omg pie or cookies cookies or pie? oh...wait wow! Maybe i'll have the cupcake! EEEP! Vanilla! My Favorite! Wait..Chunky beef pie? Ohh Myyy Godd...AAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --madly and wildly rips into pie-- Yumm....aaaahhhh. --faints-->.<
bluey blanky inn the bopcook pies with cookies cook pies AAARRRR me harties i am yummy
99999555588899999Yo momma so fat she like Queen Latifah in an inflatable suit, yo!
Cheese is yellowYAY You! You just joined my "Toilet Kissers Club"! Members: 2! A new record!!
lol. your an EW, an eternal wannabe of this retarded club. lol*cries* I WANNA BE IN THE CLUB! LOOKIE HERE! *kisses toilet* I AM SO AWESOME! LOOKIE! I MADE A POEM ABOUT IT!
Toilets are red
Flushers are blue
Dirty toilet water is sweet
And so is the seat
Um we don't allow chain letters???If you don't paste this message into 3 posts, ETERNAL WANNABE OF THE RETARDED CLUB WILL GET U 2NIGHT! lollollol
It is weird to say that in the internet, you 2 don't even know each other in real life (do you?)Wow. That's weird...
Really? I saw Abraham Lincoln eating a bluebery pie the other day. I said "Like, you do, like, know that, like, this is, like, national , like, no-pie day, right??" and he was like, "Ya! Like totally, girlfriend." And i was like ".........." and he was like "Well, I, like, have to get back to my, like, grave, you know? So, like, ttfn!!!"It is aweseome to say that in the middle of the road, you 17207 munchkins don't even know Ronald McDonald in real life (poo you?)
To the rat eating, mat sitting cat: Okay, I'm eating a cheese burger and I promise I will try to add pickles. I like pie, it will not sharpen again.... ;-)
You are messed up. lolReally? I saw my crush drinking a chocolate shake the other day. I went over to him and dumped the shake right in his face and he was like," We are so over" And i was like "Woo hoo! I dont care! I was cheating on you!" and he was like "Well good. I am going to tell everybody to hate you!" And then I farted in his face. Then he died.
AND THEN: I saw my cat eating my pencil, and I was all like, "Yo, man. Why ya'll eat'n my pencil, y'know?" and he was like "MEOW WOOF SQUEAK QUACK BANANAS!!!" and i was like, "Yea, I hear ya, man." and he was like "......................" and I was like "Yo mother so fat, when she went to the beach, Greenpeace thought she was a beached whale." and he was like, "..........................." and I was like, " What? Its true. It was on the news last night, brutha."My hair is messed up. lollies