hey dudes. kinda new here.
anyways, a week or 2 ago, I had to sneak into the bathroom with my cell phone to text message my mom to tell her I didn't feel good and...(yep you guessed it...) DROPPED BOTH OF MY TAMAS INTO THE WEE BOTTOM OF THE TOILET.
well, I sacrifice a lot for my tamas (don't get me started) so I reached my hand down in the pee-contaminated water and grabbed my babies out. i was crying, balling, whatever the flip you wanna call it and then stuck them in my locker and ran away. turns out, 2 days later, they had....dried up and were working great!
sadly, one was dead (grr!) and one was totally starving and umm, lemme just say...DEPRESSED. and, it was sick. worst of all, it had a baby too, so i had to stare at the like, 20 poops and just hope for the best. well, here i am, with one missing (**sobs**) and one that is scratched up with a battle scar on the screen from the horrible toilet day....call me a horrible tama parent, but i call myself a tama lover.
and that is a true tama war.
by kayla.
*******************FOREVER LIVE BLUE TAMA!! YOU ARE LOST, BUT WILL BE FOUND!*********************