Fida's Tamagotchi Log


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
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California, USA
After a year or two of letting them sit around without batteries, I've decided to start my tamagotchis again. I have a V2, a V3, and a V4 currently running. (I also have another V3, another V2, and an Angelgotchi, but I don't have batteries for them right now. I may start them later.) I don't have a V4.5 or a V5 but I'll probably end up getting one sooner or later :)


I'm going to use red for my V2 news. It is a yellow case with butterflies painted on.

I hatched it along with my V3 an hour or two ago. It is a boy and I named him Donut. Currently he is a Hotodetchi.

He is 38 lbs and first generation (obviously). Eek he is fat. I think I need to play some games with him...

I'm going to use green for my V3 news. It is a blue case with butterflies and flowers painted on.

I hatched it along with my V2 an hour or two ago. It is a girl and I decided to name her Julie. She is a Mizutamatchi.

She is 46 lbs. and also first generation (of course). Eep she even fatter than Donut. I need to remember to stop feeding them so much. :wub:

I will use blue for my V4. It is a blue case with white swirl patterns on the sides.

I hatched it about 30 minutes ago. It is a boy and his name is Alex. At the moment he's a Tsubutchi.

He is 28 lbs and first generation. At least he is not fat. But by the time he morphs he'll probably be fat too :wub:

Julie and Donut just went to bed a couple of minutes ago, as it is past 8 pm where I live. Of course Alex is still awake, having not morphed yet.

Ah well. Oh, Alex just morphed, and now he is a Mizutamatchi as well. And just as I predicted, he is fat too (38 lbs). :lol: He has gone to bed now too.

I will update tomorrow with their teenage forms. (I think they morph at 1 yr, but I'm not sure, so if I'm wrong, then :lol: on me.)

I don't have a V4.5 or a V5 but I'll probably end up getting one sooner or later
It was sooner :unsure:

I just got my V5 today, and I'm going to use purple for it. It is translucent red with little circles of all colors on it.

While I wait for the eggs to hatch, I'll switch the subject to my other tamas.

Donut is still 0 years old. I have managed to decrease his weight to 28 lbs though :lol: He currently has 2 bars of training (one he called for yesterday, and he called for one today).

Julie also remains at 0 years old. Her weight is 32 lbs. She also has two bars of training, called for one yesterday and one today.

Following the path of the other two, Alex is 0 years old as well. He is 33 lbs. Boy am I glad none of my tamas are fat anymore :p

He has no training yet.

And now the eggs are hatching! Perfect timing!

The middle one hatched first, and the one on the left hatched second, leaving the one on the right to hatch last. I named the family Cocoa and was disappointed to see that you can't name the tamas individually...but I'll give them nicknames anyway.

The firstborn is a boy, a futabaitchi. I think I will call him Justin.

The secondborn is a girl, a omututchi. I will nickname her Katie.

The lastborn is another boy, a mimifuwatchi. I am going to call him J.J.


I will post again when they morph, or when one morphs, I don't know if they all morph simultaneously or not.

Justin, Katie, and J.J. haven't morphed yet because I had to keep them on pause during a lot of the evening.

Alex just called for praise, so now he has one training bar. He also got accepted into preschool just a few minutes ago.

Hopefully Alex, Julie, and Donut will morph tomorrow. Unfortunately they aren't calling for praise/discipline as much as I'd like them to (I want them to be well-disciplined adults).

Well, just now, the three of them went to sleep, leaving Justin, Katie, and J.J. as the only ones awake...if they don't morph before I go to bed I don't know what I will do. I mean, they won't go to sleep, and I just don't feel comfortable with the idea of setting them on "travel" all night. I guess I will just have to shove the tab back in, but I really hate doing that to them...

EDIT: Yay!!! They just morphed a minute or two ago! I didn't see it happen, but I'm just glad they morphed. Justin is a Mattaritchi, Katie, is a Belltchi, and J.J. is a Mousetchi. They are very cute, and now they will actually go to sleep, woohoo. I heard they wake up at 7 am though...grr...

I'm going to go trick the clock into making them ask for, I HAVE to remember to start watching them more so I don't miss the next morph...

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Alex, Julie, and Donut turned 1 last night and morphed early this morning. :D

Donut morped first, right at 8:01 am (I was counting the minutes on Alex's clock). He became Ringotchi. Man, why is it that even now, after 1+ year of not playing my tamas, I still get my least favorite teen on the first generation? :p

He still has 2 bars of training and is 36 lbs.

Julie morphed at 8:03 am. She is now Obotchi. I thought that was male only but I guess I was wrong...

She also remains at 2 bars of training and is 36 lbs as well.

