Um, okay.... O_O I am officially scared.I love sissors!!!It's just so cool how you get to use them to cut the earth in half!!! MWA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!! D:<
wow..... O.OYEY!!!.^^ You are so great!!! I like you!!! we could be BFFs!!! We have SO much in common!!!!!
Ok, so what am i suppose to say?Iew... : (
I don't understand a word of that apart from oculus magica. Oculus magica means weary eye, what has that got to do with turning into a fried tomatoe?Ko, os tahw ma i esoppus ot yas?i onnud!
haey, avetahw!!!
OCULUS MAGICA *Turns into fried tomatoe*
This is cool . . .LAME!
Um... you may not know, but COOL means:This is lame . . .I only read all 284 pages!
Now animals! COOL!
You obviously reversed everything they said.What did you say?And what about orange lemons?
O_O Erm, okay...You obviously DIDN'T reverse everything they said.I AM A TOMATO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!