omg wow omg lol rofl! saying l-o-l is so stupid! Saying LOL as one word is so much funner.I do though because my momma is fat like big mommas house 2
pie pie pie chunky beef pie come to the cookies shop NO! i want pie! No. I want COOKIES! No, PIE! Yes! booothh, please! But you cant only have one! What?? NOOO!!!!!!Yeah i agree saying L-O-L is really dumb
Redpee pee pee gross yellow pee come to the toilet bowl! NO! i want pee! No. I want pee! No, Poop! Yes! booothh, please! I am so bored sitting on this golden sparkly toilet!
yup.Shut up. We all know the truth, you are a gorgous person and i'm related to a Chimpanzee.
I think its cute! (NOT)SO STUPID!Plz no insert blabla. I no needs blabla.
hello everybody! lets have some rosy tea! yeah, yeah, yeah, WE LIKE ROSY PEE!!I think we are cutie's!
[SIZE=21pt] SPAMMER!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]HeLlO eVeRoNe! I lIkE To SpAm AnD aCt WeIrD! lOoK aT wHaT i TyPeD iN wHiTe!
----->Yeah I'm writing in white and you cannot stop meh!!<-----[SIZE=21pt] SPAMMER!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]