticed something interesting. Well the screen looks kinda like a room and on one side is a door! I wonder what that does.

Chery got a job today! She works at the Bakery.

~Fida, Tara, Chery, Devin, Mesutchi, Osutchi, & Osutchi

Good news today!!

Tara was able to mate with a Hanatchi through the matchmaker (yes she is 7 today)! She ended up with a baby girl. I'll name it Soda. *crosses fingers for Chery to end up with a boy*

Devin was able to use the dating show when he woke up! He married a robot-like character with wings (I think) that I do not recognize. They morphed into Papapatchi and Mamapatchi before laying three eggs.

Firstborn: Male Futabatchi. I'll call him Morgan.

Secondborn: Female Futabatchi. I'll call her Jarre.

Lastborn: Male Omututchi that I'm going to call Andy.

They haven't evolved yet.

My Smoke & Clear Mesutchi and Osutchi are 2 years old now and both 44 lbs. White Osutchi is 1 and 16 lbs.

Chery's 5 now.

The triplets just evolved! Morgan is a Mattaritchi, Jarre is a Tororotchi, and Andy is an Ahirukutchi. Very cute :unsure:

~Fida, Tara & Soda, Chery, Morgan & Jarre & Andy, and Mohitamatchi times three

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More updates.

White Osutchi is now up to 75% discipline, and my Smoke & Clear pair are now up to 150%. Man they ask for a lot!

~Fida, Tara & Soda, Chery, Morgan & Jarre & Andy, Mohitamatchi, Mohitamatchi, and Mohitamatchi

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GREAT day today!

Well, Tara's 8 now, and is going to leave Soda tonight.

Chery just turned 6, skill points are 13/96/17.

OK, now for the cool part.

White Osutchi remains as a Mohitamatchi, but my Smoke/Clear pair evolved just a few hours ago! They became the 'healthy' teens.

Osutchi became Obotchi.

Obotchi: A fashionable little gentleman who spends all his time worrying about the little curl in the middle of his forehead. He's really quite a mischevious little guy, but in front of the "grown-ups" he acts like a well-behaved little "Student Council President"-type.

Mesutchi became Ojotchi. She looks like Obotchi, but she has pointy ears.

Ojotchi: She may seem well-mannered and charming, but she's still at that mischevious stage, so go easy on her! She thinks of herself as a proper little lady, however, so if you don't treat her as such, she might get upset and sulk!

Both now weigh 62 lbs and went down to 50% discipline when they evolved (they were at either 175% or 200% before, I forgot which). I have to say, though, I loooove Ojotchi. *hugs Ojotchi*

I really don't know what I am going to do with white Osutchi, he's probably going to end up dying. Or I can just reset him over and over :D I dunno, maybe I'll buy another Mesutchi? That could be kind of fun, what with cross-breeding and all. But for now, white Osutchi will probably never mate...unless my black Osutchi dies and Mesutchi doesn't.

Anyway, now I'm taking good care of white Osutchi and I'll see what I end up with...Obotchi or the other teen (I don't look for descriptions/names unless I have the character). I'm guessing the unhealthy teen since I let him beep at me for attention for most of his life. Oh yeah...and white Osutchi now has 125% discipline.

'Till tomorrow, when white Osutchi evolves.

~Fida, Tara & Soda, Chery, Morgan & Jarre & Andy, Obotchi, Ojotchi, and Mohitamatchi

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Tara left Soda last night, but I'm being quite ditzy today and don't want to mess something with Soda up. So she's still a baby.

Chery's 7 and still waiting for the matchmaker. She has been visited by the Tamagotchi King four times today!! He gave her a shovel, a shirt, 1006 gotchi points, and a love potion.

I took the battery out of the triplets. I regret buying the V5 now, mostly because of the fact that pausing takes longer than it does with the other versions and it gets up wayyy too early for me. I could mess with the clock, but I don't like staying up until 10 every night just to care for a tamagotchi.

I'm sorry little ones, I'll start you up again someday...

*changes the subject hastily*

Smoke/Clear Mesu & Osu are four years old now, I don't know when they're morphing again, but I hope it's soon. I have the feeling Mesutchi's batteries are going to run out soon, her image is fading... :(

Well, after white Osu asked for discipline up to 200% and got sick, to my surprise and delight he too became Obotchi. I love Obotchi and Ojotchi :) I found a growth chart online (resisted the urge to look at one until now) and saw the 'unhealthy' teenage characters. They look like giant teeth! I kid you not. :p So I'm rather happy that I got Obotchi. I hope I don't get TOO loveable an adult on white Osu, though, because unless my black Osu dies he won't ever have kids. I am taking rather bad care of him actually, in hopes to get an unmateable so that I don't feel too bad about him dying. I've never actually had a Tamagotchi die before (not even Angelgotchi, I reset them first), so I don't want to feel too guilty for it. *sigh*

OK, well, I'ma unpause Soda now, and tomorrow I'll update with what she changes into.

