Sakura Starfire
Active member
Sakura:Whoa! Do you even know that guy?!

RAYMAN is a game character!!!
*wackes tama 3445521508 to pluto*
Sakura:Whoa! Do you even know that guy?!
Im writting a story. Chapter 1:Sakura:Roar is a hollar!!!!!!!!
*M****** tama 3445521508 to until tama 3445521508 is all D*** *
Sakura:Fart! Fart! Fart! Fart!
Hello. Im writting a story.Sorry I am Komal Patel but wont admit it.
BYE! I'M TYPING A STORY!!!!Hello. Im writting a story.
Chapter 1: "OMG!!! YOU EXPECT ME TO TYPE THAT?! CHAPTER ONE IS A WHOLE PAGE LONG." *Sign* "What a waste of paper."
Okay... Chapter 2...
Chapter 2: "Something smells"... said shiroteletchi and walked over to teletchi. "Hi teletchi..." said shiroteletchi and teletchi let out a puff of farty poopy smoke and shiroteletchi had to go to the hospitol for eight years.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! You expect me to poop like that?! I POOP WAAAAAY SMELLIER THAN YOU
Chapter 2....
Chapter 2: ~Something smells!!
~ME: i know, i pooped
~i can't see how you're alive.
Hi, Im writting another story.peried peried peried
I like chicken!Hi, Im writting another story.
Chapter1: Too long. I'll count the words later.
Um... Should I continuie?
Everyone else in the world: CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!
Me: Okay... I guess you want me to continuie.
Everyone else in the world: SI!!!!!!!!!
Me: Mametchi was happily farting on Kuchipatchi. Kuchipatchi was bleeding on memetchi. Memetchi was begging for expensive tamagotchis. Memetchi got no expensive tamagotchis. Memetchi called the police. Mametchi went to jail for farting on Kuchipatchi. Kuchipatchi went to to jail for not giving memetchi expensive tamagotchis.
Me: Im writting another story!!!I hate Toasted Bread.
Lol what? Why are you writing on your arm?me:i'm writing on my arm because my other arm sucks soo I'm going to die of PEN poisoningeverybody eles in the world: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG dieeeeeee!
*laughs of tickleness* why are you dieing of tickleness?*laughs of tickleness* Why are you writing on your stomach?
Okay... New story:*Vomits on YOU!* "Why do you look so much like dracula?"
So, I know what happened to Purimatchi, Horoyotchi and Makiko.Okay... New story:Me: Chapter 1 is 10 pages long. I cant...OMG! my tamagotchi's dying! I beter pause it!
Everyone else in the world: NO, dont type it.
Me: Chapter2?
Everyone else in the world: NO!!!!
Me: Chapter 2: Just lettong you know heres the first chapter 2: Okay, here it is: Memetchi, mametchi and kuchipatchi who were best friends were having a walk. Suddenly an evil furby came and took them out of thier souls. Then the evil furby ate mametchi and kuchipatchi but memetchi was rescued by the tamagotchi evil grin people who only rescued her and not kuchipatchi and mametchi because mametchi is overrated and kuchipatchi and mametchi not girls. Memetchi then died later and had a nice time in heaven but mametchi and kuchipatchi werent in heaven. They were in crazy tamagotchi heaven whitch is the place where crazy mametchis and kuchipatchis go whenever they die.
Me: YOu proboly wanted to know the next chapter right?
Everyone else in the world: Fine.
Me: In heaven, they all got sucked to meme heaven. Makkiotchi was also there with Horoyotchi and Purimatchi. Makkiotchi and her gang named "Team Pergatory"screemed: "Your ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!" at mametchi and kuchipatchi. Then makkiotchi told the newspaper people her secret. Later on mametchi was talking to kuchipatchi in evil p word heaven while makkiotchi and memetchi were talking to each other about how ugly mametchis and kuchipatchis are. They talked anout how pooey the pink-poo's on kuchipatchi's face were... Then Memetchi talked about how mametchi was going to get married to either Horoyotchi and Purimatchi while Makiko will marry an ugly Kuchipatchi. They had a horrible time but soon there was a tornado and Team Pergatory got sucked into a dimensional whole, never to be seen again.
Justin Roth. .. <3Purimatchi:HeyHoroyotchi: what's up?
Makikoo you guys wanna go to a movie?
Purimatchi, Horoyotchi and Makiko:YAY movie!