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I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't find him attractive...I always just thought he was, well kind of ugly. His hair is so....round. Lol. It's sort of hideous o_O They have a whole section about him at Toys R Us. Once I saw this thing there that had four diaries with a picture of him on the cover all in one set! It was really stupid . I just don't get crushes on actors. But erm...I admit it..I do get crushes on cartoon characters! xD

lolz I dont like highschool musical and he is UGLY! LOL. Orlando Bloom and Jonny Depp are hot though. :( :lol:

I think he's hott...very!I luff his hair. It's adorable. <33

In my opinion, you guys are being a little rude about your own opinions.

Calm down, so the people who actually like Zac Efron don't feel bad about it.

You guys are free to tell your opinion, but this made me feel actually quite bad.

And just because he lip-synced in one movie does'nt mean that he can't be a great singer still, you know.
We're not all being rude you know. Some people here make an effort to say they don't find him attractive in a non-offending manner.

It's a free country with rights to express our opinion. Some people just can't handle a personally objective opinion.

People have different tastes you know.

Hehe! That's a good explanation of him xDDDBTW, Jesse Spencer is waaaaay better than Zac Efron ;)
I Second That. Jesse Spencer is Waaaaay better than Zac. ^-^

*Hugs Jesse Spencer Plushie, no, wait. I don't have a Jesse Spencer Plushie. Okay*Throws Darts at a Poster of Zac*

That Look Suits Zac Efron Rey Mysterio. Good Work. :wacko:

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