Alex was the last to morph, at 9:05 am. Of course he got up at 9 and not 8 like Julie and Donut did so it makes sense. He morphed into Gourmetchi. He has 1 bar of training and is at 43 lbs. His skill points are at 5/8/1.

Woohoo, while I was typing this he got accepted into elementary school :p He seems to be enjoying it.

Of course Justin, Katie, and J.J. are still kids but they are fun just the same. At the moment Justin is talking to the fridge. Maybe he is asking it what there is to eat? :)

They are still at 0% bonding, unfortunately.

I expect Justin, Katie, and J.J. to morph in two or three days, and Alex, Julie, and Donut will probably take another week or so. Maybe 5 or 6 days if I'm lucky.

Well, I'm off to raise Alex's skill points and connect Julie and Donut more to raise their friendship level so they can mate when they get older. Expect a quick update on Alex's skill points tomorrow but nothing major.

I am too impatient to wait until tomorrow to report on the next bit of tama news. :)

Donut got all mad earlier and so I had to praise him. He now has 3 training points.

Julie then got mad as well and I had to praise her too. She is now at 3 training points as well.

Alex got annoyed that I wasn't paying attention to him, and decided to call for unneeded attention, which resulted in a time out from me. He is just a bit less disciplined than Julie and Donut, with 2 training points.

His current skill points are 16/8/1.

Nothing important is new with Justin, Katie, and J.J. Justin is looking in the fridge again, I guess he is hungry. (Perhaps because I am about to have dinner? Heh.)

And I am going to be hatching my other V2 on July 1st for a TamaTalk group hatch, but if the group hatch doesn't happen I will probably just hatch it on its own. Boy these tamas are not as demanding as I remembered. Maybe it is because the teenagers can mostly take care of themselves? It seems like a couple years ago I could barely take care of 2 tamas at the same time and now I'm taking care of 4 and planning to hatch a 5th! I guess I've just matured. ;)

Well, that's all for today. Tomorrow will probably just be a listing of Alex's skill points and all.

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Just as I predicted, not much happened. Alex, Donut, and Julie are still all 1 year old. All of them got 1 more training bar.

Alex's skill points are 19/8/1.

Justin, Katie, and J.J. have not morphed yet and it will most likely take them until tomorrow or Sunday.

If I don't update tomorrow, it's because nothing eventful happened.

I had all my tamas on pause most of the day so nothing really happened. Stuff happened yesterday though.

Donut started crying last night and earned himself a praise from me and a training bar. He is now at 5 training bars and the bars go up to the halfway mark. He has also turned 2 years old.

The same things happened to Julie that happened to Donut. Man they are similar. Ah well, I hatched them at the same time so it makes sense.

Alex has worked his way up to 4 training bars from a little timeout last night. His skill points are still the same (I usually don't mess with them unless it's for a secret character). He turned 2 last night as well.

He's the only one unpaused right now, and he is sitting on my desk watching me type.

Nothing eventful has happened with Justin, Katie, and J.J. because they have been on pause all day. (I paused them so I could sleep in.)

Ok I just unpaused all my tamas so maybe something cool will happen to them. I have no clue when Justin, Katie, and J.J. are going to morph and I kinda like it that way. Surprises are fun. -_-

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Yay I actually have some cool news today :eek:

OK, well, first, the not-so-important news. Best for last, right?

Donut has gained an extra training bar.

Julie has too.

Alex has as well, putting him at the halfway training mark. His skill points are 19/8/4.

Now for the exciting bit!

When Justin, Katie, and J.J. woke up this morning they were teenagers! Wow I didn't know they could evolve in their sleep like that!

Justin is a Bakutchi, Katie is an Ichigotchi (glad I got ONE character I recognized), and J.J. is a Korokotchi. So I guess it takes 48 hours for them to morph or something like that? That's about how much time I had for them...

Oh, yay! While I was typing this they started singing and I gave them the little triangle under the bonding sign. I must've done the right thing, because their bonding has gone up to 10%! Woohoo! :eek:

Well unfortunately when I press the C button, they still have the same animation (they look at each other like "what are you doing here?"), drat. :p

Well, nobody will morph tomorrow, so don't expect any major news...

Well this just cannot wait until tomorrow.

I disciplined Alex just an hour ago, bringing him up to 6 training bars. Not more than 5 minutes ago he started morphing! He turned into Pyontitchi. Looks like a little bear :blink: I didn't catch him morphing, but I don't really care, he's adorable all the same :blink:

My memory of tamagotchi is blurred since it's been at least a year since I played with one, but I don't recall having my V4 morph at 2...I thought they morphed at 4! I'm not complaining though :)

I entered the shop code and got a love potion for him, so I'll most likely mate him with Julie when she morphs and Donut will have to wait a little longer and mate through the matchmaker.

