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-Sorry about making another girl BT-Dubs I just have been playing guys in all of my other RPs and I felt like I really needed a girl. And plus my girls would work better for this type of RP.

Having no idea that any sort of shift in their worlds had occured leaving strange creatures on Earth Leila simply went about her regular life. All though, even if she had know that that had occured late last night or early this morning she probably wouldn't have believed it anyway. She had awoken in a slightly tempermental state. The sound of the beeping alarm clock on her nightstand startled her, after a moment of grumbling and fumbling for the snooze button she remember what day it was today. Monday, the weekend had passed quickly and she was in for yet another week of school and early mornings. Leila groaned and rolled her self out of the warmth of her bed. She walked down the hall in a sleepy haze, once in the bathroom she began her morning ritual of washing her face in the hopes of waking her up a bit. She then headed back into her bedroom to brush and re-sraighten her hair from it's now messy state. She planned on eating breakfast later on if she had time before she had to head off to school.

Rose sunk deeper into the wall that she was leaning on. She sighed heavily, he was taking forever! She decided to push herself off the wall and go her own way. She got deep into thought. I was 17 when I died, right? Her smile twisted into a sour expression and back. I can't even remember anymore.

Over time, she had realized she would have to go to a school. She made her way closer to what seemed to be a small shopping sector. She slipped into a small convenience store, a wicked smile still planted on her lips. She searched the ailses for a newspaper, magazine - anything -that could tell her where the school was in this horrible little town.

After washing off his face, Leo finally left the bathroom, and decided the first thing he would do was go to school. He really had no choice, since it would be difficult for him to get a job, even if it was manual labor based. He highly doubted any construction company would hire a random teenager on the side of the road, besides, he would probably get caught by some police officer for walking around town during school hours. Leo ended up leaving the park, and deciding to try to find out where the school buses headed. As long as he knew which direction they went, there was a high chance he could use the clues to find the school and register there.

As ever, Maya was leaning against the wall, waiting for the school bus to show up. Alright, so it didn't technically stop here, but Maya was a fast runner. Sighing, Maya glanced around, playing with a strand of her hair. "Wow, this bus sure is taking a long time. Or maybe I'm just super early... yeah, it's probably that. Orrrr have I missed it? Oh no, I hope I haven't-" she cut off as she spotted someone. A boy was just... standing there? Maya had never seen him before... maybe he was lost. Making a snap descion, Maya walked over to him. "Hey! You alright?"

Rose finally found a good local newspaper. She picked it up and started flipping through it. No luck. She then had another, more simple plan. She walked towards the man who was the cashier. He smelled like smoke and french fries. She really wanted to plug her nose, but now was not the time. "Excuse me sir." She said somewhat-sweetly. "But do you by any chance have a map of the town?" The man grumbled and handed her a map. "Shouldn't you be in school, kid?" His breath smelled worse, like onions and bologna. "Yes, that's why I need a map, you see I just-" "Whatever, Ii don't care."

Rose went outside and unfolded the map. She said the name of the school out loud to herself and her smile brightened. She started following the map. The school was not too far away but far enough that it would take more than half an hour to get there. She needed transportation. She looked everywhere she passed through until she saw an opportunity! She sprinted to the school bus stop. There were other people there too, whom she didn't bother talking to.

(Longish post time! Runner, what's the name of the school?)

Leo was snapped out of his decision making thoughts and he jumped about a foot in the air in surprise. He looked around left and right for awhile, looking for who could have just said that, and saw Maya. No way- a human was actually talking to him? Trying to think of what to say back, Leo finally managed to think of something. "..Yes." He looked down at the ground, and then waited for the girl to run off, probably scared away by the awkward silence and his gigantic height. Of course, you got used to scaring away people after a while, but it wasn't really so much fun even by the five thousandth time to watch someone frantically dash off from him.

(Err.. The school name can be.. Woodline High School. xP Suck at naming these things.)

(It's not too late to join, is it? o:)

Name: Ciaran Parker

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Ciaran is very reserved, and will only talk to people very grudgingly. The conversations of humans tend to bore him greatly, but for now he has to plaster a smile on his face and bear it, because he wasn't to escape Earth as soon as he can. He doesn't exactly hate humans, or he would never have helped them in the first place, but he finds them very dull. He isn't the type to walk up to someone and start a conversation, so if someone wants his company, they'll have to make the first move. He does try to help if he can, but only for really important things, if he knows he would make a difference.

Looks: Ciaran has dark brown hair, quite long for a boy. It's a wonder he can see at all, because his hair flops down over his face, obscuring his eyes with a few strands almost reaching his nose. It hangs rather limply, not really messy, but with no particular style. His eyes, when you can actually see them, are a simple light brown colour, never giving any sort of clue to what is going on in his mind. He stands at 5'7, and he's quite lanky, with no muscles or bulk at all. He tends to wear white t-shirts and lighter jeans, trying to keep the same shades as he wore when he was still an angel.

Race: Angel

Other: He was kicked right down to Earth when he because infatuated with a human girl. He refused to carry out any of his duties, simply admiring her from afar, until his obsession caused the death of a young girl that he was supposed to help.

Maya didn't appear fazed by the awkward silence, her only indication of any awkwardness being a small shuffle of her feet and a glance down. She was a little intimidated by him - well, who wouldn't be? - but hey, he couldn't help looking like that! Maya put the smile back on her face and tried again. Seemed like this guy wasn't one to carry a conversation. "Oh, okay... well, I've lived here my whole life, and I pretty much know everywhere, so if you're lost... I guess I'm a pretty good person to ask. Although you'd better make it quick, because I'm kinda waiting for the bus to get to school and if I miss it, then I'm gonna be in a hell of a lot of trouble..." Maya cut off, realising she was rambling, and bit her lip. "Sorry."