~Fida, Soda, Chery, Obotchi, Ojotchi, and Obotchi

Last night Soda became Kinakomotchi (sp?) and went straight to bed, as it was past 8pm already.

She's up to 2 training bars now as well.

Chery's still 7, and the matchmaker came just half an hour ago. Try as I might to get a boy, I ended up with another girl. *sigh* I think I'll name it Elvia. (short for Elvira)

Smoke & Clear Mesu and Osu are five now, their discipline is 100% and they have not called for any extra yet. They weigh 77 pounds. White Osu's discipline is at 75% and he weighs 89 pounds. I have a habit of raising fat tamas, the only thing that motivates me to keep the weight down is that they turn into Debutchi if the weight gets to 99 pounds.

Sorry for the short log.

~Fida, Soda, Chery & Elvia, Obotchi, Ojotchi, and Obotchi

I'm sorry for the late updates! :wub:

Soda's become Hanatchi and is 2 now, with four training bars.

Chery was eight years old when she left her baby tonight. I named it Elvia as promised, and she's still a cute little baby. Won't be long until she changes though.

Smoke and Clear Mesu & Osu are eight today and still teenagers. White Osu is seven and also still Obotchi. Discipline on both is 100% and they haven't called for any extra.

Ah there we go, Elvia just evolved into Mizutamatchi.

Sorry for the short log.

~Fida, Soda, Elvia, Obotchi, Ojotchi, and Obotchi

*dances* Great tama day!

Soda's training is now six bars and Elvia's is three. Her skill points: 5/1/0. Pitiful I know.

She entered preschool yesterday, by the way. :mellow:

Now for the exciting part! Obotchi and Ojotchi got sick this morning so I knew they'd change soon. And they did! At 2:25 Osutchi became Pyontitchi.

Pyontitchi: Everyone around him keeps chattering about boyfriends and girlfriends, but is this "love" thing really worth it? That's what this Adult-chi wants to know. Looks like he's still more interested in having fun than falling in love!

Mesutchi changed at 2:28. She became Pyonkotchi.

Pyonkotchi: Whenever she sees a boy and a girl in a loving couple, she gets jealous and just has to interfere! But she only acts mean because she's lonely. She'll surely become a kinder, gentler soul once she falls in love herself!

The top characters AND a matching adult pair. Nice. ;) I'll mate them right now...

...or not. They don't seem to be ready, they just shake their heads no at me...I guess I'll try again tomorrow.

~Fida, Soda, Elvia, Pyonkotchi, Pyontitchi, and Obotchi

Goooood day today :p

Elvia's one year old, and a Young Memetchi! She also entered elementary school and is with the teacher that teaches the middle skill point...dunno what it/she's called.

Soda's three today. One more day before adulthood! :p

Now, when I check if Pyonkotchi and Pyontitchi will mate, they put on a negative look but move around the screen in beat to a tune of beeps! :D I'ma try to figure out how to mate them right now.

OK, I got it figured out and they mated! :D Here's what happened.

So I selected the mating icon and once they began dancing around the screen I pressed B on Osutchi. The beeps went silent and then they both slid over to the door on the screen and went offscreen. When they slid back on the word "OK" was next to them. Then they slid off again and came back on a moment later. Then they began doing a little "happy dance". Osutchi's was steady but Mesutchi's kept getting faster and faster until finally it slowed. Then Osutchi's went really fast, like Mesutchi's. Finally he calms down and Mesutchi is standing there with this look on her face. She moves over to one side of the screen and a little baby appears! She turns around and the second baby is born. All four of them dance around the screen for a little bit and then Mesutchi gives one baby a stern look and it goes over to Osutchi. All of them dance around while playing a happy tune and then they start moving around like normal. At this point I separate them and put the tops on the eggs. The mating is over.

The babies are called Tsubutchi, and they look like Shirotsubutchis (the baby girl on the V4 and V4.5).

Tsubutchi: No matter what happens, this laid-back guy never worries or panics. He may look like a tiny little speck, but he's strong enough to lift the heaviest of objects without even breaking into a sweat!

Obotchi hasn't even gotten sick yet so I sense it'll be a while until he evolves.

Now, after so long, an update on Kya.

She's a five-year-old Mametchi now and will be meeting the matchmaker soon. My sister loves her like this, especially with the wings on :D So yeah, good day.

~Fida, Soda, Elvia, Pyonkotchi & Tsubutchi, Pyontitchi & Tsubutchi, and Obotchi