Julie asked for praise while I was writing this, making her training 7 bars. I hope she calls for more, because I really want her to be a Mametchi and you need it fully disciplined for least I think so...

Well I'm going to go fix dinner. I am counting the days until Julie is an adult and leaving her unpaused every possible second.

'Till tomorrow.


Not much has happened.

Donut has aged to 3 years old and now has 7 training bars.

Julie is now 3 as well--just a day or two more before she morphs!!

Alex, too, is 3 now. He is almost old enough to mate.

Not much has happened with Justin, Katie, and J.J. They called for bonding, but I was in a rush and didn't get to give it to them >___<

Just a little while longer 'till I can mate Alex and Julie.

Interesting news today!!

Donut turned 4 this afternoon and immediately morphed into Furawatchi (this thing: :p ).

Yesterday Julie called for more training so the meter is full. I thought I'd get Mametchi but no! I slept in and when I woke up, Julie was 4 and had morphed into Pyonkotchi! Pyontitchi and Pyonkotchi...weird coincidence. (Pyonkotchi looks like Pyontitchi but with pointy ears. Looks kinda like a pig.)

Alex is 4 now.

Justin, Katie, and J.J. remain teenagers but their bonding is now 20%.

Now, on the topic of mating. I am going to mate Donut and Julie and let Alex wait for the matchmaker. Partly because Donut and Julie have a better bond than Julie and Alex, and partly because Alex is so cute :blink:

On another note. I am thinking of starting up my Tamagotchi Angel too. I would like Lucky Uni-kun (or however you spell it...), AKA the Lucky Poo, to bring me some luck. For 2nd generation, I'm hoping for some Mimitchis.

That's all for today.


Donut is still 4, nothing much new with him alone. As for his bonding with Julie, that is in her news.

Julie is now 5. She and Donut now rate each other four hearts ("partner" according to the instruction manual) on their friendship book-thingy. A little heart even appears next to them when one gives the other a present. :) It's really cute...but they won't mate for some reason...

Alex got offered a job today, however his skill points weren't high enough for any of them. *sigh* Back to the games to higher his skill points for tomorrow's job interview...

Nothing is new with Justin, Katie, and J.J.

Just a little while longer before I have sweet baby tamagotchi ;) I hope I get a pair of girls. I don't remember what happens when they mate so I'm really excited!!

I guess only time will make them mate though...


Donut is 5 today, and he and Julie mated!! *pokes Julie's news*

Julie's still 5, but no matter. Now, about the mating.

This morning I woke up and connected Donut and Julie. Both of them just stood there looking back and forth for a bit. I thought I had done something wrong, but then Donut went over to Julie's screen and they both stayed on the bottom of the screen as the little heart symbol showed above them. Then both screens went completely black and started showing fireworks. When the lights came back on Donut was back in the V2.

Julie got this look on her face, moved over and gave birth to a little baby boy! She turns around and the second baby is born. All of them starting hopping around the screen happily until one of the babies went over to Donut. It was really cute!

I have no idea what I will name the babies yet but I still have time to decide :)

Alex is 5 now.

Justin, Katie, and J.J. morphed in their sleep again last night! Justin became Mukugetchi. Katie is now Potetchi. J.J. is Uhyotchi, and my favorite :blink: He looks like a ghost :D

2 or 3 more days before Alex gets visited by Mrs. Busybody (the matchmaker).


EDIT: Forgot to say: The triplets have a bonding of 30% now, and for the animation, Justin gets up close to the screen.

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Alex found a mate today! My friends have tamas too, four teenagers, and they are ALL girls! Of course this means I have to keep him on pause for a little while so he won't get too old to mate with another tama. I feel so bad pausing him for so long, but it has to be done...

Also! I started up my old Tamagotchi Angel (AKA Angelgotchi) today! I will use orange for it. Since a lot less people have Angelgotchi than V2/3/etc, I sense I will have to explain a little more about it. But that's OK ;) (I refer to my Angel as Angelgotchi [the Japanese version] but I actually have Tamagotchi Angel [the US version].)

