every v3 code


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uh this way is the fastest i cant think of any way else

if your tama turned to an adult at 3 years old:

when your tama is 6 years old set the time to 6:59 and just wait a minute and an old guy will come and give you a date then when it says love? say yes if you a baby

if your tama turned to an adult at 4 years old:

when your tama is 7 years old set the time to 6:59 and just wait a minute and an old guy will come and give you a date then when it says love? say yes if you a baby :kusatchi: :nazotchi: :D :pochitchi: :gozarutchi: ;) :( :mimitchi: :mametchi: :huh: :huh:

hey thanx but i haev a problem.. i got the codes on the internet and they wont work on my tama{passwords}


7 shop codes










stuffed animal-CACABABC











COOKIE-OCT 14 2:59







https://i57.photobuket.com/albums/g224/SunG...slike-chart.gif]My Webpage[/url] :furawatchi:


credits to all who posted these codes (not me) :hitodetchi: :D -_-
KOOL! I was looking for that hat. :kuribotchi:

Mametchi / Mimitchi more
One of the easier tamas to get, also a favorite amongst many care takers. To start off first you must get Tamatchi / Tongaritchi. Depending on when you hatch it, you will have Tamatchi / Tongaritchi from about age 3 to 7. This stage will last for a bout 72 hours, and during this time you should check on him about 2 to 4 times each hour. In this time period he will drop one heart. Important: Fill up the empty heart right after it has dropped, never let your tama drop below one empty heart as you chances of getting Mametchi/Mimitchi will be greatly reduced.

It’s a good idea to keep the sound on , as it will beep at you for attention. When it has dropped one heart it will need to be disciplined. Don’t play with him or give him meals, first discipline your tama before taking care of it. So discipline him every times he calls for it. After the final time you discipline it in this stage it will get sick soon after, this tells you that he will change in the next 30 hours. Now you need to take perfect care of your tama to get Mametchi/Mimitchi. If you fail to do so you may end up with Ginjirotchi/Pochitchi.

Ginjirotchi / Pochitchi

Considered by many one of the hardest characters. First take good care Marutchi/Tonmarutchi and get the character with legs, Tamatchi/Tongaritchi. Do the same as you did to get Mametchi/Mimitchi but let the hearts drop two times to 2 empty on both hunger and happiness. Now take perfect care of your tama and discipline it 75%, so on the last time it wants to be disciplined ignore him. The attention icon will now be unlit in about 5 minutes. When that happens check that your Tamagotchi doesn’t need anything. If you succeed you will now have Ginjirotchi/Pochitchi.

Masukutchi / Zukitchi

This is an easy Tama to get, you could say that it is an average Tame so you must taka average care of it. You must start with first getting Tamatchi / Tongaritchi. If you did right he should already be at 50% discipline, and that is right where you should be so there no need to discipline it anymore so ignore his 2 calls for discipline in this stage. Now let the hearts drop with two on both hunger and happiness. You can let it beep at you for attention as long as take car of the Tama when it does. If follow these steps you should quite easily get Masukutchi / Zukitchi. The cool thing about this Tama is that it can turn into the secret character!

Kutchipatchi / Hashizotchi

You could say that this is the best of the unhealthy Tamas you can get. Start with disciplining Marutchi / Tonmarutchi to about 50% but not under. You must treat you tama really bad to get this character, so when he changes you will get the beaked character Kuchitamatchi / Hashitamatchi instead of the Tamagotchi with legs. At this stage he will still remain 50% disciplined. From now it will take about 48.52 hours until he changes into his final adult stag. But in the meantime you must take perfect care of the tama, and discipline him well.


This Tamagotchi character can be pretty hard to get. The method will be similar to what you would do to get Ginjirotchi / Pochitchi. What you first need to do to get Nyorotchi / Takotchi is to get the beaked character. Discipline it about 50-70%, and let the hearts only drop a couple of times to two empty. It is possible though to get unhealthy characters without getting the beaked tama first, but this is probably the easiest way.


This is the unhealthiest Tamagotchi you can get. Start with getting the beaked character. In fact to get Tarakotchi / Kusatchi , all you have to is to give it medicine when it gets sick. No need to discipline or taking care of the tama if you’re going for Tarakotchi / Kusatchi. A bit sad, but remember kids that a Tamagotchis is still just a toy and not a real pet, as one would never fail to take proper care of a real pet of course. Otherwise, always let the tama beep at you for attention before you give it care. You can let the tama sleep with poop next to its bed, as this in fact might be a key element to getting this character.

Secret Characters - Gaijintchi or Bill / Zachi

To get the secret Tamagotchi characters you must first get Masukutchi on Gen1/P1 Tamagotchi, or Zukitchi on Gen2/P1 Tamagotchi.Now take perfect care like you would do to get Mametchi or Mimitchi. Never let the hearts drop below one empty. Try to always discipline your tama when it calls for it. Make sure it doesn’t sleep with poop next to its bed , so try to take as good care of the tama as possible. It will ask for discipline until it is 100%, and then he will get sick. The sickness is the key to getting the secret tama characters. You can expect it to change before he goes to bed or when he wakes up the next day. It could change as early as age 9 or as late as age 12, depending on when you hatched him. If Masukutchi / Zukitchi hasn’t changed by age 12, you most likely will not get one of secret Tamagotchi characters. :D
I like the codes!

But the quoted ones are for the old old P1/P2 tama's so it won't work here :D

In V3 you can get Bill, not Zatchi, and it's a normal adult character.

And also by the time your V3 hits age 12, I guarantee it'll be an oldie, Tarakotchi and Kusatchi are average, meaning you took average care, not horrible.

by the way where you put those movie posters there are two more but I still odnt know what the last one is how do you get grandparents!!

by the way where you put those movie posters there are two more but I still odnt know what the last one is how do you get grandparents!!
you get the movie posters from https://www.tamatown.com/ then tpye in your username and then go to the theatre and watch the movies(all 3) then when the movie is done you get a password and put that password in your tama

oh and you get the grandparents in generation 3 or somethimes it takes longer look at parents and press the laft button and youll see you last last tama :kusatchi: :) :nyatchi: :D :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :angry: :p :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi:

hi can you please tell me how to get the perent into their home :lol:
u mean how 2 visit them ?

1. u have 2 b on gen. 2 at least 2 even have parents, then u find em in friendslist -> family -> parent, click b until u get pw (b prepared 2 write down, cause it vanishs quickly), then log in tamatown with correct username and visit

how doo u get the suitcase
you get the suit case from tamatown and then tpye in your username then go to the mall go in tama forever and click on one of the shoes and play the game!!!!!!!!!! :D at the end youll get a password and put thayt password in your tama :furawatchi: :) B) :p :eek:

u don't put letters in!! :p wat they mean when they say a is the button on the far left! :huh:

when they say b they meen the middle 1! :huh:

and when they say c they mean the one on the far right! -_-

( :huh: :huh: :hitodetchi: :gozarutchi: :ichigotchi: :huh: :chohimetchi: :kusatchi: :nazotchi: :huh: :wub:
where do you go to put the codes in? like do u go to game then put em in.. or does that only wrk for V2s?

u put in numbercodes in pw, 4 the letter codes go 2 the shop, press a 3x until the shop-owner lifts his hands, than enter the code

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