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how do you work the passwords at tamatown.com because i type them in and it says error

the number pass words :( DO NOT THEY NOT WORK BE CAS WHO KNOWS WHAT USER NAME HE/SHE HAD FORE ALL I KNOW YOUR USER NAME COLD BE POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the number pass words :( DO NOT WORK THEY DO NOT WORK BE CAS WHO KNOWS WHAT USER NAME HE/SHE HAD FORE ALL I KNOW YOUR USER NAME COLD BE POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :D :p :ichigotchi:

how do you work the passwords at tamatown.com because i type them in and it says error
u have 2 log in with ur correct username (not tamas name)

OMG please help me i was looking for like the items 2 get a golden tamagotchi and then when i finally got it i put in the password and it kept on saying error i did it with some other simple stuff like a pencil in the toy store in the mall and it even said error and i tripled sure that i had it right and i did have it right please help me!!! :(

How do you get the cape? And for the king how mcuh oints do you have to dotate? :huh: <_<

what happends if I don't wanna wait for my tamagotchi to be 6 years old to have a baby can there be a fast way then to wait t'ill it mis 6 years old????????and how do i get parents and grandparents?????????????? :rolleyes: :unsure: :huh: :huh: :( :rolleyes: <_< <_< :wacko: :mellow: :kusatchi:

:nazotchi: ok welll the trick for the matchmaker doesnt work
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