The first thing you ought to know about Angelgotchi is, it doesn't mate, so it has to die instead, like P1 and P2. There is no weight meter. Angelgotch ages 1 year when it takes a nap as a baby. There is no gender. There is 1 baby, 1 child, 2 teenagers, 5 normal adults, and 4 (or 5) secret characters. Instead of 'Happiness' it says 'Effort'. There is a 'Deeds' meter. Occasionally Angel looks right at you and smiles, and then you have to praise it. Until Angelgotch is an adult it does not beep for you when doing this. Instead of meals and snacks, you feed Angel pie and candy. Candy does not raise happiness. Sometimes when you feed Angel candy a bat comes and tries to take the candy. You need to tap the screen to scare the bat away. You can only pause it by setting the clock and leaving it that way. There is only one game, where you have to press the A or B button to jump over the stars. If you turn off the lights while Angel is awake it either gets sick or dies. (Yes, I said it dies. But that's only if you turn the light off on adults! Babies, kids, and teenagers simply get sick.) Now then, onto my actual Angelgotchi.

Alright, so when I activated Angel, there was a little ship on the screen instead of an egg. After about 5 minutes, little arrows like this: <<>> came across the screen and a little ghost-like tamagotchi with a halo appeared. I consulted one of my favorite tama websites and found out that it is called Obaketchi 2. (BTW, I did not make that website and take no credit for anything on it.) Well Obaketchi 2 needed my constant care for a little more than an hour. Then the arrows came across the screen again and a new character popped up, like a Marutchi with wings and a halo. Its name is Maruten and it is really cute. I spent about half an hour with Maruten before it went to bed. Hehe it even sleeps on a cloud :)

Well that was very long...sorry! Explaining about Angelgotchi took more time than I would've liked...*sigh*


Not much is new today in Tama-land.

Justin, Katie, and J.J. now have a bonding of 40%. When I press the C button they go offscreen, come back on, and fall flat on their faces. xD

That's never going to get old.


Angel asked for praise 2 times today, so I filled up the Deeds meter halfway. It's AP [Angel Power. It increases when you give Angel candy and plays a HUGE role in what character you will get, healthy or unhealthy.] is at the current max of 50 because I want to get Kodoten [the healthy teen] and not Takoten [the unhealthy teen].

Angel hasn't taken any walks yet, but that's OK, I like to watch the cute little Maruten on my screen. At least when it's just jumping around normally. The happy face, and the one where it's taking medicine kinda....freaks me out. It's really abnormal.

I expect Angelgotch to evolve tomorrow (it is 2 today).

Donut's 6 now, and spent his first (and quite possibly last) night with his child last night. I put him in the Mimitchi costume, and he is sooo cute! :( I really hope I get Mimitchi for 2nd gen. I am going to name his baby Dunkn by the way. (Dunkn. Donut. Get it? Hehe. ;) )

Julie is also 6 now. One sec. I am going to set her clock to midnight and see if she leaves her child, because I am not up for caring for a baby tama at 7 in the morning...groan...

OK, I'm back (like anyone would know the difference...). Julie did not leave her baby, but I decided on a name for it! I will call her baby Koko.

Oh, Dunkn just got sick, but Donut didn't for some reason...? Yet both of them took the medicine. Took 2 shots. Weird.

Nothing's new with Alex because he's on pause.

Most likely I'll pause Julie and Donut tonight. I just can't get up and immediately take care of two baby tamas in the morning! So they will be unpaused as much as possible...oh, hang on, Koko just got sick.

Ah, there we go, all better. Took only one shot too.

Well, tomorrow I hope to be reporting news of an evolution (Marutchi) and two adults (Julie & Donut) leaving their children (to me messing with the clock in the afternoon)...


Small update.

Angel is 3 now, but that might be my mistake because I messed up and accidentally put it to bed at 7. Either way she is going to bed for real in about 2 minutes. I hope she'll change tomorrow, because Maruten makes me nervous. The Angel I 'birthed' before this one, I thought it was paused at one time, so I left the room, and several hours later JUST as I come back Maruten is dying. Really freaked me out, and so I hope Maruten will evolve soon.

Ah there we go, she's in bed now, full on everything. Sleep well Maruten, and change into a Kodoten tomorrow. ;)

The triplets are...showering. Erm, ok?!

I have to say, though, I *love* the V5. All the characters go to bed at 9 and get up at 7, so I don't have to have a really weird sleeping schedule in order to be up with them. There are so many more characters...OK, OK, I won't start raving. It's just that my very favorite thing is this hour, when all my other tama's are asleep and there's only Justin, Katie, and J.J. up. I can really pay attention to *just* them, and everyone else's care is really...rushed. I have to keep a close eye on Angel throughout the day so I don't miss when it calls for praise or goes for walks (which it has not done yet, BTW). I love my tama's...*hugs* :mellow:

G'night. Will write again tomorrow.


Strangely enough, the triplets cannot use the dating show yet. The matchmaker just yells at me.

Angel is four and _still_ hasn't evolved! Grr!

