Eternal battles leave eternal scars


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Damien walked over quickly, looking at Jessica. "Stand still, this will make it feel better..." and he pushed some dark energy into Jessica. He wasn't going to use it to control her this time, instead, he used it to heal her head. "You might be a little tired now, but it should feel better." then the thought about Jessica's comment before she had tripped. "I don't care what people say. I'm not even planning to help the others. Once the war breaks out, the world will be in complete chaos. That's when I come in and help end the war. After that, the world will need a ruler, and that will be me."

A quick "Thanks." Was all Jessica muttered as she got to her feet. Then she scowled. "War, war, war. Is that all you talk about? It may not even happen." A pause. "And where the heck do I fit into this?"

"No, it's actually in the back of my mind. You started the conversation." Damien said, giving her a quick grin. "Where do you come in?" he paused, thinking. "I'm afraid I'll get quite lonely and go mad if I do this alone, so I need someone to help me, more specifically, a human."

"Find some vampire friends. I'm sure there are other evil guys out there." Jessica retorted, holding the back of her head. "And anyway, you seriously think this'll work? That people'll just let you rise up and take over?"

"With a little bit of persuasion and my powers, yes." Damien told her, before sighing. "And I told you, I need a human."

"No, not necessarily. I just want someone who can help me see things from a humans perspective, to help me understand human culture. Most importantly though, I want someone different from others, like you."

Jessica laughed harshly. "If that's the case, you're picking the wrong person. I'm not exactly well intergrated in society, and that's by choice."

Damien sighed, he knew he was fighting a losing battle. "Don't you want to stay? I mean, I know you hate me and everything, but I'm sure there's a part of you that wants to stay. Deep down you want to rule the world and have everything you want."

Jessica paused. On the one hand, she really wanted to get free and have done with it, but on the other... she could do some real good if she stayed. Like, she could stop Damien and co from the inside... "I-I don't know..."

"You can go if you want, but I do want you to stay." Was all Damien said.

Why can I see him forcing her to stay anyway? xD

Jessica thought, but eventually bailed. "Unlock the door. I'm going."

Because that's what he's going to do xD.

Damien sighed unhappily and unlocked the door.

Thought so xD

Jessica paused, not believing it had been so easy, before nodding and walking towards the door.

As she walked out of the front door, Jessica couldn't quite believe she'd done it. After a few moments she broke into a sprint. Now to find her way out of here...

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