Drowning Tamagotchi!!!


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Has your Tamagotchi ever fell in water or any liquid?

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Oh my gaah, one day when I was at school at lunch I had a bowl of soup. Then I accidently dropped it in the soup! So then I took it out right away, and all of the hearts in the health meter turned empty!

One fell in my coffee B) ,one drowned in windex :D and one fell in water,drowned in windex and fell in my bowl of cereal! :D :D :wub: The last one has milk in the screen ;) but they work perfectly! :mametchi: :mimitchi: but they had to dry out for 3 hours ^_^ depends on how wet it is :hitodetchi: :pochitchi:

LOL  ;)   :D   Hahahahhsa!Moohaha!How funny!How did you get it into the toilet?
HOW DID IT GET IN THOSE PLACES!!! :wub: :hitodetchi: :pochitchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :ph34r: and in the toilet 5 times!! hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! ^_^ ;) :D B) :D :D

Mine went in the washing machine.. It was a special kind that has <b> ALOT </b> of water in it. The tam was RUINED. I cried so much.. Psst... I threw the tam at my mom, and got quite a slap.

Mine went in the washing machine.. It was a special kind that has <b> ALOT </b> of water in it. The tam was RUINED. I cried so much.. Psst... I threw the tam at my mom, and got quite a slap.

I trew mini i to my freins pool and let it sit there for 2 hours and

didet brek :D :lol: :lol: ;) :angry: :angry: :angry: OMG.....

:unsure: its ok. i had a generation 1 tama when i was 5 or sumthin. it fell in my kiddy pool for like 10 seconds. it went out and i put i on my windowsill. by the end of the day, it was still working! i think it just needed to fry out. what a miracle! :eek:
oh!How cool, so sorta like a legend?! :lol:

nope, no sirry. I have NEVER dropped my tamagotchi in any kind of liquid, because that would be like your parents dropping you into a pool or something like that, so I take care of mine...gentelly! :eek: :unsure:

lol i had two tama's in my pocket and forgooot about em` and i washed my jeans! i killed both tama's at once and didn't realize it.... then i put my pants into the dryer... fried those babies up :furawatchi:

Yeah, the instruction booklet says: DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER on the front cover of the booklet.

Mine fell in water and survived, then it fell in sugar and wouldn't work again! Lol...



Yeah, over the years, I've heard quite a few stories of tamagotchis falling in water. Usually, in the toilet! :mametchi: Some times in the bathtub or a lake.

Did you know there is a Tamagotchi submarine?

It's a very rare item but pretty cool concept none the less.

Well, I'm glad your tama didn't die. Usually when they are dropped in water, that's it.

It's instantly fried. :rolleyes:
wait hold on ur saying that there's a tamagothc submering tama that call go in the wather and looks like a subering!??? :chohimetchi: :mimitchi: :lol: :lol: :lol: :ichigotchi: :pochitchi: :) :rolleyes:this was for mothra.

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Mine went in washing machine for all cycles>_<!!!!!


my brothers got in the washing machine and after it dried out it worked again

Well, I've never dropped it in water, but once I left it out side and there was a thunderstorm :( . When I found it the next morning it was not moving. I put it over the vent and turned on the heat and 2 days from then it was working fine.

P.S. You have to open your tama as if you were going to debug it.

lol i had two tama's in my pocket and forgooot about em` and i washed my jeans! i killed both tama's at once and didn't realize it.... then i put my pants into the dryer... fried those babies up  :angry:
once my friend she accidentally washed her tamagotchi in the washer. when she got it out, it died, the screen in the backround was shrivveld up and part of the screen broke, but it still works :huh: still, going through all of that is amazing how it survived :huh: :angry:

i never dropped my tama in water, and hope not to

*feels sorry for all the people who have dropped there tama in water*

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how do you put in a code for letters that you get into by the shop. like i know that your supposed to go to the store front and press a 3x till he turns weird but idk what to do next.

o well when i was in vacation my tamagotchi fell in the pool. it was spazzing out for like 1 day and i left it in the sun and it was fixed!

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