Exercise. That's what I suggest.Do not completely cut sweets because It makes you unhappy and nervous.
You're right about that.
The healthiest snack is not only fruit and vegetables, but also a little bar (50 g) of 70% cocoa chocolate.
I would advise you also not only to eat healthy but also a wide variety of food.
The secret of getting the weight you want is to eat many things to ensure good health. It's sooo much more important with good health than a slender waist.

and believe me, I weigh 160 lbs and i am 180 cm tall. I started this healthy life plan a year ago and i have lost twenty pounds

and as i continue as loose more faster and faster.
I swim, take long walks, yoga and I work voluntarily. The secret is eating everything but most of the healthy stuff.
i take it you have seen the nutrient pyramid? Try to get everything on it through a whole week.
For me, breakfast consist of a fried egg (fried in a so-called diet pan - nada fat or oil needed), one slice of wholegrain bread, a 125 g cup of blueberry yoghurt (it contains a little sugar but blueberries are very good for your entrails), one cup of chinese green tea i bought in an Asian shop and a little can of lemon pepper tuna in brine (lots of proteins and hardly any fat).
Eat some bread or else your stomach will get loose and you'll sit on the toilet all day
Lunch is normally iceberg salad with corn, kidney beans, peppers, cucumber, tomatoes, a little cheese, and breast meat from chicken or some ham. Having ham and cheese in a a salad provides you with some fat (you need some fat or else you might be malnourished).
For dressing i use French thoudand island. Fat free and incredibly good actually.
Dinners have many choices. frozen chicken you fry in the oven you can "paint" with some honey, herbal salt and garlic. Boil a lot of different vegetables and for gravy some soy sauce.
Dead Mametchi's every day wok: one bag of chinese wok vegetables, or this mixture: Pea pods, water chestnuts, peppers, baby corn, poppy seeds, cauliflower, cabbage and boiled noodles. Stirfry the meat (chicken, beef, pork beef, scnitzel meat or minced chicken meat) and put it aside, then stirfry the vegetables for seven minutes. mix the meat and noodles in and let it whir for the last minute. A bottle of thai chili sauce you just drip over the courseis better than a glass of it being poured into the wok (much sugar).
For supper a vegetable soup or a sandwich with ham and lettuce.
Drink a lot of water, but not only water. juice, milk and green tea is good for you.
Stay away from artificial sweetener as it tends to make your appetite bigger. I have been taking chef education and know why Splenda, Natreen and that stuff is risky. The sweet taste of it triggers the brain to release more insulin but when there's no sugar for the insulin to decompose, the appetite for sugar and fat increases and you could risk eating a big block of milk chocolate
Remember to eat meat. If you cut out meat the level of vitamin B12 in your blood will decrease, and that can actually result in a heavy depression

. Been there. I know a couple who are vegetarians and they take a lot of expensive vitamin subsidies to avoid that.
Remember physical activity. 45 minutes of swimming, walking in
your pace. Remember to keep the pace you can manage, or else you can be tired of it and don't want to do it next day. Keep a diary over your workouts to see how the results are developing.
But before doing all this be sure to ask your parents first. No one can do all this alone without some cheering up at times.
Good luck!