Easter Tamagotchi Egg Hatchings!


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I don't think ill be able to wait until Easter as this is my first time with my V.5...BUT, if you all would allow it, I'd like to add what happened to my newborns when you guys have the group hatch. Thanks alot :mellow:

Sorry guys,I could not wait to mate my V5,but I have a V3 im willing to reset.

That's too bad. :D I understand.

Kia7100, go ahead! You can tell us what your V5's up to!

Updated list:

Me (Squidward is Cool)


tama 3445521508



















I might be able to join in the fun. If there happens to be a good partner on the Dating Show beforehand I won't join. My tamas (v5) will be ready to breed some time today or tomorrow.

So if there arent any good partners, sure I will join. Just depends. :mametchi:

I am going to make a space family so I don't think I will join. Sorry. ^_^

Sorry Squiddy, I can't join in. Spring break started yesterday, and I'll be out for a while to go to a hotel, and I'll be bringing my laptop and my tamagotchis with, but all of it will be hard to handle.

Edt: I think I will be able to hatch tomorrow, but I'll have to reset my V4.5. I'll PM you if I can or can't join. If I can, I'll be hatching late due to Easter Sunday schedules.

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And, to add to my post, I will bring my laptop, and hopefully there will be connection to the internet.

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I acually CAN join, matter of fact. I got a v4.5 for Easter (my family's cool) and I hatched it a few minutes ago. So WHOO!!

Yay! Easter finally came! I used my Global Design v4.5:

Okay, here we go! *pulls tab and sets time and date* The egg is bouncin away, I wonder if it will be a boy or girl? It's hatching! Its a .. .. .BOY! Yay! His name is now Easta (short for Easter). Time to play some games. Oh Look, poor little Easta got sick, we'll fix that up for ya. There you go =). Okay stats are


Points: 1550


Funny: 16

Gorgeous: 10

Spiritual: 6

That was a Fun Hatching, I can't wait for the next one!

Tama 3445521508 :(

:wacko: :ph34r: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've never been in a group hatching before so I can't believe I'm one of the first to post what is going on with mine! I'm not sure what to write here.

1. Hatched a V4.5 girl "Gilda" about noon today. Immediately played "Climb" with her so that she'd know that I'm here for her. I like to see her tongue hang out when she's jumping up.


2. Gilda has turned into a Kuribotchi (that dark one) toddler. Now we've got "Tug-of-War" to play. Woohoo!

3. Have girl oldie who is 20 years old and a girl toddler who is the ducky looking toddler called "Kuchitamatchi" for Gilda to interact and make friends with. (Although, I don't expect the oldie to last much longer.) I already had Gilda visit with her toddler friend.

4. I'm keeping Gilda busy today. I mean, it **is** Easter.

5. Awwww, how sweet, she just got her first piece of mail... a present from the King (a pencil)... the excitement just keeps on coming.


6. I've scolded (time outs) Gilda twice for crying when she still had Hungry and Happy hearts still but no training bars. What's up with that???

That's all for now (that's enough, I know!!).

Yay! Easter finally came!  I used my Global Design v4.5:
Okay, here we go! *pulls tab and sets time and date* The egg is bouncin away, I wonder if it will be a boy or girl? It's hatching! Its a .. .. .BOY! Yay!  His name is now Easta (short for Easter).  Time to play some games.  Oh Look, poor little Easta got sick, we'll fix that up for ya.  There you go =).  Okay stats are


Points: 1550


Funny: 16

Gorgeous: 10

Spiritual: 6

That was a Fun Hatching, I can't wait for the next one!

Tama 3445521508 :furawatchi:
I cannot believe that you have that many active Tamagotchi's!! How in the world do you keep up with them? I assume that you don't carry any around with you... do you just pause them until you can get back to them?

Do you have a container to keep them in? I would go insane if I had that many beeping at me although my first Tama was the V4.5 so I don't know how much the earlier versions beeped and needed caring for.

Glad to see your stats for your new 'lil Easta.

Well, looks like I can join! I've hatched my V4.5, and I got a girl! I've named her Lola, who is now a Kuribotchi waiting to go to pre-school. Happy hatches!

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Here are Lola's stats!


Skill Points: 42/19/20

Weight: 19 lb

Age: 0

Points: 350 GPs


I'll post in Fuchsia, as it is my color that I just love!

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