Another long log today.
Tara's still 6 and Chery's still 4.
Devin's bonding is now 20%, but he is still denied the dating show
My white Osutchi is 4 now (really 3 because of that accidental aging). He asked for discipline up to 150% today (the meter stays at 100% so I need to keep track of the rest myself. I'm avoiding information on the Mesutchi & Osutchi online because I want to be surprised when they grow up. I think I will reset white Osutchi after my Smoke & Clear pair mate. Right now I'm just testing a bunch of things on him, like when they wake up (at 9am) and what happens when they get overweight (I heard something happened but didn't know what). When the latter happens (they hit 99 lbs) they become Debutchi, a face so big it fills up the screen.
Debutchi: When the weight increases, your Tamagotchi becomes Debutchi. Play the Flag Game to return him to normal.
White Osutchi's weight is around 91 lbs now, while my Smoke & Clear pair have the same weight: 28 lbs. Speaking of my Smoke & Clear pair, they are each 1 year old now, and still happy little Mohitamatchi. They asked for discipline up to 50% today, so I expect I'll be filling up the whole meter today. (I wish I was joking.) And I just realized...they would've been a LOT more overweight if it had counted all the snacks I fed them as I guess they stayed at 5 lbs the whole time they were babies.
Oh, hang on, white Osu just got sick.
...OK, he is better now. Wonder what that means; maybe he'll change soon?
Anyway. Time to explain more about Mesu & Osu. (All of this stuff is in Japanese, so this is just what I think it means.)
First icon: Health meter. Four hearts for hungry & four hearts for happy, but the hearts are VERY small. Next screen is discipline. Fourth and last screen is age & weight. Instead of the little smiley face on most tama's, the symbol for age is a Kuritchi. The symbol for weight is the same, a scale.
Second item: Food. Functions the same. For a snack they eat a bowl of rice (I think) and for a snack they eat a piece of candy.
Third icon: Flag game. The tama moves the flags back and forth and you have to press A while the white flag is up or B while the black flag is up.
Fourth icon: Toilet. Functions the same.
Fifth icon: Scold. Functions the same except there's no praise, only discipline. The cool thing is, when they beep for discipline, it's a different beep than when they really need something. So right away, I know when to scold them.
Sixth icon: Medicine. Same as always.
Seventh icon: Lights. Again, same as always.
Eighth icon: TMP meter. The first screen says 'TMP' and has one crown on it. The second screen says '1' next to some Japanese writing. I'm guessing that means generation.
Ninth icon: Mating (I think). When I choose this they just shake their heads no.
Well, that's about it for today.
~Fida, Tara, Devin, Chery, Mesutchi, Osutchi, and Osutchi