Crud. He was such an idiot! This girl may be his one and only chance to find the school, and there she was, offering a chance to him! There was no way he couldn't take the opportunity, so he quickly answered, "Ah.. N-no, it's okay. Where's the school around here?" Leo looked down at his own feet again, praying the girl wouldn't run off. He noticed her feet shuffling a bit, which must have meant she was intimidated by him. Dang it. Sometimes, he wished he had never been born to a pair of gigantic parents who were both 6'0 or around there. Then again, there was nothing he could go about his genetics. Unfortunately.

Pleased that the guy was finally responding to her, Maya's smile widened. "The school? Well, I actually have no idea of its address - I just stand here and wait to get the bus each day. The bus doesn't actually stop here, or at least it's not meant to, but I think the bus driver takes pity on me..." She sighed, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "Are you new or something? Because you can probably just get the bus along with the rest of us." Realising she'd forgotten something, she gave an embarassed laugh, holding out her hand. "Oh god, I always forget this! I'm Maya, Maya Kokorev. Yeah, the surname is weird, but that's because my family is Russian and... yeah." She cut off once again, realising she was rambling. "Sorry, again."

Rose stared at the gritty sidewalk. She quickly glanced at the two who were having the conversation. She looked at the guy skeptically. Wasn't that the guy who she was following? Looks like he ended up in the same place. She heard him say that he needed to know where the school was. She would give him the map, but she figured that he hadn't helped her, why should she help him? She listened further into the conversation. So the pitiful humans wouldn't mind her riding on the bus. That was good. She didn't need more trouble while she was here.

Leila managed to cram in a small bowl of cereal while reviewing over her notes for that afternoon's math test. In her mind it was way to early in the semester to already be having tests, but appearantly in the teacher's mind it was too far along not to have one. They had only been in classes for a few weeks now, and sure that normally came with the usual Fall's quizes to "reawaken their minds again." Leila was not looking forward to the day ahead of her, it was cloudy and fairly chilly out. She tugged on a sweater over her tanktop and headed out the door. She lived close enough to the school that she couldn't take the bus in the morning meaning she had to walk.

She trudged her way to school along the damp streets her shoes getting wet from the dew in the grass and the left over puddles on the road. When she got to the school she headed straight for her locker. She hung her sweater and bag up inside it and gathered her books for her first two classes. This was the point in most peoples' day where they would find a friend to chat with until they had to head off to class. Not really having many friends Leila tended not to do this. Instead She wandered into the bathroom and twittled with her hair and stared at her reflection solemnly. She sighed lightly and headed back down to the main floor to wander around.

Leo listened to the girl, surprised she was so friendly and talkative to a guy like him. This was good news. "Don't apologize. My name is.." Leo cut short. He was about to introduce himself as "Leo Tedder", but realized that'd be a bad idea since if this Maya girl ever found out that was the name of a 17 year old guy who was Leo before he died and became a dark angel, it would be rather disastrous. "Leo." He decided not to bother with the last name, since he didn't have time to think of one without seeming odd. Changing the topic, Leo asked, "Is it coming soon?"

"Leo, huh? That's a pretty cool name." Maya said, nodding. "And uh, hopefully it should be coming soon- well, hello." The bus had just come around the corner, and Maya went through her usual routine of frantically waving at the bus driver until he rolled his eyes and slowed down, allowing Maya to hop on. She paused for a moment, looking back at Leo and grinning. "Uh, you get on this and it takes you to school, remember? Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there like a loner? Actually, that's what I do most days, waiting for this bus, but yeah..." She sighed, jerking her head to indicate Leo should come over and get on the freaking bus.

"Ah.. Sorry." Leo quickly clambered onto the bus, following after Maya. The bus was already becoming quite full, with normal humans living normal lives. None of them, including Maya, had any idea that an unusual guy who didn't belong back on Earth like Leo had come onto the bus. He felt a bit nervous being surrounded by so many humans, but he didn't say anything and instead, asked Maya, "Where do I sit?" As if he was some messed up robot who had to follow commands.

Rose was still eavesdropping when the bus came. She had heard the name Leo once before. The description of the Leo she had aquainted matched the one of the boy before her. Sadly, before she said something to him, she heard an engine and there was the bus.

When she was on the bus, she sat as close to the front as possible. She wanted to be the first off this human transport system. Rose then planned out in her head what she would say to the principal so she would get in to the wretched school and what to do from there.

Ciaran was standing a short way away from the bus stop, preferring not to mix with the humans. He groaned, wishing he could just hit his head off the wall or something. This situation was so useless. How could he have been so stupid as to lose his status? He'd let the teenager die, and yet...that girl was so amazing. He hadn't stopped thinking about her, not even after he was sent down. He didn't even know her name...all he knew was that she was a long, long way away, and there was no point in spending another moment pining about her.

He was brought back to his senses when the bus came, and he looked down at the floor as he boarded, making straight for the back of the bus. He collapsed onto the corner seat, opting to stare out of the window instead of join in with any of the boring conversations the human were all holding. Well, he might as well decide how he was going to gt out of this mess...

Leila wandered the halls aimlessly. She had missed timed her walk and due to the dampness outdoors had walked faster than she planned. Now she had plenty of spare time before class. She strode in circles, not going any place in perticular just looping around the school's halls trying to seem as if she was actually heading somewhere. She still had plenty of time to kill before she would even need to think about getting her books and heading to class.

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