I made Julie leave Koko early, so I played with the little guy nonstop for about an hour until he morphed. He is now Kuchitamatchi. Looks like Kuchipatchi's head heh :eek: We visited Julie in TamaTown and she gave Koko a cell phone (souvenir) and a pencil (item). How nice of her :)

Like I said, I want him to be Mimitchi but he took his nap as a baby with poop next to him so I doubt he'll become one. :p

Alex is still waiting for his mate. I really hope I get a baby girl on this one, otherwise I'll be stuck with all boys...

Donut continues to watch over Dunkn. I will be pausing them again tonight and then making Donut leave tomorrow, most likely...sigh. I don't want Donut to leave, because there's no way to view past generations in the V2! But I suppose he has to go, and then I can try for another Mimitchi :D

'Tis all for now.

~Fida, Koko, Alex, Justin & Katie & J.J., Maruten, Dunkn & Donut

EDIT: Angel took her first walk!! The screen went all blank and the attention icon was lit. Took me a minute to realize what was going on. So I selected the praise icon and tapped the side of the egg, and Maruten came back looking really annoyed. Sorry Maruten...

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Well, I didn't see it happen, but it did.

I was playing on Webkinz and checking on Angel every so often in case it needed praise. (Which it did, so I filled the Deeds meter to 75%.) Well, later, I looked down and who should be floating on my screen but Kodoten! Woohoo!

I'm going for Kuriten [the healthiest adult besides secret characters] next. :angry:

The triplets still can't date but I raised their bonding to 50%.

~Fida, Koko, Alex, Justin & Katie & J.J., Kodoten, Dunkn & Donut

Very good news today!

When I woke up Justin, Katie, & J.J. were already awake. So I tried the dating show and it worked! I had J.J. marry a Furawatchi, or a Leafitchi, I couldn't tell which. Then Katie and Justin got really sad and left, and then J.J. and this Furawatchi (I'll just call it that) morphed!! J.J. became Memepapatchi, and Furawatchi became Mamametchi. Mamametchi laid a single egg and then she and J.J. left. Well the egg hatched and it was a duplicate of Justin--a male Mimifuwatchi! I am going to call him Devin.

Nothing is special with him right now. Although I tell you, I didn't expect only one egg! But no matter,he is very cute all the same ;) He hasn't evolved yet because I needed to pause him a lot this afternoon.

Koko got another training bar, so he now has 2.

I forgot to pause Donut overnight last night, so he left Dunkn and I wasn't able to see it. When he woke up I heard him beeping, though, and so I was able to get up in time. After an hour he evolved into Kinakomotchi, making me smile...I remember back in elementary school we used to call Kinakomotchi a "virtual steak"...ah good times, good times. :unsure:

Angel's 5 now, and I just noticed that when she evolved, the Deeds meter went down to 25%! Drat!

Ah well :ph34r:

I really hope I get a few more days with Kodoten, she's sooo cute, especially when she eats! *hugs Kodoten*

And Devin just evolved, into Mousetchi, like J.J. was. I hope I don't get *too* many of the same characters, variety is the spice of life you know!

Well, I'm off to play with my two Mimitchi-to-be's. If I don't update tomorrow, it's because we have visitors.

~Fida, Koko, Alex, Devin, Kodoten, and Dunkn

I thought I updated this yesterday...? Ah well, guess I didn't.

Koko evolved into Hinatchi yesterday. He's still only 1 year old but his training has gone up to six bars.

Dunkn's training is now 3 bars. Early this morning, he ALSO evolved into Hinatchi! I used to call Hinatchi an "ugly bird" when I was younger and Tamagotchi were more of the "in" thing but now I think they're really cute! Especially when they get happy :D

I'm pausing Angel a lot right now so I get more time with her. No news right now on her.

On a side note, Alex will be mating tomorrow, so woohoo I get to keep him unpaused today. ^_^

As part of a TamaTalk group hatch, I hatched my other V2 today! I'm using gray for it (man I am running out of colors). I didn't see the gender before I named it, however, so I was just sitting there going "I need a name that works for both genders". I was kind of in a hurry so I just named it 'Kya'. Well, Kya turned out to be a girl. I'm treating her pretty badly right now, as I'm going for ANY unhealthy character. I figured out something while I did this: if you don't clean up their poop for 5-10 minutes, they get sick. So when she gets sick, that is when I clean it up.

I feel sorry for her, being treated so badly, but I'm tired of always getting the 'healthy' characters!

'Tis all for now.

~Fida, Koko, Alex, Devin, Dunkn, Kodoten, & Kya

EDIT: Kya changed into a Marutchi. *grins*

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